March 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Mar 1 13:30:06 EST 2009
Ending: Tue Mar 31 23:45:41 EDT 2009
Messages: 990
- [CMake] Avoiding a relink
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Technique for generating projects that depend on generated sources
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Upper or lower case for package variables in FindXXX.cmake files?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] ASM support
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Technique for generating projects that depend on generated sources
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] ASM support
Phil Smith
- [CMake] [CTest] DLLs, scripts, and build types
Gregory Sharp
- [CMake] Technique for generating projects that depend on generated sources
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] ASM support
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Technique for generating projects that depend on generated sources
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [CTest] DLLs, scripts, and build types
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Upper or lower case for package variables in FindXXX.cmake files?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] [CTest] DLLs, scripts, and build types
Gregory Sharp
- [CMake] Technique for generating projects that depend on generated sources
David.Karr at L-3COM.COM
- [CMake] [CTest] DLLs, scripts, and build types
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] flex/bison modules?
- [CMake] Erasing a compiler flags
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] copying directory structure : path issue
Benoit Callebaut
- [CMake] Avoiding a relink
Brad King
- [CMake] Find* Modules and unusual package location
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Git support status in CMake/CTest/CDash
Félix C. Morency
- [CMake] Any experiences with ICU genrb?
Gerhard Grimm
- [CMake] CPack File Association
Thomas Burdick
- [CMake] debug, optimized, and custom
Dmytro Ovdiienko
- [CMake] Git support status in CMake/CTest/CDash
Brad King
- [CMake] how to compile vtkfltk
Wième Gadacha
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
kent williams
- [CMake] shared lib on mac
Nicolas Slythe (Intern)
- [CMake] shared lib on mac
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [CTest] DLLs, scripts, and build types
Gregory Sharp
- [CMake] shared lib on mac
Nicolas Slythe (Intern)
- [CMake] shared lib on mac
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] debug, optimized, and custom
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] shared lib on mac
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] debug, optimized, and custom
Dmytro Ovdiienko
- [CMake] making a FooConfig.cmake with components
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] FindCxxTest doesn't look in CXXTEST_INCLUDE_DIR for helper executables (patch included)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Can't get Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY to work
E. Wing
- [CMake] FindCxxTest doesn't look in CXXTEST_INCLUDE_DIR for helper executables (patch included)
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Any experiences with ICU genrb?
E. Wing
- [CMake] Can't get Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY to work
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Can't get Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY to work
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Can't get Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY to work
E. Wing
- [CMake] Can't get Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY to work
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Erasing a compiler flags
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Find* Modules and unusual package location
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Can't get Boost_${COMPONENT}_LIBRARY to work
E. Wing
- [CMake] Overriding build rules to ignore CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<BUILD_TYPE> - is it possible?
Maciej Mrozowski
- [CMake] install target and DEBUGRT_POSTFIX
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Creating filters (a.k.a. subdirectories) for Visual Studio projects
Michael Schantin
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Creating filters (a.k.a. subdirectories) for Visual Studio projects
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Creating filters (a.k.a. subdirectories) for Visual Studio projects
Michael Schantin
- [CMake] firefox logo
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] firefox logo
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Creating filters (a.k.a. subdirectories) for Visual Studio projects
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Creating filters (a.k.a. subdirectories) for Visual Studio projects
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Creating filters (a.k.a. subdirectories) for Visual Studio projects
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Setting environment variables prebuild
Kito Berg-Taylor
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
kent williams
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Setting environment variables prebuild
kent williams
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
Jed Brown
- [CMake] Technique for generating projects that depend ongenerated sources
Steve Huston
John Vines (CISD/HPCD)
- [CMake] Setting environment variables prebuild
Kito Berg-Taylor
John Vines (CISD/HPCD)
- [CMake] Build install from command line Visual Studio
Anders Backman
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
Bill Hoffman
David Cole
- [CMake] Build install from command line Visual Studio
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Rules for files with non-standard extensions
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] Build install from command line Visual Studio
Anders Backman
- [CMake] Build install from command line Visual Studio
John Drescher
- [CMake] Erasing a compiler flags
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] Build install from command line Visual Studio
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] function vs macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] function vs macro
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] function vs macro
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Erasing a compiler flags
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Robert Dailey
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] ADD_TEST(...) doesn't output any tests into CTestTestfile.cmake (cmake 2.6-patch 0)
Pavel Shevaev
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Dmytro Ovdiienko
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Dmytro Ovdiienko
- [CMake] ADD_TEST(...) doesn't output any tests into CTestTestfile.cmake (cmake 2.6-patch 0)
David Cole
- [CMake] Proper use of CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Dmytro Ovdiienko
- [CMake] flex/bison modules?
