November 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Nov 1 07:44:39 EDT 2008
Ending: Sun Nov 30 21:08:27 EST 2008
Messages: 698
- [CMake] text mode file-level dependency viewer?
Gordon Anderson
- [CMake] intercepting CMakeLists.txt read
Jack Andrews
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Jack Andrews
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Martin Apel
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Martin Apel
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Martin Apel
- [CMake] generating vdproj and vddproj deployment projects in visual studio
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] PATCH: Bundle Generator need not require CPACK_BUNDLE_STARTUP_COMMAND
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES problem...
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES problem...
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES problem...
- [CMake] CTest question...
- [CMake] CTest question...
- [CMake] CTest question...
- [CMake] Visual Studio debbuging working directory
Sam Baker
- [CMake] Increasing the size of STDOUT saved for test output in the dashboard?
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Return values from CMake functions?
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Return values from CMake functions?
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Preserving library order in target_link_libraries(...) command
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] Using WIN32 resource files (with MinGW)
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] Patch for UseSWIG and question about module
Judicaël Bedouet
- [CMake] Variable naming when writing FindXXX.cmake files
Judicaël Bedouet
- [CMake] Variable naming when writing FindXXX.cmake files
Judicaël Bedouet
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Judicaël Bedouet
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Colin D Bennett
Armin Berres
Armin Berres
Armin Berres
- [CMake] view execute_process command
James Bigler
- [CMake] Visual Studio debbuging working directory
James Bigler
- [CMake] Link in object files generated by another tool
James Bigler
- [CMake] Docstring from cache variable
James Bigler
- [CMake] Finding Boost 1.37 with Cmake 2.6.2 on windows
Gerrick Bivins
- [CMake] Linking my lib to a static lib
Daniel Blankensteiner
- [CMake] Linking my lib to a static lib
Daniel Blankensteiner
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Blezek, Daniel J.
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Blezek, Daniel J.
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Blezek, Daniel J.
- [CMake] cdash, gcov and cxxtest
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and git
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and git
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] set CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME when running "make package_source"
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] set CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME when running "make package_source"
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] CMake won't clean generated files for Xcode
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] How to properly write a Module/<Package>Config.cmake file
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] Output directory
Ioan Calin Borcoman
- [CMake] Plural includes, pre-2.6.1 alternative to HINTS, persistence, C99
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Plural includes, pre-2.6.1 alternative to HINTS, persistence, C99
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Plural includes, pre-2.6.1 alternative to HINTS, persistence, C99
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Feature request: force static libs in find_library()
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Jed Brown
- [CMake] uninstall target & libraries
Jed Brown
- [CMake] BUG in SET in 2.6.2 (and probably 2.6.*)
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] IMPORTANT!! SET CACHE FORCE not wortking with UNINITIALIZED variables
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] IMPORTANT!! SET CACHE FORCE not wortking with UNINITIALIZED variables
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] IMPORTANT!! SET CACHE FORCE not wortking with UNINITIALIZED variables
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Cpack for genrate deb package: No rule to make target preinstall
Giuseppe Calà
- [CMake] Mercurial support for ctest
Emmanuel Christophe
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
David Cole
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
David Cole
- [CMake] [CPACK][NSIS] Installing files in My Documents folder
David Cole
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
David Cole
- [CMake] cdash, gcov and cxxtest
David Cole
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
David Cole
- [CMake] CMake uses wrong value of ProgramFiles variable on Windows platforms
David Cole
David Cole
- [CMake] Ctest + Post command
David Cole
- [CMake] Ctest + Post command
David Cole
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
David Cole
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
David Cole
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
David Cole
- [CMake] Increasing the size of STDOUT saved for test output in the dashboard?
David Cole
- [CMake] Unix Makefiles/XCode not linking properly on Mac
David Cole
- [CMake] INSTALL(FILES ... ) and $(OutDir)
David Cole
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
David Cole
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
David Cole
- [CMake] Setting environment before running a test
David Cole
- [CMake] Controlling the locations of files produced by Visual Studio
David Cole
- [CMake] Does Cmake has plan to support Borland C++ builder 6?
David Cole
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
David Cole
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Martin Costabel
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Number Cruncher
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Number Cruncher
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Number Cruncher
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Number Cruncher
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Number Cruncher
- [CMake] Portable preprocessor defines?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Robert Dailey
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Robert Dailey
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Output directory
Robert Dailey
Robert Dailey
Robert Dailey
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Robert Dailey
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Unit testing in CMake
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Default parameters in macros
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] source_group(): Which project is it added to?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] How to find GetPrerequisites.cmake ?
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] [CPACK][NSIS] Installing files in My Documents folder
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] [CPACK][NSIS] Installing files in My Documents folder
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] copy targets into bundles
Stephan Diederich
- [CMake] copy targets into bundles
Stephan Diederich
- [CMake] Adding ext. libs only to one target and not transitively to others
Klaus Drechsler
- [CMake] FindBoost (once again...)
