[CMake] providing library information, what's the cmake way

Johannes Zarl johannes.zarl at jku.at
Fri Nov 26 19:16:22 EST 2010

On Friday 26 November 2010 10:49:01 Eric Noulard wrote:
> > From the information in http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Released_Versions
> > and using some shell-scripts to create the diffs between all
> > "neighbor-versions", it's not too much work to create a compatibility
> > matrix for the documented features.
> May be it can be fully  automated suche that adding a column for each new
> CMake release would take minimum time?

Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible. After all, the information has 
to be gathered comparing the textual output of "cmake --help-full". While most 
differences are pretty straightforward to interpret (at least for a human 
reader), sometimes the documentation changes and you really have to read the 
different versions and decide if there really was a change in behaviour, or if 
it's just a documentation change.

> > I took the liberty and compiled such a compatibility matrix here:
> > http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Version_Compatibility_Matrix
> > 
> > It's a draft and does not (yet) contain information about properties and
> > variables, but if this idea receives general consent I could complete the
> > information.
> > 
> > What do you think? Is this worth the effort, or would no one ever bother
> > to update the information?
> I like it too, I think it's very handy.
> Concerning the update I think I will be done (and I may help)
> if some scripts pre-digest the informations to be laid out.

I don't have any time for this matter before next Thursday, but regarding the 
positive reactions on this list I will certainly complete the matrix.

Eric: I can send you the shell-scripts if you want to have a look...

Have a nice weekend,

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