February 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 03:09:16 EST 2010
Ending: Sun Feb 28 22:10:22 EST 2010
Messages: 561
- [CMake] Inherited project settings
Marcel Loose (Astron)
- [CMake] CTest: regular expression not matched
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
James Amundson
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
James Amundson
- [CMake] CMake, OpenBSD, and system libraries
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] Specifying build directory
Anders Backman
- [CMake] No output from GLOBAL_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE property and LINK_DIRECTORIES property
Bob Berger
- [CMake] Solution groups and sub projects.
James Bigler
James Bigler
- [CMake] POST install scripts for STGZ
James Bigler
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
James Bigler
- [CMake] Mac Bundle installation with libraries
James Bigler
- [CMake] Mac Bundle installation with libraries
James Bigler
- [CMake] shared library linking question
Tim Blechmann
- [CMake] shared library linking question
Tim Blechmann
- [CMake] byte-compiling emacs lisp sources
Tim Blechmann
- [CMake] shared library linking question
Tim Blechmann
- [CMake] byte-compiling emacs lisp sources
Tim Blechmann
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Craig Bradney
- [CMake] Java Support
Alex Brandt
- [CMake] FindCurses wide
Gary Briggs
- [CMake] FindCurses wide
Gary Briggs
- [CMake] CTEST_COMMAND ignores -j in ctest command script
Derek Bruening
- [CMake] CTEST_COMMAND ignores -j in ctest command script
Derek Bruening
- [CMake] Building shared library from collection?
John Brydon
Buonopane, Robert
Buonopane, Robert
- [CMake] Hint on usage of ExternalProject_Add
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] Hint on usage of ExternalProject_Add
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] overriding CMAKE_MODULE_PATH list
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] overriding CMAKE_MODULE_PATH list
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] How to integrate autoconf based library into my cmake build tree
Luigi Calori
- [CMake] Problem with flags under Windows/
Alexander Camek
- [CMake] Trying to mix C++ and Fortran code...
Caron, Michael C. (US SSA)
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Chauhan, Vikas
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Chauhan, Vikas
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Chauhan, Vikas
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Chauhan, Vikas
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Chauhan, Vikas
- [CMake] Support for languages without linking phase etc
Ivan Chernetsky
- [CMake] ctest: dependency between tests
Emmanuel Christophe
- [CMake] CPack WiX patch
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] CPack WiX patch
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] CPack WiX patch
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] C++/CLI projects
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] copy on install
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] copy on install
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] copy on install
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] random failures on windows INSTALL target. "file INSTALL cannot copy file"
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] random failures on windows INSTALL target. "file INSTALL cannot copy file"
Tim St. Clair
- [CMake] What exactly does SITE_NAME() return?
David Cole
- [CMake] Relative (source files) vs Absolute (include files) path
David Cole
- [CMake] ctest: dependency between tests
David Cole
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
David Cole
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
David Cole
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
David Cole
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
David Cole
- [CMake] Linking static targets from sibling directories
David Cole
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
David Cole
- [CMake] Linking static targets from sibling directories
David Cole
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
David Cole
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
David Cole
- [CMake] FindSubversion on windows problem and solution.
David Cole
- [CMake] Support for languages without linking phase etc
David Cole
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
David Cole
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
David Cole
- [CMake] CTest xml encoding
David Cole
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
David Cole
- [CMake] [CMAKE] cmake -e copy error
David Cole
- [CMake] CTest xml encoding
David Cole
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
David Cole
- [CMake] [CTest] relative path in create_test_sourcelist
David Cole
- [CMake] Building paraview from source
J Cook
- [CMake] Building paraview with shared libraries
J Cook
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] /fp:fast is not recognized but /arch:SSE is?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] How to turn off incremental linking for MSVC Debug and RelWithDebInfo targets?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] How to turn off incremental linking for MSVC Debug and RelWithDebInfo targets?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] How to turn off incremental linking for MSVC Debug and RelWithDebInfo targets?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] How to turn off incremental linking for MSVC Debug and RelWithDebInfo targets?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] Using MSVC Link Library Dependencies = YES and no Input Additional Dependencies?
