May 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Sun May 1 05:30:04 EDT 2016
Ending: Tue May 31 20:47:02 EDT 2016
Messages: 188
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] [PATCH] FindBoost does not detect absence of header file
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] Idomatic cmake: Supporting gcc, icc, and clang with custom flags for each?
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] Error if CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME is placed wrongly
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] Fwd: Using CPack to package things not built using CMake
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] How to hundle gcc link options(like whole-archive, --allow-multiple-definition) in CMake?
Chuck Atkins
- [CMake] Visual Studio : can I add a references to a cmake generated vcxproj ?
Benjamin Ballet
- [CMake] in source makefile / helper script that enables building out of source?
Ruslan Baratov
- [CMake] INSTALL with PERMISSIONS changes the binary
Lukasz Bartnik
- [CMake] Finding list of fixed bugs in each CMake release
Rolf Eike Beer
- [CMake] Finding list of fixed bugs in each CMake release
Jakob van Bethlehem
- [CMake] A bug that seems solved, but not listed in mantis log
Jakob van Bethlehem
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Jakob van Bethlehem
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Jakob van Bethlehem
- [CMake] linking OBJECT libraries : Argument list too long
Biddiscombe, John A.
- [CMake] linking OBJECT libraries : Argument list too long
Biddiscombe, John A.
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
Scott Aron Bloom
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
Scott Aron Bloom
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
Scott Aron Bloom
- [CMake] Two-stage build - how to include and know existing targets
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] C header file cross dependency
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Library deduplication and imported target dependencies
Stefano Bonicatti
- [CMake] No cmake.exe in latest CMake windows binaries
African Boy
- [CMake] Unknown CMake command "macro_ensure_version"
Nicholas Braden
- [CMake] Error if CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME is placed wrongly
Frank Brütting
- [CMake] No cmake.exe in latest CMake windows binaries
Claudio C
- [CMake] Give clear warning if --build, -E or --find-package
Claudio C
- [CMake] Automatic moc, uic and rcc every build
Jonas Collberg
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Doug Cuthbertson
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Doug Cuthbertson
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Doug Cuthbertson
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
David E DeMarle
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
David E DeMarle
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
J Decker
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
J Decker
- [CMake] How to run an install command as administrator?
Juan Dent
- [CMake] Emulating --whole-archive with MSVC
Guillaume Dumont
- [CMake] qt+cmake != qt+qmake on mac os x
Evgeniy Dushistov
- [CMake] qt+cmake != qt+qmake on mac os x
Evgeniy Dushistov
- [CMake] ctest + timeout -> coredump, how?
Evgeniy Dushistov
- [CMake] How to Determine If a Perl Module Is Installed?
Eric Eide
- [CMake] How to Determine If a Perl Module Is Installed?
Eric Eide
- [CMake] Simple CMake project on Msys2/Win10-64 gives Complex "Platform" error
Michael Enright
- [CMake] No cmake.exe in latest CMake windows binaries
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] CMake execute_process command on bash on Windows
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] CMake execute_process command on bash on Windows
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] Running cpack without source folder
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] No cmake.exe in latest CMake windows binaries
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] Running cpack without source folder
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Dave Flogeras
- [CMake] Idomatic cmake: Supporting gcc, icc, and clang with custom flags for each?
Gallagher, Timothy P
- [CMake] Idomatic cmake: Supporting gcc, icc, and clang with custom flags for each?
Gallagher, Timothy P
Gonzalo Garramuño
- [CMake] How to run an install command as administrator?
Gonzalo Garramuño
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Walter Gray
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Walter Gray
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Walter Gray
- [CMake] CMake "Core Guidelines"?
Walter Gray
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Walter Gray
- [CMake] default release build flags
Marcus D. Hanwell
- [CMake] ExternalProject_Add + imported targets: no rule to make
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Unknown CMake command "macro_ensure_version"
Douglas Houston
- [CMake] CMake execute_process command on bash on Windows
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake execute_process command on bash on Windows
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] GPG-Verifying the integrity of a CMake release: BAD signature from "Brad King"
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] How to run an install command as administrator?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Time Profile our CMake codes
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Time Profile our CMake codes
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Xcode generator results in a project file without optimization
Gregor Jasny
- [CMake] Xcode generator results in a project file without optimization
Gregor Jasny
- [CMake] Xcode generator results in a project file without optimization
Gregor Jasny
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] CLang error when building iOS bundle
Gregor Jasny
- [CMake] Cannot include third-party Framework headers directories as system directories in XCode for avoiding their warning
Gregor Jasny
- [CMake] LINK_FLAGS directory property
Matthew Keeler
Ben Keller
- [CMake] Emulating --whole-archive with MSVC
Brad King
- [CMake] GPG-Verifying the integrity of a CMake release: BAD signature from "Brad King"
Brad King
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] Empty ERROR_VARIABLE in execute_process
Brad King
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] Empty ERROR_VARIABLE in execute_process
Brad King
- [CMake] GPG-Verifying the integrity of a CMake release: BAD signature from "Brad King"
Konrad Kleine
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Petr Kmoch
- [CMake] Setting a value in a sub-project
Petr Kmoch
- [CMake] LINK_FLAGS directory property
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] Override CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS for one particular library
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] Running cpack without source folder
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] Cannot include third-party Framework headers directories as system directories in XCode for avoiding their warning
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] AUTOMOC with files on different folders
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] AUTOMOC with files on different folders
Attila Krasznahorkay
- [CMake] Full source path in generated ninja build file?
Chaoren Lin
- [CMake] in source makefile / helper script that enables building out of source?
Steve Lorimer
- [CMake] in source makefile / helper script that enables building out of source?