j s
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] exe/a/so sufixes depend on configuration
Dmytro Ovdiienko
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
David Cole
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Michael Wild
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Running ctest with MallocScribble (Mac OS X)
Sean McBride
- [CMake] bug in ctest (2.6.3)?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] replace an entry in add_definitions()?
Bill O'Hara
- [CMake] Setting working directory for projects
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] ADD_TEST(...) doesn't output any tests into CTestTestfile.cmake (cmake 2.6-patch 0)
Pavel Shevaev
- [CMake] Build failure alerts
Iwan Aucamp
- [CMake] Setting working directory for projects
Dmitriy Ovdienko
- [CMake] ADD_TEST(...) doesn't output any tests into CTestTestfile.cmake (cmake 2.6-patch 0)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Overlook fing uses cmake as build system
Daniele Galdi
- [CMake] Overlook fing uses cmake as build system
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Scope of a macro
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] replace an entry in add_definitions()?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Creating JAR files with cmake
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Kito Berg-Taylor
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Finding packagaes build with CMake
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Rules for files with non-standard extensions
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Rules for files with non-standard extensions
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] add_dependencies with an imported target
Joachim de Vries
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
kent williams
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
Dmitriy Ovdienko
- [CMake] add_library and PARENT_SCOPE
mbritton at
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
kent williams
- [CMake] add_library and PARENT_SCOPE
David Cole
- [CMake] Rules for files with non-standard extensions
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] Rules for files with non-standard extensions
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] add_library and PARENT_SCOPE
mbritton at
- [CMake] Resetting include and link directories
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] add_dependencies with an imported target
Brad King
- [CMake] Build failure alerts
Tyler Roscoe
Dmitriy Ovdienko
- [CMake] gcov results not accurate
David Blado
- [CMake] gcov results not accurate
Andy Lego
- [CMake] gcov results not accurate
Bill Lorensen
- [CMake] Backlashes on Windows: bug or feature?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Backlashes on Windows: bug or feature?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Backlashes on Windows: bug or feature?
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] dependencies/partial installs between add_subdirectories
Bill O'Hara
- [CMake] Building with debug information using Makefiles
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] Building with debug information using Makefiles
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Unrealistic percent numbers(Ubuntu cmake 2.6-patch0)
Pavel Shevaev
- [CMake] add_dependencies with an imported target
Joachim de Vries
- [CMake] slight problem with CTest documentation
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] dependencies/partial installs between add_subdirectories
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
Dmitriy Ovdienko
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Call a macro through a variable. Possible or not?
E. Wing
- [CMake] Documentation bug(?) in CheckC(XX)SourceCompiles
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Windows Drivers and CMake
Corentin Chary
- [CMake] Fwd: setting environment variable through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] CheckCSourceCompiles (revisited)
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] add_dependencies with an imported target
Brad King
- [CMake] Windows Drivers and CMake
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Setting default make options for Makefiles generator
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Documentation bug(?) in CheckC(XX)SourceCompiles
Michael Wild
- [CMake] CheckCSourceCompiles (revisited)
Michael Wild
- [CMake] slight problem with CTest documentation
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Documentation bug(?) in CheckC(XX)SourceCompiles
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Documentation bug(?) in CheckC(XX)SourceCompiles
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] open source project for CMake ports?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] open source project for CMake ports?
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Wojciech Migda
- [CMake] open source project for CMake ports?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Documentation bug(?) in CheckC(XX)SourceCompiles
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Wojciech Migda
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Wojciech Migda
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] open source project for CMake ports?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] open source project for CMake ports?
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Common binary dir and failed local headers dependencies
Wojciech Migda
- [CMake] Joining multiple directories into one
Jussi Pakkanen
- [CMake] enable_testing() disables add_executable(test ...)
