[cmake-developers] Install quiet option

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Jun 16 15:22:43 EDT 2014

On 06/16/2014 01:48 PM, J Decker wrote:
> Hmmm... environment variable doens't work very cleanly...

CMAKE_INSTALL_ALWAYS is meant to be set in the environment at
"make install" time for folks using the checkinstall tool
which wants file times to always be modified.

The proposed CMAKE_INSTALL_QUIET option could work in the
environment too for those that locally do not want to see
the output.  It would be purely an install-time decision

For reference, the original corresponding issue:

 Add QUIET option to install() command

also suggests the use case of an install(DIRECTORY) command
that knows it will be installing a lot of files and can be
specifically marked as QUIET while allowing others to report.

Both the install(... QUIET) option and some kind of project-
wide setting (like a global property) would have to be
implemented by generating different cmake_install.cmake
script content.  Perhaps the file(INSTALL) command used
for the actual install operation could learn a QUIET option.


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