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] FindBoost (once again...)
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] package_source target?
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] package_source target?
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] //adding and changing compiler flags - best way
"Sören Freudiger"
- [CMake] RE
"Sören Freudiger"
- [CMake] //adding and changing compiler flags - state of the art?
Sören Freudiger
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Mathias Fröhlich
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Mathias Fröhlich
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Mathias Fröhlich
- [CMake] Knowing the name of the linker.
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Knowing the name of the linker.
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Omitted dependencies.
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Avoid nested cmake invocation taking parent's info.
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Avoid nested cmake invocation taking parent's info.
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] How to associate a command with a auto-generated target?
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] How to associate a command with a auto-generated target?
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] How to associate a command with a auto-generated target?
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Avoid nested cmake invocation taking parent's info.
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Óscar Fuentes
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
David Graf
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
David Graf
- [CMake] how to set 2 additional compile flags on target (VS2005)
Bram de Greve
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
- [CMake] problems with tiff library dependencies
Csaba Halász
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Csaba Halász
- [CMake] Boost Trunk is getting CMake support
Esben Mose Hansen
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Paul Harris
- [CMake] boost component names
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] a couple of ideas for cmake
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] [New Module] FindDevIL.cmake
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] Variable naming when writing FindXXX.cmake files
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] [New Module] FindDevIL.cmake
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES problem...
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES problem...
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] Bug? additional_clean_files not respected if no target present in directory
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] Adding install dependency to test-target?
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] Adding install dependency to test-target?
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] Link in object files generated by another tool
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] Bug? additional_clean_files not respected if no target present in directory
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] Default parameters in macros
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] dependency of dependency
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] assembly files with masm in vs2005 64bit
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Writing platform check
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] a couple of ideas for cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] package_source target?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Precompiled headers
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] IMPORTANT!! SET CACHE FORCE not wortking with UNINITIALIZED variables
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Addressing an external MS project as target
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Addressing an external MS project as target
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [PATCH] support for CTEST_INITIAL_CACHE in new-style ctest script
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [PATCH] support for CTEST_INITIAL_CACHE in new-style ctest script
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES problem...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] if(MATCHES) broken??
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] missing OLDNAMES.lib when building for WinCE
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] reading a variable causes a segfault
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Portable preprocessor defines?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Making ALL_BUILD be Visual Studio's "startup project"
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CTest Subversion support and update handler
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Can't run units test defined in subdirectories
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] mystery VS warning LNK4204
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Establishing TDD workflow
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Error in linking
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] file-glob question
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Having per-source file different includes
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Getting rid of unwanted quotes that CMake inserts into commands
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Boost Trunk is getting CMake support
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Boost Trunk is getting CMake support
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] boost component names
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Unix Makefiles/XCode not linking properly on Mac
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Updated TextMate CMake Bundle Available
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMake Variables for MSVC
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] [Fwd: CMake and qmake.conf?]
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Documentation for find_file and find_path
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMakeEditor Eclipse Plugin Update
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] uninstall target & libraries
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Default parameters in macros
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Testing for a Target
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Testing for a Target
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Building files with custom target
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Can't run units test defined in subdirectories
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Establishing TDD workflow
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMakeEd Eclipse Plugin has another Release Candidate Ready.
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMakeEd Eclipse Plugin has another Release Candidate Ready.
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] More control over CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH
Bart Janssens
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
- [CMake] [Cdash] Not receiving e-mail for failed test?
Julien Jomier
- [CMake] CMake install and CPack
- [CMake] CPack preinstall
- [CMake] CPack preinstall
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and git
Brad King
- [CMake] GetLibraryNamesInternal called on imported target
Brad King
- [CMake] Preserving library order in target_link_libraries(...) command
Brad King
- [CMake] Writing platform check
Rajika Kumarasiri
- [CMake] Making ALL_BUILD be Visual Studio's "startup project"
David.Karr at L-3COM.COM
David.Karr at L-3COM.COM
David.Karr at L-3COM.COM
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
David.Karr at L-3COM.COM
- [CMake] Controlling the locations of files produced by Visual Studio
David.Karr at L-3COM.COM
- [CMake] question on cpack and building debian packages
Michael Lasmanis
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Eric (Brad) Lemings
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Eric (Brad) Lemings
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Eric (Brad) Lemings
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Eric (Brad) Lemings
- [CMake] CMake uses wrong value of ProgramFiles variable on Windows platforms
Eric (Brad) Lemings
- [CMake] [Fwd: CMake and qmake.conf?]
Eric (Brad) Lemings
- [CMake] Where is ccmake?