Silvio Frischknecht
- [CMake] Cross Compilang and NSIS
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] Cross Compilang and NSIS
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] enable_testing() disables add_executable(test ...)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Cross Compilang and NSIS
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] enable_testing() disables add_executable(test ...)
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Creating JAR files with cmake
Michael N
- [CMake] setting and unsetting already existing enviroment varibale at the time of testing
ankit jain
- [CMake] problem with cmake script.
- [CMake] problem with cmake script.
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] problem with cmake script.
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] CPack source package path
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Backlashes on Windows: bug or feature?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] problem with cmake script.
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Cross Compilang and NSIS
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] CPack source package path
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CMake and VPATH
laurent at
- [CMake] Cross Compilang and NSIS
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] ctest --build-and-test merges all output to stdout?
Hugo Heden
- [CMake] CMake and VPATH
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] CPack source package path
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CPack source package path
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Joining multiple directories into one
Brad King
- [CMake] Joining multiple directories into one
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Install target problems with visual studio
Alexander Zimmermann
- [CMake] CPack source package path
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] warning "safe linker search path"
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] How to use generated cmake files?
Stephan Springer
- [CMake] warning "safe linker search path"
Brad King
- [CMake] How to use generated cmake files?
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] How to use generated cmake files?
Steve Huston
- [CMake] How to use generated cmake files?
Stephan Springer
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] HOW TO: build development versions, plus proper INSTALL setup?
kent williams
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
David Fitzpatrick
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] HOW TO: build development versions, plus proper INSTALL setup?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] HOW TO: build development versions, plus proper INSTALL setup?
kent williams
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
David Fitzpatrick
- [CMake] Fwd: setting environment variable through cmake
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Concern with 2.6.3
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Build failure alerts
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Joining multiple directories into one
Jussi Pakkanen
- [CMake] Finding packagaes build with CMake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Resetting include and link directories
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Setting environment variables prebuild
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Joining multiple directories into one
Jussi Pakkanen
- [CMake] install question
Sharon Melamed
- [CMake] install question
ankit jain
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
Jesper Eskilson
- [CMake] warning "safe linker search path"
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] Setting environment variables prebuild
Kito Berg-Taylor
- [CMake] install question
ankit jain
- [CMake] warning "safe linker search path"
Brad King
- [CMake] Joining multiple directories into one
Brad King
- [CMake] Cross Compilang and NSIS
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] How to set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to remove all source code?
David Fitzpatrick
- [CMake] Question about if/else in Cmake
Sascha 'saigkill' Manns
- [CMake] Question about if/else in Cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Question about if/else in Cmake
Sascha 'saigkill' Manns
- [CMake] Ability to tell if it is a relative path
James Bigler
- [CMake] Ability to tell if it is a relative path
Tristan Carel
- [CMake] Ability to tell if it is a relative path
James Bigler
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Question about if/else in Cmake
Sascha 'saigkill' Manns
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] parameters
larinus at
- [CMake] Question about if/else in Cmake
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] make CFLAGS= support
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] make CFLAGS= support
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] disablе C checking
Artem Zolochevskiy
- [CMake] disablе C checking
Eric Noulard
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] What's the difference between option and variable of type bool
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] CDash and submiting aditional information
Martin Santa María
- [CMake] CDash and submiting aditional information
Martin Apel
- [CMake] What's the difference between option and variable of type bool
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] parameters
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Variable scope question
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Doug Henry
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Boudewijn Rempt
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Doug Henry
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Doug Henry
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Qt find package location
David Cole
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Qt find package location
David Cole
- [CMake] Qt find package location
David Cole
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Alexander Neundorf
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Variable scope question
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Memory cleanup of variables
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] running CMake from different parts of the tree
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] What's wrong with the INSTALL Path error?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] parameters
larinus at
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] running CMake from different parts of the tree
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] What's wrong with the INSTALL Path error?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] running CMake from different parts of the tree
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Bug? CMP0008 and inability to use .a libraries with MSVC
Braddock Gaskill
- [CMake] How to easily join list elements in a string?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Bug? CMP0008 and inability to use .a libraries with MSVC
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] What's wrong with the INSTALL Path error?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] Why does a mylib.dll.a file be build automatically ?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] Qt find package location
A. Maitland Bottoms
- [CMake] Bug? CMP0008 and inability to use .a libraries with MSVC
Braddock Gaskill
- [CMake] CMake GUI Issue
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] CMake GUI Issue
David Cole
- [CMake] Qt find package location
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake GUI Issue
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] CMake GUI Issue
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Qt find package location
A. Maitland Bottoms
- [CMake] CMake GUI Issue
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMake GUI Issue
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Location of vcproj files
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Location of vcproj files
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Boost system library
Bart Janssens
- [CMake] Boost system library
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Claus Höfele
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Claus Höfele
- [CMake] Linking cmake build library to a shell script
ankit jain
- [CMake] install question
ankit jain
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Linking cmake build library to a shell script
ankit jain
- [CMake] Project structure
Daniele Galdi
- [CMake] Parallel builds and Eclipse CDT4 generator
- [CMake] Boost system library
Geir Erikstad
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Boost CMakeification progress?