Steve Lorimer
- [CMake] AUTOMOC with files on different folders
Tiago Macarios
- [CMake] AUTOMOC with files on different folders
Tiago Macarios
- [CMake] AUTOMOC with files on different folders
Tiago Macarios
- [CMake] CPack and PackageMaker
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] Recommended style for multiple CPack generator folder structures
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] Recommended style for multiple CPack generator folder structures
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] [OS X] example CMake file to create a Preference Pane?
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] C header file cross dependency
Wagner Martin
- [CMake] C header file cross dependency
Wagner Martin
- [CMake] default release build flags
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] Chicken/egg w/CMAKE_C_COMPILER
Andrew Melo
- [CMake] CPack: setting multiple RPM pre/post (un)install scripts
Andrew Melo
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] CLang error when building iOS bundle
- [CMake] Find_Boost sets Boost_INCLUDE_DIR before making sure the right version is found
Phil Osteen
- [CMake] Simple CMake project on Msys2/Win10-64 gives Complex "Platform" error
Konstantin Podsvirov
- [CMake] CMAKE toolchain file for TI armcl compiler
R, Manoj
- [CMake] how to really change CMake linker
Manoj R
- [CMake] how to really change CMake linker
Manoj R
- [CMake] Xcode generator results in a project file without optimization
Siyuan Ren
- [CMake] Xcode generator results in a project file without optimization
Siyuan Ren
- [CMake] Xcode generator results in a project file without optimization
Siyuan Ren
- [CMake] CMake custom link executable command, how to extract linker options?
- [CMake] Visual Studio 2008 / VS Compiler for Python
Michael Sarahan
- [CMake] AUTOMOC with files on different folders
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES entry for thread safety of static local variable initialization
Daniel Schepler
- [CMake] qt+cmake != qt+qmake on mac os x
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Cross Compilation & Source file generators
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Chicken/egg w/CMAKE_C_COMPILER
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Introduction and Cmake's accessibility
Jaffar Sidek
- [CMake] Xcode, -isystem, and qt5_use_modules
Breannan Smith
- [CMake] in source makefile / helper script that enables building out of source?
Paul Smith
- [CMake] Argh! Thwarted at every turn!
Paul Smith
- [CMake] Argh! Thwarted at every turn!
Paul Smith
- [CMake] cmake 3.5.2 Xcode generator bug
Paul Smith
- [CMake] cmake 3.5.2 Xcode generator bug
Paul Smith
- [CMake] Mac OS X framework building
Bill Somerville
- [CMake] Fwd: Using CPack to package things not built using CMake
Bruce Stephens
- [CMake] How to Determine If a Perl Module Is Installed?
Bruce Stephens
- [CMake] How to Determine If a Perl Module Is Installed?
Bruce Stephens
- [CMake] Custom languages supported by all generators?
Stuermer, Michael SP/HZA-ZSEP
- [CMake] Idomatic cmake: Supporting gcc, icc, and clang with custom flags for each?
- [CMake] Idomatic cmake: Supporting gcc, icc, and clang with custom flags for each?
- [CMake] Idomatic cmake: Supporting gcc, icc, and clang with custom flags for each?
- [CMake] CPack: setting multiple RPM pre/post (un)install scripts
Thomas Teo
- [CMake] CPack: setting multiple RPM pre/post (un)install scripts
Thomas Teo
- [CMake] linking OBJECT libraries : Argument list too long
Magnus Therning
- [CMake] Custom languages supported by all generators?
Niklas Therning
- [CMake] Custom languages supported by all generators?
Niklas Therning
- [CMake] in source makefile / helper script that enables building out of source?
Konstantin Tokarev
- [CMake] What is the purpose of cmake's -N parameter?
Steven Velez
- [CMake] What is the purpose of cmake's -N parameter?
Steven Velez
- [CMake] CPack: setting multiple RPM pre/post (un)install scripts
Domen Vrankar
- [CMake] CLang error when building iOS bundle
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] CPack and PackageMaker
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] Debug vs Release "install" area
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] Windows Phone 10.0 and Windows Phone 8.1 support
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] Empty ERROR_VARIABLE in execute_process
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] Empty ERROR_VARIABLE in execute_process
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] Empty ERROR_VARIABLE in execute_process
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] Empty ERROR_VARIABLE in execute_process
Roman Wüger
- [CMake] Linking CXX executable xxx :undefined reference to `stlp_std::cout'
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] How to use 'CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS' correctly
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] How to hundle gcc link options(like whole-archive, --allow-multiple-definition) in CMake?
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] How to hundle gcc link options(like whole-archive, --allow-multiple-definition) in CMake?
Chaos Zhang
- [CMake] Calculating all C++ dependencies in advance with ninja and gmake makefiles
ori brost
- [CMake] [PATCH] FindBoost does not detect absence of header file
rleigh at
- [CMake] [cmake-developers] [PATCH] FindBoost does not detect absence of header file
rleigh at
- [CMake] Recommended style for multiple CPack generator folder structures
clinton at
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Difference between PRIVATE and PUBLIC with target_link_libraries
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Visual Studio : can I add a references to a cmake generated vcxproj ?
iosif neitzke
- [CMake] Cannot include third-party Framework headers directories as system directories in XCode for avoiding their warning
- [CMake] How to set the dependency in cmake
- [CMake] How does cmake handle object dependency(.o.d) in QtCreator
- [CMake] CMake+QT always failed for the first build, and succeeded for second build or later.
irene w
- [CMake] CMake+QT always failed for the first build, and succeeded for second build or later.
irene w
Last message date:
Tue May 31 20:47:02 EDT 2016
Archived on: Tue May 31 20:47:08 EDT 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).