[CMake] Eclipse Galileo and CDT version 6.0.2

Hugh Sorby h.sorby at auckland.ac.nz
Thu Jun 10 21:19:54 EDT 2010

I am attempting to use Eclipse Galileo with CDT version 6.0.2 on windows 
7 to do software development on.  But I am unable to build the 
software.  I am getting the following message in the console window in 

Error launching builder (nmake all )
(Cannot run program "nmake": Launching failed)

Consequently nothing gets built.  Can anyone give me pointers as to what 
might be going wrong. 

I will describe the way I created this project below in case (as I think 
it is likely) the problem lies here.

1. I usually use Visual Studio and can create visual studio projects 
from my CMakeLists.txt file with no problems.
2. I start a Visual Studio command prompt and run cmake-gui
3. I configure my project for an out of source build using the Eclipse 
CDT4 - NMake Makefiles generator using the native compilers
  CMake configures, I adjust a few variables and then generate the 
project files.  Just the same as I would for Visual Studio projects.
4. I then follow the instructions here 
http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/Eclipse_CDT4_Generator, specifically
    a. Start eclipse and import the project
    b. Choose the build directory as the root directory for the import 
projects dialog then click finish, changing nothing else.
5. Error message appears and nothing gets built.

To my knowledge the environment looks good in the properties/"C/C++ Make 
Project"  page for my project.  That is the PATH variable in the 
environment tab on this page contains the location of nmake on my system.

Ideas anyone,


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