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Brad King
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.3 - Fix set cache FORCE and -D command line to work together
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Non existent / new file handling
John Drescher
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.3 - Fix set cache FORCE and -D command line to work together
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Non existent / new file handling
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Non existent / new file handling
John Drescher
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Non existent / new file handling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Project structure
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Non existent / new file handling
John Drescher
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Project structure
Daniele Galdi
- [CMake] Boost CMakeification progress?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Boost CMakeification progress?
John Drescher
- [CMake] Boost CMakeification progress?
John Drescher
- [CMake] Boost CMakeification progress?
John Drescher
- [CMake] Project structure
kent williams
- [CMake] Boost CMakeification progress?
John Biddiscombe
- [CMake] VS2005 all headers are excluded
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] VS2005 all headers are excluded
John Drescher
- [CMake] VS2005 all headers are excluded
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] VS2005 all headers are excluded
John Drescher
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] VS2005 all headers are excluded
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] VS2005 all headers are excluded
Bill Hoffman
Michael Jackson
Mike Arthur
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
Mike Arthur
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How can link to a library just like the system libs?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] Problems with REGEX REPLACE
Wim Dumon
- [CMake] How can link to a library just like the system libs?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] imported lib properties...
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] Running a Python script at PRE_BUILD
Ali Pouladi
- [CMake] accessing value of <LINK_LIBRARIES>
Kevin Long
- [CMake] Boost system library
Bart Janssens
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Claus Höfele
- [CMake] Running a Python script at PRE_BUILD
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Problems with REGEX REPLACE
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Endless loop in cmake-2.6.2 on AIX with -DCMAKE_Fortran_Compiler=...
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] Linking cmake build library to a shell script
ankit jain
- [CMake] Linking cmake build library to a shell script
ankit jain
- [CMake] Endless loop in cmake-2.6.2 on AIX with -DCMAKE_Fortran_Compiler=...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Endless loop in cmake-2.6.2 on AIX with -DCMAKE_Fortran_Compiler=...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Endless loop in cmake-2.6.2 on AIX with -DCMAKE_Fortran_Compiler=...
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Brad King
- [CMake] imported lib properties...
Brad King
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Brad King
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Brad King
- [CMake] 1 tricky question, 1 bug report
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] Endless loop in cmake-2.6.2 on AIX with -DCMAKE_Fortran_Compiler=...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Changing CTest compiler
Martin Santa María
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Precompiled Headers for Intel on windows
jesseperla at
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Precompiled Headers for Intel on windows
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CTest and CMakeCache.txt
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Problems with REGEX REPLACE
Wim Dumon
- [CMake] Interpretation of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY in VisualStudio
Martin Apel
- [CMake] Interpretation of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY in VisualStudio
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Interpretation of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY in VisualStudio
Martin Apel
- [CMake] Progress reporting in CMake
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Progress reporting in CMake
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Strange install behavior
Alexander Zimmermann
- [CMake] Progress reporting in CMake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Bill O'Hara
- [CMake] Feature request question
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Feature request question
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Feature request question
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Brad King
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Brad King
- [CMake] automatically re-generating makefiles
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] CMake and HAVE_SIGFPE
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] [vtkusers] compiling issues
John Drescher
- [CMake] CPack: how to change /usr install location ?
