[CMake] Efficient linking to libraries(static and dynamic)

ankit jain ankitguddu at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 01:01:18 EST 2009

Hi all,

I have folder f1 having csome cpp files. structure is like this:

now i create an executable for it as
add_executable(myexe c1.cpp c2.cpp)

the path of f1 folder is /home/ankit/mycode/f1
now i want to link myexe to a library lib.so and lib1.a which are not in
this folder but resides in other folder suppose in lib whose path is
something like this:


How to do achieve this linkage so that no unref came.
Right now iam doing it usinmg target_link_libraries by giving the entire
path somthing like this:

target_link_libraries(myexe /home/ankit/mycode/lib/lib.so

but it gives some unrefs. i dont know why.

Can u tell me how to achieve it.

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