Erwin Coumans
- [CMake] Build only what you need in third party libs
Brian Davis
- [CMake] Inherited project settings
Brian Davis
- [CMake] Relative (source files) vs Absolute (include files) path
Brian Davis
- [CMake] Relative (source files) vs Absolute (include files) path
Brian Davis
- [CMake] Inherited project settings
Brian Davis
- [CMake] How to figure out when a feature was added
Anton Deguet
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Will Dicharry
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Will Dicharry
- [CMake] Relocatable RPM
Will Dicharry
- [CMake] CMake/CPack: empty packages
- [CMake] Fwd: Relative (source files) vs Absolute (include files) path
John Drescher
- [CMake] How to turn off incremental linking for MSVC Debug and RelWithDebInfo targets?
John Drescher
- [CMake] How to turn off incremental linking for MSVC Debug and RelWithDebInfo targets?
John Drescher
- [CMake] Specifying build directory
John Drescher
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
John Drescher
- [CMake] FindSubversion on windows problem and solution.
John Drescher
- [CMake] FindSubversion on windows problem and solution.
John Drescher
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
John Drescher
- [CMake] CPackDeb generator patch
- [CMake] CPackDeb generator patch
- [CMake] Wrong "Installed-Size" field in Debian CPack generator
- [CMake] Need testers for symbian support
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Markus Duft
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Markus Duft
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Markus Duft
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Markus Duft
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Markus Duft
- [CMake] [PATCH] KWSys: Avoid buggy SIGCHLD on Interix
Markus Duft
- [CMake] [PATCH] KWSys: Avoid buggy SIGCHLD on Interix
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] [PATCH] KWSys: Avoid buggy SIGCHLD on Interix
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Markus Duft
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CTest xml encoding
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CTest xml encoding
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CTest xml encoding
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] How to install headers in a library
Giampiero Gabbiani
- [CMake] How to install headers in a library
Giampiero Gabbiani
- [CMake] Error while moc generating in multiple projects
Marcelo Geyer
- [CMake] Multiple libraries, same name...
Ryan C. Gordon
- [CMake] Multiple libraries, same name...
Ryan C. Gordon
- [CMake] Problem with the path when including another Cmakelist file
Renan Greinert
- [CMake] RES: Problem with the path when including another Cmakelist file
Renan Greinert
- [CMake] Visual Studio sub-projects
Smith Jack (Ext. - UGIS - UniCredit Group)
- [CMake] CoreGraphics framework
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] CoreGraphics framework
Martin Guillon
Martin Guillon
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] get_file_name_component - how to return true extension
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] [CMAKE] cmake -e copy error
Martin Guillon
- [CMake] Static library issues.
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] Solution groups and sub projects.
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] Post Build event question.
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] Post Build event question.
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] vcproj .user files
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] vcproj .user files
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] multiple targets with same name
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] unit test issue
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Marcus D. Hanwell
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Marcus D. Hanwell
- [CMake] CTEST_COMMAND ignores -j in ctest command script
Marcus D. Hanwell
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Samuel E. Henley
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Chris Hillery
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Chris Hillery
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Chris Hillery
- [CMake] CTest: regular expression not matched
Chris Hillery
- [CMake] CPack WiX patch
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack WiX patch
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack WiX patch
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Multiple libraries, same name...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] ctest: dependency between tests
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Tutorial from "Mastering CMake" now online!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 1 is ready to try
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 1 is ready to try
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] ANNOUNCEMENT: Developer's Training Week : ITK / VTK / CMake / ParaView : May 3–6, Albany, NY.
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CDash LDAP problem
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Building paraview from source
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Building CMake 2.8.0 on 64-bit SUSE
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Regular Expression to filter out C/C++ Comments
Bill Hoffman
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] policy CMP0003 and full path, but still conflict with implicit directories
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] MinGW platform modules for C/CXX and Fortran
Gerald Hofmann
- [CMake] [Insight-users] ITK build failure for java wrapping on OSX (10.6.x)
Luis Ibanez
- [CMake] Multiple libraries, same name...
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] What is a good way to exclude default library locations from install-tree rpaths?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] What is a good way to exclude default library locations from install-tree rpaths?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] copy on install
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] copy on install
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake/CPack: empty packages
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMakeEd Maintenance Release - Version 1.1.5
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMake Code for Deploying Qt Plugins for Image Formats
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] How to get Qt shared libraries to install with cmake 2.8.0
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Brad King
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Brad King
- [CMake] Please support FindLAPACK/FindBLAS for C/C++-only projects
Brad King
- [CMake] CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY without the extra 'Debug' or 'Release' ?