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] CPack: how to change /usr install location ?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Problem linking static lib into shared lib on Linux
Eric Lemings
- [CMake] Bundle Generator DMG Volume Name/Compression Type variable support
Mike Arthur
George Neill
- [CMake] Bundle Generator DMG Volume Name/Compression Type variable support
Clinton Stimpson
David Cole
John Drescher
John Drescher
George Neill
- [CMake] Bundle Generator DMG Volume Name/Compression Type variable support
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Bundle Generator Background Image/Custom .DS_Store support
Mike Arthur
John Drescher
John Drescher
George Neill
- [CMake] Problem linking static lib into shared lib on Linux
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Cygwin performance
Wojciech Migda
- [CMake] CMake shared libraries, install, and rpath
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] subsystem questions for win & ifort
Knox, Kent
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake and HAVE_SIGFPE
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] KDevelop .pcs file and Doxyfile
Hai Nguyen
- [CMake] CMake shared libraries, install, and rpath
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] KDevelop .pcs file and Doxyfile
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to copy files to the directory of executable file.
- [CMake] moc Cannot open options file specified with @
John Drescher
- [CMake] moc Cannot open options file specified with @
John Drescher
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] KDevelop .pcs file and Doxyfile
Hai Nguyen
- [CMake] How to copy files to the directory of executable file.
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] How to copy files to the directory of executable file.
Jonatan Bijl
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Cmake support to Java files
ankit jain
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] controlling which instantiations to make for given templates
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] preventing redundant compilations
Michael Wild
- [CMake] CMake shared libraries, install, and rpath
Brad King
- [CMake] How can I manage Qt Style Sheets with CMake?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] need criticism: my very first CMake project
Artem Zolochevskiy
- [CMake] Fwd: controlling which instantiations to make for given templates
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] need criticism: my very first CMake project
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Daniel Nelson
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Boost system library
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Building java files from cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Daniel Nelson
- [CMake] Building java files from cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Docs for building java files through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Building java files from cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to describe lib dependencies when a lib has different possible implementations?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
- [CMake] How to link jar files to a library through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] How to link jar files to a library through cmake
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] How to link jar files to a library through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Adding debug definitions to OSX Xcode projects
Eric Sokolowsky
- [CMake] Adding debug definitions to OSX Xcode projects
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Adding debug definitions to OSX Xcode projects
David Cole
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
John Drescher
- [CMake] Change executable target's name on install
James Bigler
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] How best to capture the current Date/Time
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and multiple Microsoft compilers on windows
John Drescher
- [CMake] Change executable target's name on install
Dieter Rosch
- [CMake] need criticism: my very first CMake project
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Piotr Dobrogost
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Bill Lorensen
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Piotr Dobrogost
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake used by Boost?
Vladimir Prus
- [CMake] Windows DLL project generates dll, pdb, ilk but no lib
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] How to declare global variables
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Problem with if() and booleans
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] How to declare global variables
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Windows DLL project generates dll, pdb, ilk but no lib
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Problem with if() and booleans
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Problem with if() and booleans
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Problem with if() and booleans
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Windows DLL project generates dll, pdb, ilk but no lib
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] file(READ) issue?
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] get the relative path of current directory
- [CMake] Advanced set(... CACHE ...)
Gustaw Smolarczyk
- [CMake] Advanced set(... CACHE ...)
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] get the relative path of current directory
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
Bob Tanner
- [CMake] Does CMake cannot handle directory name with space?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] cdash docs - broken links
Darren Weber
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] How to declare global variables
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] How to declare global variables
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] How to generate preprocessed file?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to generate preprocessed file?
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to generate preprocessed file?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] How to generate preprocessed file?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to generate preprocessed file?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] [Cmake] How to delete cache files? Debug, Release Configuration
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] CPack rpm (from cmake 2.6.3) and rpm 4.6.0
Dmitry Gerasimov
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [Cmake] How to delete cache files? Debug, Release Configuration
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CTest: Toggling BUILD_TESTING triggers a project recompile
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] CTest: Toggling BUILD_TESTING triggers a project recompile
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cdash docs - broken links
David Cole
- [CMake] CTest: Toggling BUILD_TESTING triggers a project recompile
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] CTest: Toggling BUILD_TESTING triggers a project recompile
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] cmake sun studio generator
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] Link error when building static exe against static Qt 4.5 plugin
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Overriding CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS
Paolo Zani
- [CMake] Custom Build Type GCC on Linux
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Change executable target's name on install
James Bigler
- [CMake] Custom Build Type GCC on Linux
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
Bob Tanner
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
John Drescher
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
John Drescher
- [CMake] compare_files and copy_if_different
James Bigler
- [CMake] CPack rpm (from cmake 2.6.3) and rpm 4.6.0
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] ifort link with -static-intel
Benne, Kyle
- [CMake] CTest passing arguments to test executables?
