March 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 04:03:40 EST 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 23:26:23 EDT 2008
Messages: 609
- [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Gonzalo Garramuño
- [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues
Félix C. Morency
- [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues
Félix C. Morency
- [CMake] FindYARP.cmake
Stefán Freyr Stefánsson
- [CMake] Converting a VS Build to CMake/Problems with Post-Build
steps, questions
- [CMake] Target properties LOCATION and DEBUG_POSTFIX
- [CMake] Target properties LOCATION and DEBUG_POSTFIX
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Jerome Arbez-Gindre
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Jerome Arbez-Gindre
- [CMake] A doubt about macros, relative paths and long args
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] A doubt about macros, relative paths and long args
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] A doubt about macros, relative paths and long args
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] List of files
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] List of files
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] Xgettext macro, problems and pitfalls
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] Passing a var to a macro
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] Passing a var to a macro
Leopold Palomo Avellaneda
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Sebastien BARRE
- [CMake] cmake community site
Sebastien BARRE
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Sebastien BARRE
- [CMake] absolute rpath
Jörg Becker
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] FOSDEM Talk on CMake is available
Maik Beckmann
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Sylvain Benner
- [CMake] Project sub folders in visual studio solution files.
Sylvain Benner
- [CMake] Add lots of commands
Robert Bielik
- [CMake] Linux 64 bit woes
Robert Bielik
- [CMake] Linux 64 bit woes
Robert Bielik
- [CMake] Selecting DEBUG and RELEASE Builds in Linux
- [CMake] Selecting DEBUG and RELEASE Builds in Linux
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Jorgen Bodde
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Jorgen Bodde
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Jorgen Bodde
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Jorgen Bodde
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Jorgen Bodde
- [CMake] Re: VMWare on SCons' future
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] FYI: Listing CMake variables
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Windows CMake under cygwin
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Windows CMake under cygwin
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] Hiding a variable from the GUI
Fernando Cacciola
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
David Cole
- [CMake] CMake 2.6 Gui App not picking up environment variables
David Cole
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Stephen Collyer
- [CMake] Variable setting as a stack rather than as a blackboard?
Christian Convey
- [CMake] current (2.5) CMakeForceCompiler
Yannick Cote
- [CMake] Adding support of #include MACRO(foo) in Cmake
Guillaume Damiand
- [CMake] Having problems getting started
- [CMake] Texinfo file configuration.
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] [CPack] Generated package description file.
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] [CPack] Generated package description file.
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] [CPack] Generated package description file.
Nicolas Desprès
- [CMake] CVS access problem
Frederik Deweerdt
- [CMake] CVS access problem
Frederik Deweerdt
- [CMake] Cross compile + shared libs problem
Frederik Deweerdt
- [CMake] Cross compile + shared libs problem
Frederik Deweerdt
- [CMake] Cross compile + shared libs problem
Frederik Deweerdt
- [CMake] embed version numbers in libraries (.so, a) and executables
Ittay Dror
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Christian Ehrlicher
- [CMake] CMake and QT4! moc problems
Alin M Elena
- [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future
Jesper Eskilson
- [CMake] Setting command line arguments for visual
Jesper Eskilson
- [CMake] cyclic DLL dependencies
Jesper Eskilson
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and Lua => DSL!?
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Re: Raven, Antwrap, Buildr
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] repeating conditional clauses
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Add lots of commands
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Re: VMWare on SCons' future
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] cmake community site
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] cmake community site
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] cmake community site
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] Sebastian Barre's private flames
Brandon Van Every
- [CMake] CMake 2.7-20080331 OS X cmake-gui problem
Michael Fang
- [CMake] FindYARP.cmake
Dario Figueira
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] cmake community site
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (wxwidgets)
Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Martin Fischer
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Martin Fischer
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Martin Fischer
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Martin Fischer
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Martin Fischer
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Martin Fischer
Gonzalo Garramuño
Gonzalo Garramuño
- [CMake] cmake community site
Gonzalo Garramuño
- [CMake] [Spam] Brandon Van Every
Gonzalo Garramuño
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compile flag on AIX-5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compile flag on AIX-5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compile flag on AIX-5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Joachim Geiger
- [CMake] New, improved FindMPI.cmake
Berk Geveci
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Crni Gorac
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Crni Gorac
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Crni Gorac
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Crni Gorac
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Doug Gregor
- [CMake] New FindMPI module has some backward-compatibility problems
Doug Gregor
- [CMake] New FindMPI module has some backward-compatibility problems
Doug Gregor
- [CMake] VS Project Question
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] VS Project Question
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] VS Project Question
Surya Kiran Gullapalli
- [CMake] Fortran bug: use in comment
Honest Guvnor
- [CMake] Fortran bug: use in comment
Honest Guvnor
- [CMake] GUI front end
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] GUI front end
Christopher Harvey
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] test
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Sebastian Barre's private flames
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND-question
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Announcing CDash!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CTest and GIT
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cmake 2.4.8 on cygwin
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] GUI front end
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Bootstrap failed under Ubuntu
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] New, improved FindMPI.cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Updated: CMake 2.4.8-1
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CVS access problem
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Path depth under windows
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CVS access problem
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Solaris/Slicer3 advice needed
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive to new/deleted files/directories?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake newbie Fortran question
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CPack OSX Bundles
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (Fortran 95)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (wxwidgets)
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Problem building fortran project on Windows using Intel Fortran 10 compiler
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Problem building fortran project on Windows using Intel Fortran 10 compiler
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Curses libraries not found
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Adding support of #include MACRO(foo) in Cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Fortran bug: use in comment
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compile flag on AIX-5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compile flag on AIX-5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Windows CMake under cygwin
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Windows CMake under cygwin
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Supporting large numbers of projects
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] compiling cmake on aix 5.1 and 5.3
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [CPack] Generated package description file.
