October 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Oct 1 00:56:11 EDT 2015
Ending: Sat Oct 31 14:46:06 EDT 2015
Messages: 246
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Andersson, Joakim
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Andersson, Joakim
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Andersson, Joakim
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Andersson, Joakim
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Andersson, Joakim
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Andersson, Joakim
- [cmake-developers] Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Johannes Asal
- [cmake-developers] Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Johannes Asal
- [cmake-developers] Antwort: Re: Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Johannes Asal
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Pascal Bach
- [cmake-developers] Patch: install universal iOS libraries
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015769]: OS X: Filesystem timestamp checks use only 1s resolution
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015769]: OS X: Filesystem timestamp checks use only 1s resolution
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Documentation file(GLOB): ordering note
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] Patch: install universal iOS libraries
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] Patch: install universal iOS libraries
Ruslan Baratov
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Rolf Eike Beer
- [cmake-developers] Using CMake to bootstrap clang builtins
Chris Bieneman
- [cmake-developers] CMake Find modules out of the CMake tree
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Ben Boeckel
- [cmake-developers] RFC: CMake precompiled header support and custom compiler based implementation
Taylor Braun-Jones
- [cmake-developers] RFC: CMake precompiled header support and custom compiler based implementation
Taylor Braun-Jones
- [cmake-developers] [PATCH] set Content-Type in ctest http file uploads
Derek Bruening
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
- [cmake-developers] [PATCH][CMAKE] C sources must use C Style comments
- [cmake-developers] Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
David Cole
- [cmake-developers] script mode current directory
J Decker
- [cmake-developers] Antwort: Re: Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
J Decker
- [cmake-developers] [Review request] TopicFind GTK2_sigc++_c++11
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cmake-developers] [Review request] TopicFind GTK2_sigc++_c++11
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cmake-developers] [Review request] TopicFind GTK2_sigc++_c++11
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cmake-developers] [Review Request] New module: IncludeUrl
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cmake-developers] [Review Request] New module: IncludeUrl
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cmake-developers] [Review Request] New module: IncludeUrl
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cmake-developers] cmake Xcode bug clobbering -ObjC/-ObjC++ flags
Davy Durham
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Updated FindMatlab.cmake for Matlab R2015b
Raffi Enficiaud
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 cpack xz compressed debian packages broken
Raffi Enficiaud
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Marsel Galimullin
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 ctest hangs with 100% CPU
Nils Gladitz
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 ctest hangs with 100% CPU
Nils Gladitz
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 cpack xz compressed debian packages broken
Nils Gladitz
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 cpack xz compressed debian packages broken
Nils Gladitz
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 ctest hangs with 100% CPU
Nils Gladitz
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Kevin H. Hobbs
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Kevin H. Hobbs
- [cmake-developers] Patch: install universal iOS libraries
Gregor Jasny
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Gregor Jasny
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Gregor Jasny
- [cmake-developers] cmake Xcode bug clobbering -ObjC/-ObjC++ flags
Gregor Jasny
- [cmake-developers] Patch: install universal iOS libraries
Gregor Jasny
- [cmake-developers] Patch: install universal iOS libraries
Gregor Jasny
- [cmake-developers] Fragile behaviour of msbuild when using Visual Studio solution/project generators
James Johnston
- [cmake-developers] RFC: CMake precompiled header support and custom compiler based implementation
James Johnston
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] Importing platform SDK libraries without a full path
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] Visual Studio 6/7 removal
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] genex-generator-objects topic
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] Generating buildsystem metadata from CMake
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] CMakeForceCompiler
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] use-correct-rcc-command-option topic
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] Adding LFS define to build command line?
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] use-correct-rcc-command-option topic
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] Adding LFS define to build command line?
