March 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 01:26:27 EDT 2007
Ending: Sat Mar 31 13:03:35 EDT 2007
Messages: 411
- [CMake] Visual Studio 2005 x64 generator
Stephane Rouleau (Consultant)
- [CMake] Adding Windows CE platform
Stephane Rouleau (Consultant)
- [CMake] CMake lexer for scintilla
Cristian Adam
- [CMake] FindModules vs EXEC_PROGRAM
Stephen Adler
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
Sylvain Benner
- [CMake] PCHSupport.cmake
Rajiv Bhagwat
- [CMake] Compile .c as c++ - VS2005
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] CVS cmake fails on paraview 3
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] CVS cmake fails on paraview 3
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] CVS cmake fails on paraview 3
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] Setting up Visual Studio project structure
Michael Bieber
- [CMake] Setting up Visual Studio project structure
Michael Bieber
- [CMake] Setting up Visual Studio project structure
Michael Bieber
Michael Bieber
- [CMake] CMake and Ctest and CppUnit
BigWave at
- [CMake] CMake and Ctest and CppUnit
BigWave at
- [CMake] CMake and Ctest and CppUnit
BigWave at
- [CMake] SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES for extra include directories
James Bigler
- [CMake] Is HAVE_LOCALE_H patch correct?
Kent Boortz
- [CMake] Problem building 2.4.6 on AIX using xlr_c 6
Kent Boortz
- [CMake] IA64 HP-UX build failure
Kent Boortz
- [CMake] Re: IA64 HP-UX build failure
Kent Boortz
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Stefan Buschmann
- [CMake] How to detect 32/64 architecture
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to detect 32/64 architecture
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] getting values from subdirs
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] getting values from subdirs
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] Does CMake generate UNICODE prj files for VS2005?
Luca Cappa
- [CMake] problem with Xerces-C++ 2.7
Tristan Carel
- [CMake] Placing debug and release version of the same library in
single installer?
Tristan Carel
- [CMake] help with FindBoost.cmake
Tristan Carel
- [CMake] Weird behaviour on set includes
Helio Chissini de Castro
- [CMake] Creating some kind of release target
- [CMake] cpack problem: only a few files are included in tgz
Pierre Chifflier
- [CMake] cpack problem: only a few files are included in tgz
Pierre Chifflier
- [CMake] cpack problem: only a few files are included in tgz
Pierre Chifflier
- [CMake] cpack problem: only a few files are included in tgz
Pierre Chifflier
Thomas Christian Chust
- [CMake] Cmake make clean
Mike Commeau
Raphael Cotty
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Min Cu
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Min Cu
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Min Cu
- [CMake] CMAKE_BUILD_DIR variable
Min Cu
- [CMake] CMAKE_BUILD_DIR variable
Min Cu
- [CMake] Add a .obj file to a library
Anton Deguet
- [CMake] Add a .obj file to a library
Anton Deguet
- [CMake] No tests were found!!!
Ebner, Fritz (PAHV)
- [CMake] Qt4 translation files and windres and devcpp
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] Problem using cmake with mingw
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CPack / NSIS startmenu link
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] adding and removing build configuration types
- [CMake] Re: CMake Digest, Vol 35, Issue 6
- [CMake] adding and removing build configuration types
- [CMake] Request for better documentation of TRY_COMPILE
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] FAQ update for renaming a library
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] FAQ update for renaming a library
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] getting the .dll import library LOCATION
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] How does binary link with static library?
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] CMake lexer for scintilla
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] in- and out-of-source tree builds
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] Windows/Visual Studio compilation options
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES for extra include directories
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] How can I know what compiler is?
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
Brandon J. Van Every
- [CMake] LaTeX with cmake
Matthias Fechner
- [CMake] LaTeX with cmake
Matthias Fechner
- [CMake] Cross Compile
Matthias Fechner
- [CMake] Cross Compile
Matthias Fechner
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Pascal Fleury
- [CMake] [resolved] Debug build compiles and links, but Release build fails to link?