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [CPack] Generated package description file.
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6 Gui App not picking up environment variables
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] New FindMPI module has some backward-compatibility problems
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Renaming or removing build modes
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] set environment variable scope
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Hiding a variable from the GUI
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Building from generated code
Christian Hoffmann
- [CMake] Building from generated code
Christian Hoffmann
- [CMake] Building from generated code
Christian Hoffmann
- [CMake] CMake configuration for a Fortran project calling C library
Asmae Houda
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] PKG installer on Mac
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND-question
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND-question
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND-question
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Bootstrap failed under Ubuntu
Steven Van Ingelgem
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] make test
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake C++/ADA
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake C++/ADA
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (wxwidgets)
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (wxwidgets)
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (Fortran 95)
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] PLplot issues with the cvs version of CMake (Fortran 95)
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] make test
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] handing dependencies in multi-file CMake setup?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] New FindMPI module has some backward-compatibility problems
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] make test
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] make test
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] (no subject)
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] cmake community site
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] CMake talk at FOSDEM
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] GUI front end
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Variable setting as a stack rather than as a blackboard?
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Proper use of cached Boolean value
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Suppressing Windows console in Qt app
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] CMake 2.6 Gui App not picking up environment variables
Mike Jackson
- [CMake] Google Summer of Code, Cmake and PHP
Pierre Joye
- [CMake] Supporting large numbers of projects
- [CMake] Supporting large numbers of projects
- [CMake] Paths for targets to COMMAND in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Jonas Karlsson
- [CMake] Paths for targets to COMMAND in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Jonas Karlsson
- [CMake] Project sub folders in visual studio solution files.
Josef Karthauser
- [CMake] Problem added file dependency to a library.
Josef Karthauser
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Kedzierski, Artur CIV NSWC Corona, PA53
- [CMake] current (2.5) CMakeForceCompiler
Brad King
Brad King
Brad King
- [CMake] CTest and GIT
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Brad King
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Brad King
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Anka Kochanowska
- [CMake] per target flags
Egon Kocjan
- [CMake] per target flags
Egon Kocjan
- [CMake] how to make cmake filter the environments' CXXFLAG, and use that filtered string for the build types of choice?
Stefan Kögl
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Andy Lego
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND doesn't create CMake rules
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Attaching cmake commands to a custom target
Andy Lego
- [CMake] cyclic DLL dependencies
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Andy Lego
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Curses libraries not found
Andy Lego
- [CMake] List of files
Andy Lego
- [CMake] Re: Detecting linux distro?
Rodolfo Schulz de Lima
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Rodolfo Schulz de Lima
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Rodolfo Schulz de Lima
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Rodolfo Lima
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Rodolfo Lima
- [CMake] 'check' target
Rodolfo Lima
- [CMake] 'check' target
Rodolfo Lima
- [CMake] 'check' target
Rodolfo Lima
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Converting a VS Build to CMake/Problems with Post-Build
steps, questions
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Philip Lowman
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (was: Target properties LOCATION and DEBUG_POSTFIX)
Martin Lutken
- [CMake] Using ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND in a macro; Problems with quotes
Martin Lütken
- [CMake] Getting the subversion version using CMake.
Andrew Maclean
- [CMake] cmake 2.4.8 on cygwin
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack : seg fault
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack: CygwinBinary cmake 2.4.8 and CVS differs
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CPack: seg fault / cygwin / make package_source
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXt
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] uname -p -> unknown
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] uname -p -> unknown
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMAKE_OVERRIDE_COMPILER_MISMATCH was Re: CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Mathieu Malaterre
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
James Mansion
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
James Mansion
- [CMake] Problem building fortran project on Windows using Intel Fortran 10 compiler
Arjen Markus
- [CMake] Lua in a nutshell
Ken Martin
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive tonew/deleted files/directories?
