[CMake] Installing FindCGAL.cmake

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Fri Nov 14 10:44:30 EST 2008

Am Friday 14 November 2008 15:34:10 schrieb Fernando Cacciola:
> > stuff, there, that you cannot do in CGALConfig.cmake?
> One particular stuff that can't possibly be done in CGALConfig.cmake:
> locating it (CGALConfig.cmake).
> find_package() would automagically locate and load FindCGAL if it finds
> it in the modules search path, but it would only load CGALConfig.cmake
> if it is in the directory indicated by CGAL_DIR.
> That is, cmake doesn't *search* for CGALConfig.cmake, it merely looks
> for it at CGAL_DIR

That's not what the descriptions says and most of the additional arguments for 
find_package() don't make sense if this is true.

> > BTW: naming it CGAL-config.cmake would make more sense in your case.
> Why? I understood both names where exactly the same.

to separate the name because it's all uppercase.


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