The modules listed here are part of the CMake distribution.
Projects may provide further modules; their location(s)
can be specified in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
Utility Modules¶
These modules are loaded using the include()
- AndroidTestUtilities
- BundleUtilities
- CheckCCompilerFlag
- CheckCompilerFlag
- CheckCSourceCompiles
- CheckCSourceRuns
- CheckCXXCompilerFlag
- CheckCXXSourceCompiles
- CheckCXXSourceRuns
- CheckCXXSymbolExists
- CheckFortranCompilerFlag
- CheckFortranFunctionExists
- CheckFortranSourceCompiles
- CheckFortranSourceRuns
- CheckFunctionExists
- CheckIncludeFileCXX
- CheckIncludeFile
- CheckIncludeFiles
- CheckIPOSupported
- CheckLanguage
- CheckLibraryExists
- CheckLinkerFlag
- CheckOBJCCompilerFlag
- CheckOBJCSourceCompiles
- CheckOBJCSourceRuns
- CheckOBJCXXCompilerFlag
- CheckOBJCXXSourceCompiles
- CheckOBJCXXSourceRuns
- CheckPIESupported
- CheckPrototypeDefinition
- CheckSourceCompiles
- CheckSourceRuns
- CheckStructHasMember
- CheckSymbolExists
- CheckTypeSize
- CheckVariableExists
- CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory
- CMakeBackwardCompatibilityCXX
- CMakeDependentOption
- CMakeFindDependencyMacro
- CMakeFindPackageMode
- CMakeGraphVizOptions
- CMakePackageConfigHelpers
- CMakePrintHelpers
- CMakePrintSystemInformation
- CMakePushCheckState
- CMakeVerifyManifest
- CPack
- CPackComponent
- CPackIFW
- CPackIFWConfigureFile
- CSharpUtilities
- CTest
- CTestCoverageCollectGCOV
- CTestScriptMode
- CTestUseLaunchers
- DeployQt4
- ExternalData
- ExternalProject
- FeatureSummary
- FetchContent
- FindPackageHandleStandardArgs
- FindPackageMessage
- FortranCInterface
- GenerateExportHeader
- GNUInstallDirs
- GoogleTest
- InstallRequiredSystemLibraries
- ProcessorCount
- SelectLibraryConfigurations
- TestForANSIForScope
- TestForANSIStreamHeaders
- TestForSTDNamespace
- UseEcos
- UseJava
- UsewxWidgets
Find Modules¶
These modules search for third-party software.
They are normally called through the find_package()
- FindALSA
- FindArmadillo
- FindAVIFile
- FindBacktrace
- FindBLAS
- FindBullet
- FindBZip2
- FindCoin3D
- FindCUDAToolkit
- FindCups
- FindCURL
- FindCurses
- FindCVS
- FindCxxTest
- FindCygwin
- FindDevIL
- FindDoxygen
- FindEnvModules
- FindFLEX
- FindFLTK
- FindFLTK2
- FindFontconfig
- FindFreetype
- FindGDAL
- FindGettext
- FindGIF
- FindGit
- FindGLEW
- FindGLUT
- FindGnuplot
- FindGnuTLS
- FindGSL
- FindGTest
- FindGTK
- FindGTK2
- FindHDF5
- FindHg
- FindHTMLHelp
- FindIce
- FindIconv
- FindIcotool
- FindICU
- FindImageMagick
- FindIntl
- FindJasper
- FindJava
- FindJNI
- FindJPEG
- FindKDE3
- FindKDE4
- FindLibArchive
- FindLibinput
- FindLibLZMA
- FindLibXml2
- FindLibXslt
- FindLTTngUST
- FindLua
- FindLua50
- FindLua51
- FindMatlab
- FindMFC
- FindMotif
- FindMPEG
- FindMPEG2
- FindMPI
- FindMsys
- FindODBC
- FindOpenACC
- FindOpenAL
- FindOpenCL
- FindOpenGL
- FindOpenMP
- FindOpenSceneGraph
- FindOpenSP
- FindOpenSSL
- FindOpenThreads
- Findosg
- Findosg_functions
- FindosgAnimation
- FindosgDB
- FindosgFX
- FindosgGA
- FindosgIntrospection
- FindosgManipulator
- FindosgParticle
- FindosgPresentation
- FindosgProducer
- FindosgQt
- FindosgShadow
- FindosgSim
- FindosgTerrain
- FindosgText
- FindosgUtil
- FindosgViewer
- FindosgVolume
- FindosgWidget
- FindPatch
- FindPerl
- FindPerlLibs
- FindPHP4
- FindPhysFS
- FindPike
- FindPkgConfig
- FindPNG
- FindPostgreSQL
- FindProducer
- FindProtobuf
- FindPython
- FindPython2
- FindPython3
- FindQt3
- FindQt4
- FindQuickTime
- FindRTI
- FindRuby
- FindSDL
- FindSDL_image
- FindSDL_gfx
- FindSDL_mixer
- FindSDL_net
- FindSDL_sound
- FindSDL_ttf
- FindSelfPackers
- FindSquish
- FindSQLite3
- FindSubversion
- FindSWIG
- FindTCL
- FindTclsh
- FindTclStub
- FindThreads
- FindTIFF
- FindVulkan
- FindWget
- FindWish
- FindwxWidgets
- FindX11
- FindXalanC
- FindXCTest
- FindXercesC
- FindZLIB
Deprecated Modules¶
Deprecated Utility Modules¶
- AddFileDependencies
- CMakeDetermineVSServicePack
- CMakeExpandImportedTargets
- CMakeFindFrameworks
- CMakeForceCompiler
- CMakeParseArguments
- Dart
- Documentation
- GetPrerequisites
- MacroAddFileDependencies
- SquishTestScript
- TestBigEndian
- TestCXXAcceptsFlag
- Use_wxWindows
- UseJavaClassFilelist
- UseJavaSymlinks
- UsePkgConfig
- WriteBasicConfigVersionFile
- WriteCompilerDetectionHeader
Deprecated Find Modules¶
Legacy CPack Modules¶
These modules used to be mistakenly exposed to the user, and have been moved out of user visibility. They are for CPack internal use, and should never be used directly.