Alastair Rankine
- [CMake] How to link jar files to a library through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
ankit jain
- [CMake] aggregate targets and adding a library as resource
Mattias Holm
- [CMake] [Cmake] How to delete cache files? Debug, Release Configuration
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
- [CMake] RUN_TESTS project & dependencies
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Custom Build Type GCC on Linux
- [CMake] Win2 NSIS Installer says "CMake . Setup" instead of "Program Name"
Shlomi Fish
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] CTest passing arguments to test executables?
David Cole
- [CMake] compare_files and copy_if_different
David Cole
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] xcode generator
Doug Henry
- [CMake] CTest: Toggling BUILD_TESTING triggers a project recompile
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] xcode generator
Sean McBride
- [CMake] xcode generator
David Cole
- [CMake] CTest passing arguments to test executables?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
- [CMake] xcode generator
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] 2.6.4 RC 1
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Custom command or custom target for jni?
Jonatan Bijl
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
- [CMake] Custom command or custom target for jni?
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Feature request: generic (config-like) selector on target_link_libraries
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] imported lib properties...
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] Exporting imported target
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] Exporting imported target
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] CMake, XCode, and Fortran support?
Bartlett, Roscoe A
- [CMake] CMake, XCode, and Fortran support?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] 2.6.4 RC 1
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] 2.6.4 RC 1
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Exporting imported target
Brad King
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] file(READ) issue?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Patches with "your name" all over them?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE in CMake 2.6.3
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE in CMake 2.6.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] Question about error creating CPack RPM installer
Allen Gooch
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE in CMake 2.6.3
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Daniel Nelson
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Daniel Nelson
- [CMake] Windows drive letter capitalization consistency
James Bigler
- [CMake] set_property on sources causing extra files to be rebuilt
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Exporting imported target
Asmodehn Shade
- [CMake] cross compiling for QNX
ross hennessy
- [CMake] Way to use precompilation directive on cmake and conditionnal linking
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] ifort link with -static-intel
Benne, Kyle
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
ankit jain
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Install targets defined in other directories
Daniele Galdi
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
ankit jain
- [CMake] ifort link with -static-inte
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] cross compiling for QNX (ross hennessy)
Kito.Berg-Taylor at
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
Michael Wild
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
ankit jain
- [CMake] Why jars not linked to other files directly in cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] Why jars not linked to other files directly in cmake
Robert Haines
- [CMake] CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Win32 quoting problem
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Win32 quoting problem
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] problem with add_custom command
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Why jars not linked to other files directly in cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] ifort link with -static-intel
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Argument passing to shell script through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Win32 quoting problem
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Question about error creating CPack RPM installer
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] file(READ) issue?
David Cole
- [CMake] Windows drive letter capitalization consistency
David Cole
- [CMake] CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE in CMake 2.6.3
Brad King
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE in CMake 2.6.3
- [CMake] file(READ) issue?
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] file(READ) issue?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Argument passing to shell script through cmake
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Install targets defined in other directories
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] CPack ZIP generator: unwanted directory in zip
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] How to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH for an exectubale?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Visual Studio project generation strangeness
James Bigler
- [CMake] Windows drive letter capitalization consistency
James Bigler
- [CMake] Adding to PATH
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Adding to PATH
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Adding to PATH
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] CPack ZIP generator: unwanted directory in zip
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] cross compiling for QNX
ross hennessy
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] how to set options if we have mixture of languages in our project
ankit jain
- [CMake] find_package implemented with exported targets
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Argument passing to shell script through cmake
ankit jain
- [CMake] Argument passing to shell script through cmake
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Windows drive letter capitalization consistency
David Cole
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Kuba Bican
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Kuba Bican
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Kuba Bican
- [CMake] ifort link with -static-inte
Benne, Kyle
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CPack ZIP generator: unwanted directory in zip
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Jakub Bican
- [CMake] How to emulate autotools "make check"?