Stephen Kelly
- [cmake-developers] script mode current directory
Tamás Kenéz
- [cmake-developers] script mode current directory
Tamás Kenéz
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Adding Windows 10 Universal app support
Gilles Khouzam
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Adding Windows 10 support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4 feature freeze on 2015-10-01
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] script mode current directory
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Adding Windows 10 support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Updated FindMatlab.cmake for Matlab R2015b
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Adding Windows 10 Universal app support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4 feature freeze on 2015-10-01
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Rename suffix of Mac OS Framework
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Add more options for NSIS installer artwork
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] script mode current directory
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Review request] TopicFind GTK2_sigc++_c++11
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Importing platform SDK libraries without a full path
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Review request] TopicFind GTK2_sigc++_c++11
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Moving from Module to Target-based linking
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Visual Studio 6/7 removal
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [PATCH] set Content-Type in ctest http file uploads
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Review Request] New module: IncludeUrl
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CXX_STANDARD and linking
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Review Request] New module: IncludeUrl
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [FindPostgreSQL] Search for version 9.5
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] re-install timestamp comparison (was: OS X: Filesystem timestamp checks use only 1s resolution)
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] GHS MULTI generator link with RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY patch
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] BUILD_TESTING when cross compiling
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ITK NIfTI broken Oct 6
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] genex-generator-objects topic
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Removed unnecessary flags in GHS MULTI Generation
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Filesystem timestamp checks
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMakeForceCompiler
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMakeForceCompiler
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMakeForceCompiler
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMakeForceCompiler
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Documentation file(GLOB): ordering note
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMAKE_Fortran_SIMULATE_VERSION
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Fragile behaviour of msbuild when using Visual Studio solution/project generators
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 ctest hangs with 100% CPU
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 cpack xz compressed debian packages broken
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] use-correct-rcc-command-option topic
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [PATCH][CMAKE] C sources must use C Style comments
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Antwort: Re: Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] use-correct-rcc-command-option topic
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] use-correct-rcc-command-option topic
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Adding LFS define to build command line?
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] use-correct-rcc-command-option topic
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] Specifying a VS installation path explicitly
Brad King
- [cmake-developers] [FindPostgreSQL] Search for version 9.5
Tamar Kranenburg
- [cmake-developers] [ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.4.0-rc1 is now ready!
Robert Maynard
- [cmake-developers] [ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.4.0-rc2 is now ready!
Robert Maynard
- [cmake-developers] Generating buildsystem metadata from CMake
Alexander Neundorf
- [cmake-developers] CMake Find modules out of the CMake tree
Tuukka Pasanen
- [cmake-developers] CMake Find modules out of the CMake tree
Tuukka Pasanen
- [cmake-developers] Moving from Module to Target-based linking
Ryan Pavlik
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Ryan Pavlik
- [cmake-developers] Moving from Module to Target-based linking
Ryan Pavlik
- [cmake-developers] RFC: CMake precompiled header support and custom compiler based implementation
Daniel Pfeifer
- [cmake-developers] [MODERN] CMake 3.3 vs Qt 5.5 vs MSVC2015
Konstantin Podsvirov
- [cmake-developers] [Development] [ANNOUNCE] DaD's House! (Beta)
Konstantin Podsvirov
- [cmake-developers] [Patch] Updated FindMatlab.cmake for Matlab R2015b
Francesco Romano
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Francesco Romano
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Francesco Romano
- [cmake-developers] Issue on CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT
Francesco Romano
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Ryan Schmidt
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Ryan Schmidt
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Michael Scott
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Michael Scott
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Michael Scott
- [cmake-developers] Add command line options for deprecation message control
Michael Scott
- [cmake-developers] [PATCH] add options to set the bitmap for NSIS installer left side
Colin Tracey
- [cmake-developers] Add more options for NSIS installer artwork
Colin Tracey
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015762]: bootstrap fails on OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015763]: Cannot find appropriate C compiler on this system
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015765]: FindOpenSSL.cmake does not honor OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015766]: Fails to infer CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER with CC='ccache gcc'
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015767]: FindBoost not appropriate for header-only modules
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015768]: install command does not install symbolic link for a versioned shared library
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015769]: Change of CMakeLists.txt doesn't trigger reconfigure
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015770]: newer version have an additional directory a tarsal generated under mac
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015771]: GHS-MULTI Generator Uses Macros in GPJs Uncompatible With Older Versions
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015772]: snprintf on msvc14 compiler
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015773]: Transitive config-specific compile features may be buggy
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015774]: CTest result submission over http fails to set Content-Type header which runs afoul of ModSecurity rules
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015775]: Ninja will unnecessarily relink on windows if a library exports no symbols
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015776]: 3.3.4 RC 1 Asserts when running on ITK 4.8.0
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015777]: The define constant _DEBUG should be defined implicitly when target build is Debug
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015778]: Support BOOST_LIBRARYDIR_DEBUG and BOOST_LIBRARYDIR_RELEASE
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015780]: Dependencies relative to /usr/include are ignored
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015781]: FindFlex should have a DEFINES_FILE option in analogue with FIndBison
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015782]: "--build" a generated test driver for Visual Studio 2015 fail because tests are not linked
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015783]: ALIASED_TARGET property is always set
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015784]: The WiX patch file parser ignores text nodes.