Ken Martin
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive tonew/deleted files/directories?
Ken Martin
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive tonew/deleted files/directories?
Ken Martin
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Ákos Maróy
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Ákos Maróy
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Ákos Maróy
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Ákos Maróy
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Ákos Maróy
- [CMake] handing dependencies in multi-file CMake setup?
Ákos Maróy
- [CMake] website looking tight
Matt McCormick
- [CMake] percent of coverage
Dave Milter
- [CMake] Linux 64 bit woes
Adiel Mittmann
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Adiel Mittmann
- [CMake] Passing a var to a macro
Adiel Mittmann
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
- [CMake] -D constants
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive to new/deleted files/directories?
Convey Christian J NPRI
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive to new/deleted files/dire ctories?
Convey Christian J NPRI
George Neill
George Neill
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
George Neill
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
George Neill
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
George Neill
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
George Neill
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
George Neill
- [CMake] Sun GCC builds (cooltools)
George Neill
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CodeBlocks generator issues
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] build a shared library from static libraries
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] VMWare on SCons' future
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] cmake community site
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake, Java and JARs
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] VS2005 PocketPC and Smartphone targets
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] cmake community site
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] build a shared library from static libraries
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Building from generated code
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake and Lua
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] absolute rpath
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] build a shared library from static libraries
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] cmake community site
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] absolute rpath
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] cmake 2.4.8 trouble (paraview)
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [PATCH] install desktop file for cmake-gui
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] GUI front end
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] New, improved FindMPI.cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] build a shared library from static libraries
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Batch converting several files
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake bug tracker accout
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake Cross Compiling for arm-linux
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake Cross Compiling for arm-linux
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake Cross Compiling for arm-linux
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake Cross Compiling for arm-linux
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] make test
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] per target flags
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Cross compile + shared libs problem
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Multi-component packaging support
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Cross compile + shared libs problem
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Problem added file dependency to a library.
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Multi-component packaging support
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Universal Binary with architecture-specific sources lists
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [CPack.cmake] take into account CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_xxxxxxxxx only once
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [CPack.cmake] take into account CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_xxxxxxxxx only once
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Paths for targets to COMMAND in ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] make test
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Add a library path
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] make test
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] color output with GNU Screen
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Cross compile + shared libs problem
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] mailing list
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] -D constants
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Set build directory
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Absolute output path
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Multi-component packaging support
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] [CMake/CPack] empty debian package
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Renaming or removing build modes
Bryan O'Sullivan
- [CMake] Best practices on how to reorganize repository
Dieter Oberkofler
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Making FindBoost prefer Boost_ROOT
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Making FindBoost prefer Boost_ROOT
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Making FindBoost prefer Boost_ROOT
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Passing parameters to uic in QT4_WRAP_UI macro
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [CMake] cmake community site
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [CMake] xmltoman and zip files
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [CMake] xmltoman and zip files
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [CMake] Passing parameters to uic in QT4_WRAP_UI macro
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [CMake] Attaching cmake commands to a custom target
Kaleb Pederson
- [CMake] Attaching cmake commands to a custom target
Kaleb Pederson
- [CMake] set environment variable scope
Kaleb Pederson
- [CMake] set environment variable scope
Kaleb Pederson
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Amitha Perera
- [CMake] Setting subsystem:windows
Amitha Perera
- [CMake] Copying executeables and libraries
Andreas Pokorny
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Orion Poplawski
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
Orion Poplawski
- [CMake] GUI front end
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] GUI front end
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] per target flags
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Overriding SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES from the command line
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Stephen Quinney
- [CMake] Re: Detecting linux distro?
Stephen Quinney
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Ben Ratzlaff
- [CMake] CMake and Lua => DSL!?
- [CMake] Path depth under windows
Yann Renard
- [CMake] mailing list
Micha Renner
- [CMake] embed version numbers in libraries (.so, a) and executables
Vandenbroucke Sander
- [CMake] embed version numbers in libraries (.so, a) and executables
Vandenbroucke Sander
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] [PATCH] install desktop file for cmake-gui
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] make package_source and binary subdir of source
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] embed version numbers in libraries (.so, a) and executables
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] embed version numbers in libraries (.so, a) and executables
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] xmltoman and zip files
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND doesn't create CMake rules
Schick, Thorben (ITUC; ADITG/DFG)
- [CMake] ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND doesn't create CMake rules
Schick, Thorben (ITUC; ADITG/DFG)
- [CMake] check_include_file macro
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] CTest and GIT
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] Linux 64 bit woes
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] uname -p -> unknown
Andreas Schneider
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Enrico Scholz
- [CMake] Re: CMake and Lua
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] CPack OSX Bundles
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] CPack OSX Bundles
Timothy M. Shead
- [CMake] COMPILE_FLAGS on per target and per configuration basis
Ilya Shvetsov
- [CMake] COMPILE_FLAGS on per target and per configuration basis
Ilya Shvetsov
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Somehow making life easier with wxWidgets ...
