[CMake] cmake option to check that a command has produced the file it should has produced

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 05:43:42 EST 2009

2009/2/17 Gaëtan Lehmann <Gaetan.Lehmann at jouy.inra.fr>:
> Hi,
> I wonder, is there an option in cmake to check that a custom command has
> produced the files it should have produced?

I don't think there is such option.
However if you have the list of supposedly produced files you may
check if they have been produced with

IF(EXISTS <filename>)
ENDIF(EXISTS <filename>)

With a MACRO like:

    IF(EXISTS ${F})
      MESSAGE(STATUS "${F} exists")
      MESSAGE(STATUS "${F} DOES NOT exists")

you could check

SET(FL "exist1.txt;doesnotexists.txt")

My MACRO is a sample but you can
when an expected file does not exists.

> In my case, doxygen may not produce all the expected files, depending on the
> comment it finds in the source code, but install of the man pages will fail
> because of those missing files. Having those manpages listed in the expected
> output doesn't change anything.
> I'd really like to have an error message at build time instead of the error
> message I get at install time: it would save me a lot of time.

If you want the error to appear at build time then you'll have
to somehow add another custom command which may

cmake -P CheckFilesDoxy.cmake

the CheckFilesDoxy.cmake should be generated at CMake time
in order to contains the appropriate list of OUTPUT files used
for Doxygen custom command.

I realise it may be a bit tricky but it should work.

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