[cmake-developers] [Review Request] New module: IncludeUrl

Daniele E. Domenichelli ddomenichelli at drdanz.it
Mon Oct 19 09:46:24 EDT 2015

Hello Brad,

On 12/10/2015 17:00, Brad King wrote:
>> I understand this is a quite controversial module, but I would like to
>> stress that this is something that can already be done using CMake just
>> by executing file(DOWNLOAD) and include(), this module just makes it
>> easy to do it. Whether this is a security issue or not is up to how this
>> module is used.
> That makes sense, though I feel this may be a niche use case and would
> prefer to hear more general interest.  If there is interest then for
> upstream rather than a module perhaps this could be built in to the
> include() command.

Apparently there is no interest in this feature, therefore I'll withdraw
my patch.
Anyway, a hard coded solution would not work for me, since at the moment
I'm stuck supporting CMake 2.8.9 and will not be able to use features
from the next CMake version for a very long time.


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