Pascal Fleury
Pascal Fleury
Pascal Fleury
Pascal Fleury
Pascal Fleury
- [CMake] CMake and Ctest and CppUnit
Pascal Fleury
- [CMake] CMake and Ctest and CppUnit
Pascal Fleury
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- Fwd: [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- Fwd: [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
PA Galmes
- [CMake] Sharing object files among multiple executables
Braddock Gaskill
- [CMake] Re: Sharing object files among multiple executables
Braddock Gaskill
Patrick Gelin
Patrick Gelin
Patrick Gelin
- [CMake] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Jean-Sébastien Guay
- [CMake] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Jean-Sébastien Guay
- [CMake] [resolved] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Jean-Sébastien Guay
- [CMake] Windows/Visual Studio compilation options
Jean-Sébastien Guay
- [CMake] [resolved] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Jean-Sébastien Guay
- [CMake] cmake ignore files
Teodor Calin Hanchevici
- [CMake] Adding Windows CE platform
Olivier Hochreutiner
- [CMake] Adding Windows CE platform
Olivier Hochreutiner
- [CMake] Help with custom targets
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Help with custom targets
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Kitware stuff installation for Xcode on Mac Os X
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] LaTeX with cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Ada and CMake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] problem with Xerces-C++ 2.7
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to set sensible Universal Binary options in OS X
by default
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] in- and out-of-source tree builds
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cmake exception
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and memory leak testing?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cmake exception
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Problem with VC++ 2005 Express
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Compile .c as c++ - VS2005
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CVS cmake fails on paraview 3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CVS cmake fails on paraview 3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CVS cmake fails on paraview 3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] FreeBSD compile thinks its __APPLE_ in #ifdefs
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Problem using cmake with mingw
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Problem using cmake with mingw
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake test suite - 51% failure rate?! (x86/Solaris 10)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: CMake test suite - 51% failure rate?! (x86/Solaris 10)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Re: CMake Dashboard
Gerhard den Hollander
- [CMake] CMake with Eclipse (cdt) - error parsing
Iain Hull
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS which use dlls not in the executable direct ory
Iain Hull
- [CMake] CMake with Eclipse (cdt) - error parsing
Iain Hull
- [CMake] Mac OS X app Bundles & Opening Files
Geoffrey Hutchison
- [CMake] Mac OS X app Bundles & Opening Files
Geoffrey Hutchison
Salvatore Iovene
Salvatore Iovene
- [CMake] Creating some kind of release target
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Request for better documentation of TRY_COMPILE
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] FAQ update for renaming a library
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Ada and CMake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Help with custom targets
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] How to forbid in-source build cleanly
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Ada and CMake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Re: IA64 HP-UX build failure
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Re: IA64 HP-UX build failure
Alan W. Irwin
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Ada and CMake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Debug build compiles and links,
but Release build fails to link?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] cmake exception
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Problem with VC++ 2005 Express
Alan W. Irwin
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMAKE_BUILD_DIR variable
Alan W. Irwin
Alexander Ivash
- [CMake] cmake exception
Alexander Ivash
- [CMake] Re: CMake Digest, Vol 35, Issue 29
Alexander Ivash
- [CMake] cmake exception
Alexander Ivash
- [CMake] cmake exception
Alexander Ivash
- [CMake] cmake exception
Alexander Ivash
- [CMake] FAQ update for renaming a library
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] CMake with Eclipse (cdt) - error parsing
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Mac OS X app Bundles & Opening Files
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Placing debug and release version of the same library in
single installer?
- [CMake] Proposal for full CMake cross compiler support
Trevor Kellaway
- [CMake] crosscompiling problems on XP
Trevor Kellaway
- [CMake] crosscompiling problems on XP
Trevor Kellaway
Trevor Kellaway
- [CMake] Implementing Lint checking, find object file location?
Trevor Kellaway
- [CMake] crosscompiling problems on XP
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] crosscompiling problems on XP
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] CMAKE cache after CMakeList.txt is modified
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] cmake skips assembly files
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC_RUN and its equivalent
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] cmake skips assembly files
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES() does not respect SUFFIX/PREFIX
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES() does not respect SUFFIX/PREFIX
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] cmake skips assembly files
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] Set prefix/suffix globally?
