[CMake] List of 'Reserved Words'

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Nov 19 18:07:01 EST 2008

Michael Jackson wrote:
> I can do the initial writing if you want. I have everything in place to 
> add another generator to the code.

My script already works (to the extent the doc is correct) :-). Its only 
limitation is that it outputs just the lists, and only knows how to do 
something useful with said lists for updating cmake.xml.

> I was going this direction because the generator could be built/run from 
> a larger build phase of KDE (which I thought was supposed to compile on 
> windows also) which is why I was trying to stay as platform agnostic as 
> possible.

Ah. IMO that's overkill (and actually I don't think generating syntax 
highlighters at build time is a good idea). I only care about being able 
to update the existing highlighter easily.

>    I guess my end goal would be for the actual CMake build to optionally 
> generate these components and maybe host them for downloads on the CMake 
> web site. This would give the impression that these are "official" 
> language syntax files produced by CMake. I know the TextMate is pretty 
> much plug-and-play. The Eclipse XML code may be the same way although I 
> would need to look into that.

Makes sense, but kate already ships one, and I'd rather see that one 
maintained than a second, separate one. This may not be an issue for 
other editors, of course.

> On Nov 19, 2008, at 12:24 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Should I post the whole script?
> Sure. You can post the script on the CMake Wiki or post it here and I'll 
> get it up on the Wiki really soon.

My eventual goal is to check it into KDE's svn. (Actually, as there is 
nothing currently "wrong" with it that I know of, maybe I should just do 
that already :-).) Of course, this will be the version that is tailored 
for updating cmake.xml.

> Unless you have Kate running on OS X...

KDE is supposed to work on OS-X, if that's what you're asking?

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