Brad King
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Brad King
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Brad King
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] [PATCH] KWSys: Avoid buggy SIGCHLD on Interix
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake has moved to Git!
Brad King
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Brad King
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Brad King
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] how to find out the compiler ID of a compiler which doesn't link
Brad King
- [CMake] [PATCH] KWSys: Avoid buggy SIGCHLD on Interix
Brad King
- [CMake] policy CMP0003 and full path, but still conflict with implicit directories
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Brad King
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Robert Knapke
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Robert Knapke
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Robert Knapke
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Robert Knapke
- [CMake] Questions about CPack Debian generator
Thawan Kooburat
- [CMake] Questions about CPack Debian generator
Thawan Kooburat
- [CMake] CPackDeb generator patch
Thawan Kooburat
- [CMake] CPackDeb generator patch
Thawan Kooburat
Luis Kornblueh
Oleg Kravchenko
- [CMake] What exactly does SITE_NAME() return?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Order of enable_testing and add_subdirectory
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] How to run CTEST_CUSTOM_(PRE|POST)_TEST for *every* test
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] What exactly does SITE_NAME() return?
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] CDash LDAP problem
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] CDash LDAP problem
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] CTest -D MemoryCheck hangs when not run from CMAKE_BINARY_DIR
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] CTEST_CUSTOM_(PRE|POST)_TEST for *every* test ??
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] FIND_XXX problem with symlinks when using ENV
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] FIND_XXX problem with symlinks when using ENV
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Order of enable_testing and add_subdirectory
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] Tutorial from "Mastering CMake" now online!
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 1 is ready to try
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] set “Whole Program Optimization”to Yes in VS 2005
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Bison extra headers
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] FindBoost: trunk
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and miscellaneous post-build steps (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Overwriting variables in cache.
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] FindCurses wide
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Regular Expression to filter out C/C++ Comments
Andreas Lubensky
- [CMake] Regular Expression to filter out C/C++ Comments
Andreas Lubensky
- [CMake] [CTest] relative path in create_test_sourcelist
Raphaël M.
- [CMake] Linking static targets from sibling directories
Scott MacVicar
- [CMake] Linking static targets from sibling directories
Scott MacVicar
- [CMake] Linking static targets from sibling directories
Scott MacVicar
- [CMake] add_custom_command vs add_subdirectory
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] add_custom_command vs add_subdirectory
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] [vtkusers] cmake language syntax highlighting added to wiki
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Compaq Visual Fortran
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Arjen Markus
Sean McBride
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Building shared library from collection?
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Bison extra headers
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] Bison extra headers
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] CMake/CPack: empty packages
Hilton Medeiros
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Ben Medina
- [CMake] Sourceless targets
C. Meissa
- [CMake] Sourceless targets
C. Meissa
- [CMake] Kudos to new dashboard flags
Moreland, Kenneth
- [CMake] FindBoost: Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS : what to do for trunk
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] FindBoost: trunk
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] FindBoost: trunk
Hicham Mouline
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
- [CMake] What is a good way to exclude default library locations from install-tree rpaths?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] What is a good way to exclude default library locations from install-tree rpaths?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] List of components being build.
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to findXXX libraries with debug suffix
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Problem finding files while cross-compiling
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] shared library linking question
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Need testers for symbian support
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Single-shot compilation
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to figure out when a feature was added
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] MinGW platform modules for C/CXX and Fortran
Alexander Neundorf
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CPACK RPM Gen not allowing symlinks.
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] overriding CMAKE_MODULE_PATH list
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] FIND_XXX problem with symlinks when using ENV
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] how to find out the compiler ID of a compiler which doesn't link
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] how to find out the compiler ID of a compiler which doesn't link
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] how to find out the compiler ID of a compiler which doesn't link
Alexander Neundorf
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Examples of CMAKE_INCLUDE_TRANSFORMS or other transform rules?
Jeremy Nicholl
- [CMake] Examples of CMAKE_INCLUDE_TRANSFORMS or other transform rules?
Jeremy Nicholl
- [CMake] Configuring output directory for ui_* and moc_* files
Peter von Niederhaeusern
- [CMake] copy on install
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Static library issues.
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Manual version vs CMake version
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Relocatable RPM
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Fwd: Questions about CPack Debian generator
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Fwd: Questions about CPack Debian generator
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Questions about CPack Debian generator
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CPACK RPM Gen not allowing symlinks.