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] cmake skips assembly files
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] Set prefix/suffix globally?
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES() does not respect SUFFIX/PREFIX
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] PROJECT() and its role
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
Kishore, Jonnalagadda (IE10)
- [CMake] Creating some kind of release target
Thomas Klausner
- [CMake] autoconf AC_REPLACE_FUNCS replacement for CMake
Thomas Klausner
- [CMake] Creating some kind of release target
Thomas Klausner
- [CMake] cmake rules
Michal Kolasinski
- [CMake] regarding adding first-class RPM and DPKG support to CPack
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] regarding adding first-class RPM and DPKG support toCPack
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] compiling for static/shared simultaneously?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] trying to modify preprocessor statements on same source
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] compiling for static/shared simultaneously?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] trying to modify preprocessor statements on same source
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] FreeBSD compile thinks its __APPLE_ in #ifdefs
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] problems with the bugtracking system
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] problems with the bugtracking system
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] slow CMake performance configuring builds on remote SMB
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] problem with Xerces-C++ 2.7
Pierre Malarme
- [CMake] Debug build compiles and links, but Release build fails
to link?
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] getting values from subdirs
Ken Martin
- [CMake] getting values from subdirs
Ken Martin
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND with duplicated filenames in different
Ricardo Martins
- [CMake] UseLATEX.cmake adding dependencies to document?
Martin Matusiak
- [CMake] CMake dashboards, Mac OS X Universal Binaries,
and running tests in Rosetta
Sean McBride
- [CMake] Help with custom targets
Ulrik Mikaelsson
- [CMake] Help with custom targets
Ulrik Mikaelsson
- [CMake] Help with custom targets
Ulrik Mikaelsson
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] FAQ update for renaming a library
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] cmake "stack trace" on FATAL_/SEND_ERROR
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] A few newbie "how to" questions
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to nuke a directory (for 'make clean')?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Sharing object files among multiple executables
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Qt4 translation files and windres and devcpp
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Creating some kind of release target
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to forbid in-source build cleanly
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to forbid in-source build cleanly
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] cpack problem: only a few files are included in tgz
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] cpack problem: only a few files are included in tgz
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] compiling for static/shared simultaneously?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] cmake ignore files
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] cmake ignore files
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Force rebuild
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] UseLATEX.cmake adding dependencies to document?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] UseLATEX.cmake adding dependencies to document?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Jong-young Park
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Jong-young Park
- [CMake] Can I make both(STATIC & SHARED) type libraries?
Jong-young Park
- [CMake] How does binary link with static library?
Jong-young Park
- [CMake] How can I know what compiler is?
Jong-young Park
- [CMake] Kitware stuff installation for Xcode on Mac Os X
Francesco Pasqualini
- [CMake] create ITK/VTK project under Xcode: a Cmake problem?
Francesco Pasqualini
- [CMake] A few newbie "how to" questions
Simon Perreault
- [CMake] Re: Sharing object files among multiple executables
Simon Perreault
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
Anton Pervukhin
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
Anton Pervukhin
- [CMake] Re: How to nuke a directory (for 'make clean')?
Philippe Poilbarbe
- [CMake] in- and out-of-source tree builds
Orion Poplawski
- [CMake] Compile .c as c++ - VS2005
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] Compile .c as c++ - VS2005
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
Manfred Rebentisch
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
Manfred Rebentisch
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
(Linux) [SOLVED]
Manfred Rebentisch
Manfred Rebentisch
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Yann Renard
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Yann Renard
- [CMake] Creating some kind of release target
Timo Rumland
- [CMake] Qt4 translation files and windres and devcpp
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Qt4 translation files and windres and devcpp
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Problem using cmake with mingw
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Setting up Visual Studio project structure
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Setting up Visual Studio project structure
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] FindGTK2
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] How to detect 32/64 architecture
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] How to detect 32/64 architecture
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] adding and removing build configuration types
Ilya Shvetsov
- [CMake] Re: CMake Digest, Vol 35, Issue 6
Ilya Shvetsov
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Vitor Vasconcelos Araujo Silva
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Vitor Vasconcelos Araujo Silva
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Vitor Vasconcelos Araujo Silva
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Vitor Vasconcelos Araujo Silva
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] FindModules vs EXEC_PROGRAM
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] problem with Xerces-C++ 2.7
Peter Soetens
- [CMake] Reading from stdin during exec_program
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Weird behaviour on set includes
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Plugins (Modules) on Windows
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Problems with Qt MOC and conditional compilation.
