[CMake] Updated WinCE CMakefiles

Andreas Pokorny andreas.pokorny at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 05:33:55 EDT 2008

I am still wondering how this all fits together.

The patch you are working on, will generate a visual studio file that
contains build rules for all installed SDKs.
But when generating for nmake we will have a cross compile
configuration for a single SDK. How can we ensure
that both things work. I am thinking about similar cases like the
/machine linker flag. For nmake we have to set it
for visual studio we must have individual settings for each sdk. The
same applies to cl, for nmake we pick one cl
and for visual studio we could have a project that uses cl for MIPS
sh4 and arm... Lets hope that no project
decides to conditionally add or remove source files based on the
target architecture.

kind regards

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