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] message() text shows up as RED in cmake-gui
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Lacking documentation for cmake -E option
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Forcing location of binary directory in CMake
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Forcing location of binary directory in CMake
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Renaming cache variables and forcing a "cleanup"
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Forcing location of binary directory in CMake
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Forcing location of binary directory in CMake
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] setting different include_directories, link_directories, etc for different targets
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Lacking documentation for cmake -E option
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] execute_process() and writing output to a file
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Renaming cache variables and forcing a "cleanup"
James Bigler
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
James Bigler
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] CTest Verbose output doesn't seem to work from within CMakeLists.txt with --build-and-test
Paul Oppenheim (Poppy Linden)
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Header files excluded from build in Visual Studio
Claus Höfele
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] SOURCE_GROUP in VS005
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] Doxygen and variable environment
- [CMake] SOURCE_GROUP in VS005
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] Doxygen and variable environment
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Bundle Generator DMG Volume Name/Compression Type variable support
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Bundle Generator Background Image/Custom .DS_Store support
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] Doxygen and variable environment
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Question about find_library()
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Need ability to install only dll portion of target (no lib)
James Bigler
- [CMake] Need ability to install only dll portion of target (no lib)
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] add configuration
Nicolas Slythe (Intern)
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need ability to install only dll portion of target (no lib)
James Bigler
- [CMake] add configuration
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Need ability to install only dll portion of target (no lib)
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Getting the Generator during CMAKE
Neal Meyer
- [CMake] Getting the Generator during CMAKE
John Drescher
- [CMake] Getting the Generator during CMAKE
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Visual Studio Warning Level
James Bigler
- [CMake] add configuration
James Bigler
- [CMake] Installing SWIG output (UseSWIG.cmake)
Matt Williams
- [CMake] add configuration
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] add configuration
James Bigler
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] building within msys/mingw
Jason Addison
- [CMake] building within msys/mingw
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] [Fwd: Re: building within msys/mingw]
Kenneth Boyd
- [CMake] Qt 4.5 missing parts of QtGui.framework on OS X
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Outputs from add_custom_command not global?
James Bigler
- [CMake] [Fwd: Re: building within msys/mingw]
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [Doxygen-users] Complex documentation question
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] (no subject)
Matteo Toro
- [CMake] [Doxygen-users] Complex documentation question
- [CMake] Outputs from add_custom_command not global?
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] (no subject)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] [Doxygen-users] Complex documentation question
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] Outputs from add_custom_command not global?
James Bigler
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
James Bigler
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Outputs from add_custom_command not global?
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Martin Costabel
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Where are object files located, and how do I change the default extension?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
Carlson Daniel
- [CMake] How to avoid a console come out on WinXp(Cmake+Qt) ?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] How to avoid a console come out on WinXp(Cmake+Qt) ?
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] cmake 2.6.1: CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH has no effect
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
James Bigler
- [CMake] cmake 2.6.1: CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH has no effect
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
James Bigler
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] From one top level project, is there's a way to produce log files on Linux ( Unix Makefiles) in the same fashion a Windows Visual Studio build does?
david_bjornbak at
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Setting an environment variable when executing make script
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
James Bigler
- [CMake] FindBoost problem when cross-compiling
ross hennessy
- [CMake] problem with add_custom_command / add_custom_target in different directories
James Bigler
- [CMake] FindBoost problem when cross-compiling
Kito Berg-Taylor
- [CMake] cmake 2.6.1: CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH has no effect
Markus Israelsson
- [CMake] cmake 2.6.1: CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH has no effect
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] From one top level project, is there's a way to produce log files on Linux ( Unix Makefiles) in the same fashion a Windows Visual Studio build does?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] cmake 2.6.1: CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH has no effect
Bart Janssens
- [CMake] cmake 2.6.1: CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH has no effect
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Cross-compilation linking against host libc
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] add_custom_target and eclipse
- [CMake] Bug in if/else/endif in combination with option?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] WinCE Support
Clemens Arth
- [CMake] autoheader
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] problem with add_custom_command / add_custom_target in different directories
Brad King
- [CMake] [Fwd: Re: autoheader]
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] autoheader
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Copying directory from source tree to binary tree
Bian Jiang
- [CMake] Qt 4.5 missing parts of QtGui.framework on OS X
David Cole
- [CMake] Copying directory from source tree to binary tree
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Qt 4.5 missing parts of QtGui.framework on OS X
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CPack rpm (from cmake 2.6.3) and rpm 4.6.0
Dmitry Gerasimov
- [CMake] How to surround an imported lib with extra flags on link?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] autoheader
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] autoheader
Mike Arthur
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
John Drescher
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Need help with GLOB expression
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] autoheader
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] add_custom_target and eclipse
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Cross-compilation linking against host libc
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Bug in if/else/endif in combination with option?