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CPACK RPM Gen not allowing symlinks.
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] multicore interix'en testing
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [CMake + CPack] How to install TTF fonts?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] generate multiple packages the easiest way
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [CMake + CPack] How to install TTF fonts?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Noel O'Boyle
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Noel O'Boyle
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Noel O'Boyle
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Noel O'Boyle
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Noel O'Boyle
- [CMake] Coloured output for cmake on windows
O'Brien, Martin - IIW
- [CMake] policy CMP0003 and full path, but still conflict with implicit directories
- [CMake] policy CMP0003 and full path, but still conflict with implicit directories
- [CMake] policy CMP0003 and full path, but still conflict with implicit directories
- [CMake] Relative (source files) vs Absolute (include files) path
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] shared library linking question
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] shared library linking question
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Please support FindLAPACK/FindBLAS for C/C++-only projects
Theodore Papadopoulo
- [CMake] Building paraview with shared libraries
Dave Partyka
- [CMake] Relative (source files) vs Absolute (include files) path
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] copy on install
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Ryan Pavlik
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] adding extra target to CMakeLists.txt
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] Examples of CMAKE_INCLUDE_TRANSFORMS or other transform rules?
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] where do libraries go?
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] Examples of CMAKE_INCLUDE_TRANSFORMS or other transform rules?
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] CMake/CPack: empty packages
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] cmake on multicore interix'en
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] vcproj .user files
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] Specifying build directory
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] vcproj .user files
Ryan Pavlik
Ryan Pavlik
- [CMake] CMake, Qt and Boost.signals
Olaf Peter
- [CMake] adding extra target to CMakeLists.txt
Olaf Peter
- [CMake] adding extra target to CMakeLists.txt
Olaf Peter
- [CMake] adding extra target to CMakeLists.txt
Olaf Peter
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Gabriel Petrovay
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Naram Qashat
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 1 is ready to try
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] export files and FIND_PACKAGE
Micha Renner
- [CMake] export files and FIND_PACKAGE
Micha Renner
- [CMake] link static lib to dll
Micha Renner
- [CMake] Solution groups and sub projects.
Micha Renner
- [CMake] link static lib to dll
Micha Renner
- [CMake] set “Whole Program Optimization”to Yes in VS 2005
Tyler Roscoe
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] adding extra target to CMakeLists.txt
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] where do libraries go?
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and miscellaneous post-build steps (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and miscellaneous post-build steps (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Is this possible ?
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] nmake build with different options at command line
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] FindSubversion on windows problem and solution.
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Regular Expression to filter out C/C++ Comments
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Include subdirectories
Tyler Roscoe
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Fwd: Questions about CPack Debian generator
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] CPackDeb generator patch
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Configuring output directory for ui_* and moc_* files
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Building with CMake on MinGW/MSYS
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Building with CMake on MinGW/MSYS
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Using CPack to include shared libraries in rpms
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] How to install headers in a library
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] List of components being build.
Schwartz, Philip
- [CMake] CPACK RPM Gen not allowing symlinks.
Schwartz, Philip
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Philip Schwartz
- [CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 3 is ready to try
Philip Schwartz
- [CMake] Building CMake 2.8.0 on 64-bit SUSE
Timothy Shead
- [CMake] Building CMake 2.8.0 on 64-bit SUSE
Timothy Shead
- [CMake] where do libraries go?
Anatoly Shirokov
- [CMake] [CMake + CPack] How to install TTF fonts?
Anatoly Shirokov
- [CMake] [CMake + CPack] How to install TTF fonts?
Anatoly Shirokov
- [CMake] [CMake + CPack] How to install TTF fonts?
Anatoly Shirokov
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Include subdirectories
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
Oliver kfsone Smith
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
Oliver kfsone Smith
- [CMake] Single-shot compilation
Oliver Smith
- [CMake] Adding pre-compiled header support easily (add_generated_source)
Oliver Smith
- [CMake] Adding a generated source to all multiple targets
Oliver Smith
- [CMake] CMake, Qt and Boost.signals
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] How to get Qt shared libraries to install with cmake 2.8.0
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] CMake Code for Deploying Qt Plugins for Image Formats
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] CTest/CDash and miscellaneous post-build steps (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND vs sparse working copy (was Re: continuous integration with CMake)
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Mac Bundle installation with libraries
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Mac Bundle installation with libraries
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Patch needed to FindDoxygen.cmake for latest Graphviz distributions on Windows
Steve Streeting
Denis Taniguchi
Denis Taniguchi
- [CMake] Building with CMake on MinGW/MSYS
Florent Teichteil
- [CMake] Building with CMake on MinGW/MSYS
Florent Teichteil
- [CMake] Overwriting variables in cache.
