[CMake] cpack generators for Windows

Bogdan Cristea cristeab at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 10:00:59 EST 2012

On Monday 05 November 2012 13:57:04 you wrote:
> There seems to be relatively recent commit in the repository though:
> http://nsis.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/nsis/NSIS/trunk/

The latest release is 2.46, December 2009. I have not tried yet the version 
from trunk, but I have noticed in Win8 some issues and also the lack of 64 bit 

> there is some evolution there as well:
> http://code.google.com/p/unsis/

This one seems to be the unicode version of nsis.

> >  are there any plans
> >
> > to suppport new installer systems on Windows (e.g. the ones provided by
> > Visual Studio) ?
> What is "the ones provided by Visual Studio" ?

Visual Studio 2010 has several projects allowing to create installers, given 
the fact that cmake supports VS2010, I was a little surprised to see that no 
VS install projects can be generated.

> Currently there is pending support for WiX:
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=11575
> I think more tester for this would be nice if we want to make it go in
> 2.8.11 (read the comments in the tracker).

I'll have a look.

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