James Bigler
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] How can I manage the Qt4's .rc file with CMake?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] How to prevent CMake from escaping characters in custom target
Tron Thomas
- [CMake] autoheader
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] how-to get cmake command line after running ccmake
Darren Weber
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
- [CMake] Makefile for checkout from cvs of kitware releases
Darren Weber
- [CMake] Setting include directories on a target, not directory.
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Proper way to define a list
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Question about overriding Find modules in cmake
Allen Gooch
- [CMake] How Can I compile the following code on Windows with CMake?
Kermit Mei
- [CMake] Copying directory from source tree to binary tree
Bian Jiang
- [CMake] how-to get cmake command line after running ccmake
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] how-to get cmake command line after running ccmake
James Bigler
- [CMake] Question about overriding Find modules in cmake
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost problem when cross-compiling
ross hennessy
- [CMake] Bug in if/else/endif in combination with option?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] autoheader
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Bug in library link order?
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] Bug in library link order?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Cross-compilation linking against host libc
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] How to surround an imported lib with extra flags on link?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] Weird STREQUAL behaviour
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] autoheader
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to surround an imported lib with extra flags onlink?
Martin Apel
- [CMake] How to surround an imported lib with extra flags onlink?
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] autoheader
- [CMake] CPack with NSIS
Robert Bielik
- [CMake] CPack with NSIS
David Cole
- [CMake] Compile all .c source files with the CXX compiler
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] Compile all .c source files with the CXX compiler
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] autoheader
James Bigler
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
James C. Sutherland
- [CMake] autoheader
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Compile all .c source files with the CXX compiler
Alexandre Feblot
- [CMake] Make target dependent on all executables & libraries
Lezz Giles
- [CMake] Compile all .c source files with the CXX compiler
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] Compile all .c source files with the CXX compiler
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] autoheader
- [CMake] Compile all .c source files with the CXX compiler
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Make target dependent on all executables & libraries
Adolfo Rodríguez
- [CMake] Bug in if/else/endif in combination with option?
James Bigler
- [CMake] autoheader
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
James C. Sutherland
- [CMake] Make target dependent on all executables & libraries
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] autoheader
James Bigler
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
Denis Scherbakov
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] Make target dependent on all executables & libraries
Lezz Giles
- [CMake] Transitive linking and imported targets
Tobias Rudolph
- [CMake] autoheader
- [CMake] CPack with NSIS
Robert Bielik
- [CMake] autoheader
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
James C. Sutherland
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
James C. Sutherland
- [CMake] Xcode generator?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Xcode generator?
David Cole
- [CMake] Xcode generator?
David Cole
- [CMake] Transitive linking and imported targets
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Xcode generator?
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] autoheader
- [CMake] Xcode generator?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] autoheader
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] autoheader
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] autoheader
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Question regarding list arguments in macros
Allen Gooch
- [CMake] Cross-compilation linking against host libc
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Make target dependent on all executables & libraries
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CMake SWIG support for nested python modules
Bill Spotz
- [CMake] How to pass values up to parent CMakeLists.txt
Lezz Giles
- [CMake] How to pass values up to parent CMakeLists.txt
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CMake SWIG support for nested python modules
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Transitive linking and imported targets
Tobias Rudolph
- [CMake] Question regarding list arguments in macros
James Bigler
- [CMake] How to pass values up to parent CMakeLists.txt
James Bigler
- [CMake] fortran flags in a c++ linked executable
James C. Sutherland
- [CMake] 2.6.4 RC 3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to pass values up to parent CMakeLists.txt
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How to pass values up to parent CMakeLists.txt
James Bigler
- [CMake] autoheader
Philip Lowman
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 23:45:41 EDT 2009
Archived on: Thu Apr 16 10:40:33 EDT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).