January 2014 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Jan 1 11:13:08 EST 2014
Ending: Fri Jan 31 23:38:27 EST 2014
Messages: 236
- [CMake] (no subject)
Matt Wilbur
- [CMake] Issue with xcode and Target SDK 10.6
Thomas Diligent
- [CMake] missing -rpath-link flag
Clinton Stimpson
- [CMake] ANN: CMake Course - February 10 in Lyon, France
Julien Jomier
- [CMake] FindMPI not looking in /usr?
Pettey . Lucas
- [CMake] CMake and def files
Totte Karlsson
- [CMake] ExternalProjects_Add limitations
Rob McDonald
- [CMake] Cpack NSIS Issue
Stefan Fendt
- [CMake] Add -lrt at the end of link.txt
Cedric Doucet
- [CMake] Generating multiple targets in parallel generates common prerequisites twice
Martin Apel
- [CMake] Use ctest with callgrind
Bogdan Cristea
- [CMake] Use ctest with callgrind
Bogdan Cristea
- [CMake] "find_package(MPI)" overriding "set(MPIEXEC)" in CmakeList.txt
Pettey . Lucas
- [CMake] Fwd: Visual Studio command line from CMake
Rob McDonald
- [CMake] Generate *.cpp/*.hpp with add_custom_command, reference these in add_library in another subdirectory/CMakeLists?
Martin Zenzes
- [CMake] How can one use ctest/cdash with a target that is not "all"?
JR Cary
- [CMake] patch on Windows
Rob McDonald
- [CMake] Using CMake 2.8.11 to generate Visual Studo C++ Makefile Project in addition to Win32 C++ Projects (.dll/.exe)
Jason Babicka
- [CMake] [BUG] [INFRASTRUCTURE] Wiki editing broken?
Andreas Mohr
- [CMake] qt4_wrap_cpp: questions about TARGET option
David Demelier
- [CMake] Finding zlib on OS X 10.9
"Schröter, Philipp"
- [CMake] Announce: CMake course March 4, 2014 in Santa Fe
Bill Hoffman
- [CMake] Searching once
Al Niessner
- [CMake] Policy CMP0020 setting is ignored
Dominik Bernhardt
- [CMake] What is the best way to clean up CMakeFiles and CMakeCache.txt if aborting build completely?
Ben Phillips
- [CMake] Can't add /usr/include headers directory when using cmake
Mike Gorchak
- [CMake] CMake is much slower than
Dominik Bernhardt
- [CMake] Change optimization level for a particular XCode configuration
Keith Johnston
- [CMake] /MP[number of threads] switch for Visual Studio 2010
Mario Rodríguez
- [CMake] QT5 problem
Paul Emony
- [CMake] Policies in generate step
Dominik Bernhardt
- [CMake] export(TARGETS for multi-configuration
- [CMake] Forcing /MDd using externalproject_add
Brian Davis
- [CMake] CMAKE OS X fortran bug?
- [CMake] Compiling two versions of file/program
Rob McDonald
- [CMake] Why is -fPIE added to my build?
Schlottke, Michael
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andrew Hundt
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Mateusz Łoskot
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andrew Hundt
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andreas Schuh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andreas Schuh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andreas Schuh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andreas Schuh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andreas Schuh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andrew Hundt
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Roger Leigh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andreas Schuh
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andrew Hundt
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Andrew Hundt
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Matthew Woehlke
- [CMake] Announcing CMake BASIS, a set of CMake based project interoperability and automation tools
Stephen Kelly
- [CMake] CMake absolute path
Tony-Alexandru Dincu
- [CMake] Problems with renamed CMake Generators
- [CMake] How to tell an executable where to look for libraries it depends on
Lucas Soltic
- [CMake] [] Bug in Xcode generation of STATIC from OBJECT libraries
Paul Smith
- [CMake] Simple function to create a find script
Andrew Hundt
- [CMake] Using CPack on an PackageMaker Installer
Brigit Hawley
- [CMake] Libraries as bundles on Mac OS
- [CMake] custom command with non-zero exit code?
Andreas Pakulat
- [CMake] Configure_file, permission denied
- [CMake] cmake --help-module FindBoost gives older version of boost
Pritesh Acharya
- [CMake] CMake Digest, Vol 117, Issue 38
Pritesh Acharya
- [CMake] Using Qt5 with CMake
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Does a ctested build work with make -j
John Cary
- [CMake] Linking with intel (icc/icpc) VTK libraries using gnu (g++/ar)
- [CMake] Linking intel (icpc/icc) compiled libraries with gnu (g++/gcc/ar) compiled targets
- [CMake] CMake Tools for Visual Studio 1.1 RC1 Available
David Golub
- [CMake] problem with mac linker flags
Alexander von Below
- [CMake] CMake available for download
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] Unable to include a custom (i.e., non-Apple) framework in a CMake iOS project
David Hirvonen
- [CMake] OS-X app bundle - executable name vs bundle name
James Turner
- [CMake] Sorting Xcode source groups
Kevin Wojniak
- [CMake] Custom Commands & Generator Expressions
Steven Wilson
- [CMake] Reverse logic
Rob McDonald
- [CMake] include_directories(...) versus set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ...)
Marcel Loose
- [CMake] Out-of-tree build with multiple executables for eclipse
- [CMake] retrieving and manipulating (Fortran) dependency information
Zaak Beekman
- [CMake] Add support for Metro apps
Minmin Gong
- [CMake] AStyle or similar code beautifier
Rob McDonald
- [CMake] Mixing gcc and icc in the same library with CMake
jerome at bausse.fr
- [CMake] Specify 64bit-specific flag
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 23:38:27 EST 2014
Archived on: Fri Jan 31 23:38:30 EST 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).