Benoit Thomas
- [CMake] Is this possible ?
Benoit Thomas
- [CMake] Is this possible ?
Benoit Thomas
- [CMake] Problem finding files while cross-compiling
Pablo Yanez Trujillo
- [CMake] help unsubscribe
Voisard, Shane S CIV NSWCDD, K54
- [CMake] ITK build failure for java wrapping on OSX (10.6.x)
Darren Weber
- [CMake] Include subdirectories
Christian Werner
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
Wheeler, Frederick W (GE, Research)
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
Wheeler, Frederick W (GE, Research)
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
Wheeler, Frederick W (GE, Research)
- [CMake] Missing Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\vsmacros\OtherProjects7
Wheeler, Frederick W (GE, Research)
- [CMake] CoreGraphics framework
Michael Wild
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Michael Wild
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Michael Wild
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Michael Wild
- [CMake] export files and FIND_PACKAGE
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Static library issues.
Michael Wild
- [CMake] link static lib to dll
Michael Wild
- [CMake] How to use DEFINE_SYMBOL properly?
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Sourceless targets
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Sourceless targets
Michael Wild
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Michael Wild
- [CMake] How to avoid continuous download while using ExternalProjects
Michael Wild
- [CMake] How to find the DLL's a a required package searched with FIND_PACKAGE()?
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Function for visibility definitions
Michael Wild
- [CMake] statically linking
Michael Wild
- [CMake] byte-compiling emacs lisp sources
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Windows Version in HEX
Michael Wild
- [CMake] overriding CMAKE_MODULE_PATH list
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Support for languages without linking phase etc
Michael Wild
- [CMake] BundleUtilities problem
Michael Wild
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake has moved to Git!
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Support for languages without linking phase etc
Michael Wild
- [CMake] OsX bundle including Qt framework
Michael Wild
- [CMake] CMake finds the wrong Python interpreter on Windows
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Fwd: BundleUtilities problem
Michael Wild
- [CMake] How to install headers in a library
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Matt Williams
- [CMake] Can CMake prompt the user for input while it's running?
Matt Williams
- [CMake] LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY problem with out of source builds
Adil Yalcin
- [CMake] Solution groups and sub projects.
Adil Yalcin
- [CMake] How to integrate autoconf based library into my cmake build tree
Albert Z
- [CMake] How to integrate autoconf based library into my cmake build tree
Albert Z
- [CMake] How to integrate autoconf based library into my cmake build tree
Albert Z
- [CMake] Setting "Link Library Dependencies" Flag in VS 2005
James Zipperer
paul.chavent at fnac.net
- [CMake] Exception flag missing on VS 2005
ariasgore at gmx.de
- [CMake] How only build a subproject with CPACK
normanraedke at gmx.de
- [CMake] build package of subproject with cpack
normanraedke at gmx.de
- [CMake] statically linking
burckhardt at itis.ethz.ch
- [CMake] How to specify certain lib to be linked with before others? (QtOpenGL related)
michael kapelko
- [CMake] How to specify certain lib to be linked with before others? (QtOpenGL related)
michael kapelko
- [CMake] Problem with FindQt.cmake or Qt 4.6.1 on Windows platform. CMake 2.8.0
Mika.Rajala at patria.fi
- [CMake] How to get Qt shared libraries to install with cmake 2.8.0
Mika.Rajala at patria.fi
- [CMake] where do libraries go?
Mika.Rajala at patria.fi
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Aaron_Wright at selinc.com
- [CMake] File permissions on CONFIGURE_FILE output
Aaron_Wright at selinc.com
- [CMake] Windows Version in HEX
Aaron_Wright at selinc.com
- [CMake] Windows Version in HEX
Aaron_Wright at selinc.com
- [CMake] set “Whole Program Optimization”to Yes in VS 2005
xiada74 at sina.com
Last message date:
Sun Feb 28 22:10:22 EST 2010
Archived on: Sun Feb 28 22:10:35 EST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).