[CMake] cpack generators for Windows

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 07:57:04 EST 2012

2012/11/5 Bogdan Cristea <cristeab at gmail.com>:
> Hi
> NSIS seems to be quite outdated and no longer developed,

There seems to be relatively recent commit in the repository though:

there is some evolution there as well:

>  are there any plans
> to suppport new installer systems on Windows (e.g. the ones provided by Visual
> Studio) ?

What is "the ones provided by Visual Studio" ?

Currently there is pending support for WiX:

I think more tester for this would be nice if we want to make it go in 2.8.11
(read the comments in the tracker).

Le gouvernement représentatif n'est pas la démocratie --

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