[CMake] Linking against boost_Test fails

Oswin Krause oswinKrause at web.de
Tue Jun 22 14:29:08 EDT 2010

>On 06/21/2010 10:19 PM, Oswin Krause wrote:
>>> On 06/21/2010 04:53 PM, Oswin Krause wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>> I am currently trying to write a cmake script for my testcases. Previously i used a command like this:
>>>> g++ test.cpp -lboost_test_exec_monitor-mt -L/path/to/lib/ -lshark -I/path/to/include
>>>> and everything worked fine.
>>>> Now i'm using the following macro:
>>>>         ${SRC}
>>>>     )
>>>>         ${Boost_TEST_EXEC_MONITOR_LIBRARY}
>>>>         shark
>>>>     )
>>>> SHARK_ADD_TEST( LinAlg/test.cpp LinAlg_test )
>>>> And this creates the following commands:
>>>> /usr/bin/c++ -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -I/path/to/include -o /some/path/test.o -c path/to/test/test.cpp
>>>> /usr/bin/c++ /some/path/test.o -o /path/to/bin -rdynamic -Wl,-Bstatic -lboost_test_exec_monitor-mt 
>>>> -Wl,-Bdynamic /path/to/lib/libshark.so.2.3.0 -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/lib
>>>> and the error:
>>>> undefined reference to 'boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(bool (*)(),int,char**)'
>>>> So cmake finds the correct library, but seems to link wrong.
>>>> How can i fix that?
>>> Usually, this means you have a reference of your libshark.so.2.3.0 to
>>> libboost_test_exec_monitor-mt.a, but in this case, your manually set up
>>> link line wouldn't work, too, so are you sure that line works as you've
>>> presented it, i.e. with -lboost_test_exec_monitor-mt before -lshark?
>> Yes, it is exactly this:
>> g++ cblnsrch.cpp -lboost_test_exec_monitor-mt 
>> -L/home/oswin/Projekte/Shark/shark-project/branches/SharkReworkBoostRng/Shark/lib/ -lshark 
>> -I/home/oswin/Projekte/Shark/shark-project/branches/SharkReworkBoostRng/Shark/include/
>> But there is  currently no dependency between shark and boost, so the order shouldn't make a difference.
>>> i.e. shark-before-boost, work?
>> Same result, unfortunately.
>>> Another potential cause for such incidents is the use of different C++
>>> compiler versions, so do you have multiple compilers installed, or do
>>> you have multiple Boost installations, and how does libshark.so.2.3.0
>>> get built?
>> I'm building the tests with the same cmake Script as i'm currently trying to build the Tests.
>> I checked the gcc versions. My gcc was quite old, 4.4.1 and boost was build with 4.4.3. But updating gcc to 4.4.5 didn't help either.
>> And both are now the newest version of my distribution. 
>Could you perhaps do the following:
>1) Post the CMakeList.txt that generates the faulty link line.
>2) Post the output of "make VERBOSE=1", so we can see the details.
>3) After make has bailed out with the failure in linking, jump into the
>   concerned directory, set up a working link line by hand and post it.
>Don't forget to do an out-of-source build starting from within a clean
>binary directory, and BTW, how do you enable Boost in CMakeLists.txt?
>P.S.: Which version of Boost do you use?

Thanks for your help. I solved the Problem.  I wondered, why there was a -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK in the build call.
It turned out, that i somehow managed to put a ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK ) in my CmakeLists.txt.
I removed it -> everything worked fine.
Well, sometimes copying from old projects is not the best idea.

Thanks again for your help. 


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