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Problems with Qt MOC and conditional compilation.
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] CMake and profiling...
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] in- and out-of-source tree builds
Filipe Sousa
Filipe Sousa
Filipe Sousa
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] How to "exclude" dependencies
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] CMake qmake debian and winxp
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Compile .c as c++ - VS2005
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Compile .c as c++ - VS2005
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] EXECUTE_PROCESS - I can't copy files on Windows
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Set prefix/suffix globally?
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Set prefix/suffix globally?
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
Filipe Sousa
Filipe Sousa
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] help with FindBoost.cmake
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Problems with Qt MOC and conditional compilation.
Tim Sutton
- [CMake] Problems with Qt MOC and conditional compilation.
Tim Sutton
- [CMake] FreeBSD compile thinks its __APPLE_ in #ifdefs
Tim Sutton
- [CMake] FreeBSD compile thinks its __APPLE_ in #ifdefs
Tim Sutton
- [CMake] derivative language module
Selman ULUG
- [CMake] Re: derivative language module
Selman ULUG
- [CMake] Re: derivative language module
Selman ULUG
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS which use dlls not in the executable directory
Darby J Van Uitert
- [CMake] LINK_LIBRARIES() does not respect SUFFIX/PREFIX
Peter Visser
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
E. Wing
- [CMake] How to set sensible Universal Binary options in OS X by
E. Wing
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
E. Wing
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
E. Wing
- [CMake] FreeBSD compile thinks its __APPLE_ in #ifdefs
E. Wing
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
E. Wing
- [CMake] Re: FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys
E. Wing
- [CMake] 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] can cmake itself support 'make check'?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] IA64 HP-UX build failure
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: IA64 HP-UX build failure
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: IA64 HP-UX build failure
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: IA64 HP-UX build failure
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Solaris (SPARC) build failure with WSC 6
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: Solaris (SPARC) build failure with WSC 6
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: A few newbie "how to" questions
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] How to nuke a directory (for 'make clean')?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: How to nuke a directory (for 'make clean')?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: How to nuke a directory (for 'make clean')?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] CMake and memory leak testing?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: CMake and memory leak testing?
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' fails on x86/Solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: ADD_DEPENDENCIES: "non-existent target"??
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] CMake test suite - 51% failure rate?! (x86/Solaris 10)
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Re: CMake test suite - 51% failure rate?! (x86/Solaris 10)
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Visual Studio 2005 x64 generator
Yuksel, Cigdem (GE Infra, Aviation)
- [CMake] Why the target is named to "liblib" instead to "lib"?
a.neundorf-work at
- [CMake] 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
apervukh at
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
apervukh at
- [CMake] Re: 'make test' doesn't build cppunit test executable
apervukh at
- [CMake] Plugins (Modules) on Windows
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Plugins (Modules) on Windows
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Setting Registry Keys with Cpack
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Linking Behavior of Static Libraries on Windows
bpwlist at
- [CMake] Reading from stdin during exec_program
develop at
- [CMake] Reading from stdin during exec_program
develop at
- [CMake] regarding adding first-class RPM and DPKG support toCPack
- [CMake] help with FindBoost.cmake
kdsfinger at
- [CMake] help with FindBoost.cmake
kdsfinger at
- [CMake] help with FindBoost.cmake
kdsfinger at
- [CMake] crosscompiling problems on XP
- [CMake] Problem with ADD_DEFINITIONS
- [CMake] Force rebuild
- [CMake] CMake qmake debian and winxp
listes.rusconi at
- [CMake] How to "exclude" dependencies
dieter oberkofler
- [CMake] Problem with VC++ 2005 Express
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 13:03:35 EDT 2007
Archived on: Sat Mar 31 13:04:35 EDT 2007
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