Levine, Zachary
- [CMake] installing cmake --- aCC not found
Levine, Zachary
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Erik de Castro Lopo
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Erik de Castro Lopo
- [CMake] FindSDL.cmake on windows
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Getting if custom target is set
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Changes to how CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH / CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH function in 2.6.x
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Changes to how CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH / CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH function in 2.6.x
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Philip Lowman
Philip Lowman
Philip Lowman
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Making ALL_BUILD be Visual Studio's "startup project"
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Unicode in Visual Studio projects
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] FindBoost (once again...)
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] C# support
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Python coverage submission to CDash via UsePythonTest.cmake
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] FILE(TO_NATIVE_PATH ) problem ?
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Where is ccmake?
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Create library and executable with libraries but no source files
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] INSTALL(FILES ... ) and $(OutDir)
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] INSTALL(FILES ... ) and $(OutDir)
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] INSTALL(FILES ... ) and $(OutDir): DEPENDENCIE ?
Mathieu Malaterre
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] dependency of dependency
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] dependency of dependency
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
James Mansion
- [CMake] Precompiled headers
Yves Martelli
- [CMake] Precompiled headers
Yves Martelli
- [CMake] Return values from CMake functions?
Ken Martin
- [CMake] Return values from CMake functions?
Ken Martin
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Unix Makefiles/XCode not linking properly on Mac
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Unix Makefiles/XCode not linking properly on Mac
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Unix Makefiles/XCode not linking properly on Mac
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] find boost
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
- [CMake] Avoid nested cmake invocation taking parent's info.
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
- [CMake] How to disable cmake_clean_target.cmake script from executing.
- [CMake] file-glob question
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
- [CMake] IMPORTANT!! SET CACHE FORCE not wortking with UNINITIALIZED variables
- [CMake] set CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME when running "make package_source"
- [CMake] CTest question...
- [CMake] [Cdash] Not receiving e-mail for failed test?
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
- [CMake] Unit testing in CMake
- [CMake] if(MATCHES) broken??
George Neill
- [CMake] Can't add empty directories when using CPack
Daniel Nelson
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] first time user questions
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Plural includes, pre-2.6.1 alternative to HINTS, persistence, C99
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Cpack for genrate deb package: No rule to make target preinstall
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] FILE(TO_NATIVE_PATH ) problem ?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] assembly files with masm in vs2005 64bit
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] assembly files with masm in vs2005 64bit
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] a couple of ideas for cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Knowing the name of the linker.
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Avoid nested cmake invocation taking parent's info.
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to associate a command with a auto-generated target?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to disable cmake_clean_target.cmake script from executing.
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to associate a command with a auto-generated target?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [PATCH] support for CTEST_INITIAL_CACHE in new-style ctest script
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [PATCH] support for CTEST_INITIAL_CACHE in new-style ctest script
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Variable naming when writing FindXXX.cmake files
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [New Module] FindDevIL.cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [New Module] FindDevIL.cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Variable naming when writing FindXXX.cmake files
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] intalling cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Create library and executable with libraries but no source files
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [PATCH] support for CTEST_INITIAL_CACHE in new-style ctest script
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Changes to how CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH / CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH function in 2.6.x
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Version checking in FindFoo.cmake modules
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to specify library dependencies?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Default parameters in macros
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] dependency of dependency
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Having per-source file different includes
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Invoking "make" with CMake scripts?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Testing for a Target
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Docstring from cache variable
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Establishing TDD workflow
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Linking my lib to a static lib
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Linking my lib to a static lib
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Writing platform check
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Cannot recompile CMake CVS from scratch?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Cannot recompile CMake CVS from scratch?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT and CMake
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] my FindDevIL.cmake module
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] package_source target?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Precompiled headers
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Pure template libraries
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Pure template libraries
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CTest question...
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Adding install dependency to test-target?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Running configure/make from CMakeLists.txt
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [Cdash] Not receiving e-mail for failed test?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Passing parameters via command prompt
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Testing for a Target
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to make FILE() append to the list of files?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CMakeEd Eclipse Plugin has another Release Candidate Ready.
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Addressing an external MS project as target
Floca Ralf Omar
- [CMake] Addressing an external MS project as target
Floca Ralf Omar
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] boost component names
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Variable naming when writing FindXXX.cmake files
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Create library and executable with libraries but no source files
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Problem on FindBoost.cmake under Windows with Visualstudio 2008
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Finding Boost 1.37 with Cmake 2.6.2 on windows
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost (once again...)
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost (once again...)
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] How to properly write a Module/<Package>Config.cmake file
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] How to properly write a Module/<Package>Config.cmake file
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] first time user questions
James Peng
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.2 can't find QtCore
Serhii Piddubchak
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.2 can't find QtCore
Serhii Piddubchak
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.2 can't find QtCore
Serhii Piddubchak
- [CMake] Updated WinCE CMakefiles
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] Understanding try_compile
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] missing OLDNAMES.lib when building for WinCE
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] missing OLDNAMES.lib when building for WinCE
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] Boost Trunk is getting CMake support
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] GetLibraryNamesInternal called on imported target
Boudewijn Rempt
- [CMake] FILE(REMOVE ...)
