[CMake] Automatic moc, uic and rcc every build

Jonas Collberg jonas.collberg at orzone.com
Tue May 3 09:10:15 EDT 2016


I'm using CMake to create project configuration files for Visual Studio
2015 (generator: "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64") and Qt Creator (generator:
"CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles").

The biggest remaining problem I have is that every time I build or run a
project using the CodeBlocks generator, CMake goes through some
time-consuming and unnecessary (?) processing for every project. The output
of this processing step are the three lines:

    Automatic moc, uic and rcc for target X
    Built target X_automoc
    Built target X

This processing of the automoc targets is done even though no changes have
been made to the source.

I've created a small repository with a demonstration of the problem at
https://bitbucket.org/joncol/cmake_qt_test. I use CMake version 3.5.2.

When building (or running) the project via the CodeBlocks build
configuration, you get the
"Automatic moc, uic and rcc for target myapp" output every time.

In my linked minimal example, it doesn't take much time, but for my real
work (large existing code base with many projects) it takes a significant
amount of time to do this.

Does anyone know of a way around this seemingly unnecessary processing of
automatic targets?

Jonas Collberg
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