[CMake] unexpected INSTALL problems

Dominik Szczerba dominik at itis.ethz.ch
Wed Jun 15 16:16:57 EDT 2011

> I use Debian SID 64bit which is similar to Ubuntu, but not the same :)
> The "problem" (if it really is one) is that debian does ship the libraries
> with another naming, so FindBoost will select the library without version
> number.

That's very interesting. My Boost_LIBRARIES according to cmake are:
but my stuff gets linked to the ones with versions in the name, proved
by ldd:

> ldd bin/vtkmyFilteringPython.so | grep boost
	libboost_thread.so.1.40.0 => /usr/lib/libboost_thread.so.1.40.0

Very strange.

> I looked in the script FindBoost.cmake and saw the problem in the lines 717
> - 723 (and 728 - 735). Here, the libraries with the version number are
> listed before the ones without version number.
> Does one always prefer the libraries with version number? Or should the
> order changed?
> I think the best way is to use both:
> If the user wants exactly this version, the find-library command should use
> ONLY libraries with names, and if not it should look for libraries without
> the number first.
> What do you think about this idea?

I see advantages and disadvantages of both options and I do agree with
you that a user should have a choice to pick one.

Best regards,

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