Micha Renner
- [CMake] uninstall target & libraries
Micha Renner
- [CMake] Visual Studio debbuging working directory
Christophe Riccio
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] cleaning targets
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Making ALL_BUILD be Visual Studio's "startup project"
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] To specify dependency to other library
Per Rosengren
- [CMake] add_custom_command depending on add_custom_target
Giampiero Salvi
- [CMake] Scope of custom targets and commands
Giampiero Salvi
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] CPack DEB Packaging: Automate dependency resolution
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] pkgconfig and cross compiling
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] seperate source/build directories (Was: cleaning targets)
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Recursive dependencies and static libraries
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] link_libraries vs target_link_libraries
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] installing cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] intalling cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] intalling cmake
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Hendrik Sattler
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Adding ext. libs only to one target and not transitively to others
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] UNC-path issue in lists used in set and get_filename_component
Markus Schwarzenberg
- [CMake] Patch for CTest bug
Ian Scott
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] Bundle Generator conflicts with MACOSX_BUNDLE
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] PATCH: Bundle Generator need not require CPACK_BUNDLE_STARTUP_COMMAND
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] CMake install and CPack
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] Does CMake/CPack not support creating a source-only tarball
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] cmake and wxwidgets on windows
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Running configure/make from CMakeLists.txt
Sean Soria
- [CMake] Convenience lib vs static library
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] Default parameters in macros
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in sub-directories doesn't work?
Sean Soria
- [CMake] Pure template libraries
Cristóvão Sousa
- [CMake] Pure template libraries
Cristóvão Sousa
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] What does `cross-platform' mean?
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Win64 and InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Boost Trunk is getting CMake support
Daniel Stonier
- [CMake] CMake won't clean generated files for Xcode
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run Cocoa test application in CTest
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run units test defined in subdirectories
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't configure Perl on Windows
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run units test defined in subdirectories
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Can't run units test defined in subdirectories
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] reading a variable causes a segfault
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] How to properly write a Module/<Package>Config.cmake file
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] uninstall target & libraries
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] uninstall target & libraries
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] uninstall target & libraries
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] Building files with custom target
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] Building files with custom target
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] reading a variable causes a segfault
Pablo Yánez Trujillo
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Emre Turkay
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Emre Turkay
- [CMake] Problem with cmake & qt - out of source build - relative paths
Emre Turkay
- [CMake] Establishing TDD workflow
Slava Tutushkin
- [CMake] cmake ./configure hangs after "Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc "
Joseph VanAndel
- [CMake] Version checking in FindFoo.cmake modules
Matt Williams
- [CMake] Version checking in FindFoo.cmake modules
Matt Williams
- [CMake] Version checking in FindFoo.cmake modules
Matt Williams
- [CMake] per-object, per-target COMPILE_FLAGS?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] 'unset' not in --help-commands-list (also, attn: neundorf)
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] if(MATCHES) broken??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] if(MATCHES) broken??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] if(MATCHES) broken??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] what is wrong with this snippet? (bug?)
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] automatic install of targets
Jan Wurster
- [CMake] automatic install of targets
Jan Wurster
- [CMake] Adding install dependency to test-target?
Jan Wurster
- [CMake] Problem on FindBoost.cmake under Windows with Visualstudio 2008
Yang, Y.
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
- [CMake] Complaint about if..endif
- [CMake] Getting if custom target is set
Alexander.Camek at
- [CMake] Getting if custom target is set
Alexander.Camek at
- [CMake] Ctest + Post command
Alexander.Camek at
- [CMake] Ctest + Post command
Alexander.Camek at
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.2 can't find QtCore
clinton at
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.2 can't find QtCore
clinton at
- [CMake] making Nightly builds easier to setup
clinton at
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
ami guru
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
ami guru
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
ami guru
- [CMake] CMake -fPIC
ami guru
- [CMake] CMake generated build number?
J.S.Wijnhout at
- [CMake] installing cmake
shoosh moosh
- [CMake] intalling cmake
shoosh moosh
- [CMake] installing cmake
shoosh moosh
- [CMake] Create library and executable with libraries but no source files
s.bedouet at
- [CMake] Create library and executable with libraries but no source files
s.bedouet at
- [CMake] Problem with file (GLOB_RECURSE ...)
s.bedouet at
- [CMake] Does Cmake has plan to support Borland C++ builder 6?
- [CMake] How to disable cmake_clean_target.cmake script from executing.
- [CMake] How to disable cmake_clean_target.cmake script from executing.
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 21:08:27 EST 2008
Archived on: Sun Nov 30 21:09:39 EST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).