[cmake-developers] ARMCC toolchain support

Andersson, Joakim Joakim.Andersson at nordicsemi.no
Wed Oct 28 05:56:01 EDT 2015

Let's see if we can bring some order to this.

There are two major Software packages that you can get from ARM, the Keil MDK-ARM and the ARM DS-5 Development Studio.
The MDK-ARM comes with ARM Compiler 5 (armcc).
The ARM DS-5 comes with ARM compiler 5 (armcc), ARM Compiler 6 (armclang), and a GCC toolchain (arm-linux-gnueabihf-*).

So this line as actually wrong:
because if you invoke the armasm installed with ARM DS-5 it will say "DS-5"
It should be:

So that means that ARM actually has at least 3 different compilers, and my patches only cover ARM Compiler 5 (armcc). This is the only compiler I have access to and a license for and the only one that is used in my projects.

So in my opinion we either use a single compiler ID for all of the ARM-provided toolchains (something like ARMCT) or we use different compiler IDs per toolchain (ARMC5, ARMC6 and ARMGCC). It's likely that the ARM GCC toolchain doesn't actually require a new ID and may work directly with the current CMake support. ARM Compiler 6 would definitely require further investigation.

This can safely be removed, the toolchain knows about these paths.
+# add the target specific include directory:
+get_filename_component(_compilerDir "${CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER}" PATH)
+get_filename_component(_compilerDir "${_compilerDir}" PATH)
+include_directories("${_compilerDir}/inc" )

-Joakim Andersson

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