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] derivative language module
Werner Smekal
- [CMake] Suppressing Windows console in Qt app
Matthew Smith
- [CMake] CMake, Java and JARs
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Detecting linux distro?
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Sebastian Barre's private flames
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] A doubt about macros, relative paths and long args
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] Overriding SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES from the command line
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] [CPACK] debian package
Filipe Sousa
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Olaf van der Spek
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Olaf van der Spek
- [CMake] How to make Visual Studio .vcproj with relative paths
Olaf van der Spek
- [CMake] Passing parameters to uic in QT4_WRAP_UI macro
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] Obtaining improved GNU make performance on Makefiles generated by cmake
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] cmake community site
David Thulson
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
David Thulson
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
David Thulson
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
David Thulson
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
David Thulson
- [CMake] CMake 2.6.0 Beta ready for testing!
David Thulson
- [CMake] Universal Binary with architecture-specific sources lists
Nicolas Tisserand
- [CMake] Universal Binary with architecture-specific sources lists
Nicolas Tisserand
- [CMake] CMake 2.6 Gui App not picking up environment variables
Nicolas Tisserand
- [CMake] Setting command line arguments for visual
Olivier Tournaire
- [CMake] Setting command line arguments for visual
Olivier Tournaire
- [CMake] Set build directory
Olivier Tournaire
- [CMake] Set build directory
Olivier Tournaire
- [CMake] Add a library path
Olivier Tournaire
- [CMake] Removing cmake as a dependancy
Kevin Tucker
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Tavitayya Varanasi
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Tavitayya Varanasi
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Niko Vuokko
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Niko Vuokko
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Niko Vuokko
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Randal Walser
- [CMake] generating GNU makefiles for MSVC
Randal Walser
- [CMake] cyclic DLL dependencies
Michael Wild
- [CMake] cyclic DLL dependencies
Michael Wild
- [CMake] cyclic DLL dependencies
Michael Wild
- [CMake] cyclic DLL dependencies
Michael Wild
- [CMake] Linux 64 bit woes
Michael Wild
- [CMake] cmake community site
Matt Williams
- [CMake] Brandon Van Every
E. Wing
- [CMake] cmake community site
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] cmake on open solaris
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Making FindBoost prefer Boost_ROOT
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Making FindBoost prefer Boost_ROOT
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Making FindBoost prefer Boost_ROOT
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Multi-component packaging support
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] an easy way to clean cmake generated files?
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] COMPILE_FLAGS on per target and per configuration basis
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] COMPILE_FLAGS on per target and per configuration basis
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Multi-component packaging support
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Multi-component packaging support
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Find preferentially in /usr/local/lib not working
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] FindBoost.cmake updated on the bugtracker
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Only one target becomes verbose in the makefile
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] how to define a target that will be run on request only, and always on install?
Timenkov Yuri
- [CMake] Target properties LOCATION and DEBUG_POSTFIX
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (was: Target properties LOCATION and DEBUG_POSTFIX)
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] Target properties LOCATION and DEBUG_POSTFIX
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] configuration specific ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] CMake bug tracker accout
Zschocke, Florian
- [CMake] Having problems getting started
- [CMake] cmake // how to find out compiler version in CMakeLists.txt
- [CMake] Getting Makefiles sensitive tonew/deleted files/directories?
- [CMake] CMake C++/ADA
alexander at
- [CMake] problem deploying 64 bit from VS 2005
clinton at
- [CMake] problem deploying 64 bit from VS 2005
clinton at
- [CMake] Suppressing Windows console in Qt app
clinton at
- [CMake] Suppressing Windows console in Qt app
clinton at
- [CMake] CMake 2.6 Gui App not picking up environment variables
clinton at
j.bedouet at
- [CMake] re: Compile only, no link
jean-daniel.michaud at
- [CMake] (no subject)
cgen.cmake at
- [CMake] color output with GNU Screen
- [CMake] How to build a library divided in many directories ?
- [CMake] build a shared library from static libraries
- [CMake] -D constants
stephan ripke
- [CMake] Absolute output path
jean-daniel.michaud at
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 23:26:23 EDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Apr 1 09:35:44 EDT 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).