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015785]: Support "generator expressions" in "install(CODE)"
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015786]: FindMatlab / matlab_add_mex does not work with 64-bit Matlab Version - Version detected as 32-bit Matlab
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015787]: Please add note about <INCLUDES> change to 3.4 release notes
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015788]: Error during export target, which has additional defined include directories with target_include_directories
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015789]: Enable ANSI colors when CLICOLOR_FORCE is set to 1
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015790]: Updating GIT_SUBMODULES of already cloned repo will not init them
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015791]: Error configuring 3D Slicer with CMake 3.4.0-rc1
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015792]: Bad escaping of parentheses in POST_BUILD events if Ninja generator used
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015793]: nmake "U1095" too long command line error
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015794]: The Xcode generator consumes all arguments beginning with "-O" even when they're not optimization flags.
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015795]: pkg_check_modules produces incorrect results depending on contents of CMakeCache.txt
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015796]: ExternalProject_Add should support resuming of downloads
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015797]: PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD does not work with custom arm-none-eabi-g++
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015798]: add_test page ought to specify what constitutes a valid test
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015799]: Way to pass git options for cloning in ExternalProject_Add
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015801]: FindCUDA.cmake incorrectly includes cu file dependencies
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015802]: CMake crashes in creating build files for JsonCpp
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015803]: FindCUDA.cmake should propagate value of COMPILE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY{_CONFIG} to NVCC
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015804]: FindPkgConfig pkg_check_modules command should return full path to shared libraries in _LIBRARIES variable
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015805]: pkg_get_variable from FindPkgConfig should honour search path from CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015806]: The Xcode generator consumes all arguments beginning with "-g"
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015807]: Regex does not match last parenthesis if parenthesis is part of character set.
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015808]: POST_BUILD command for "Visual Studio 14 2015" generates superfluous "C:"
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015809]: MSVC_VERSION is wrong
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015810]: FindPkgConfig.cmake: error returned to the user may be wrong when checking for package existence
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015811]: Add support for resw files for Windows RT & Windows Phone platforms
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015812]: Generator expressions to support test properties
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015813]: add_custom_command(COMMENT) force a newline in ninja printout
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015814]: Feature request: Split compilation fase on preprocessor
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015815]: Intel MIC offload library creation (xiar option)
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015816]: When setting CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to macosx, CPack fails
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015817]: XCode generated profiles for xcode 7.1 gets warning: Turn on "Enable Testability" When Debugging
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015818]: The variable CMAKE_ASM_OUTPUT_EXTENSION is ignored when creating a compiled file
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015819]: CMake / Assembler header .ah file is not visibile
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015820]: lack of descrition of corresponding keys inside MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_INFO_PLIST and MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015821]: Durango.cmake module disables regeneration of project files
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015822]: Need method to autogenerate #undef macros created with generate_export_header
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] [CMake 0015823]: FIND_LIBRARY & TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES
Mantis Bug Tracker
- [cmake-developers] GHS MULTI generator link with RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY patch
Geoffrey Viola
- [cmake-developers] BUILD_TESTING when cross compiling
Geoffrey Viola
- [cmake-developers] Removed unnecessary flags in GHS MULTI Generation
Geoffrey Viola
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Daniel Wirtz
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Daniel Wirtz
- [cmake-developers] Moving from Module to Target-based linking
Daniel Wirtz
- [cmake-developers] added get_git_revision and get_git_branch commands as follow-up to cmake at cmake.org
Daniel Wirtz
- [cmake-developers] Rename suffix of Mac OS Framework
Roman Wüger
- [cmake-developers] Rename suffix of Mac OS Framework
Roman Wüger
- [cmake-developers] Xcode build settings and BullseyeCoverage
Roman Wüger
- [cmake-developers] Xcode build settings and BullseyeCoverage
Roman Wüger
- [cmake-developers] Fragile behaviour of msbuild when using Visual Studio solution/project generators
rleigh at codelibre.net
- [cmake-developers] CMAKE_Fortran_SIMULATE_VERSION
nunomp at iol.pt
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Марсель Галимуллин
- [cmake-developers] automatically download library
Марсель Галимуллин
Last message date:
Sat Oct 31 14:46:06 EDT 2015
Archived on: Sat Oct 31 14:46:08 EDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).