[CMake] Xcode application bundle major issues

Joshua Jensen jjensen at workspacewhiz.com
Wed May 9 12:43:46 EDT 2007

Bill Hoffman wrote:
> Joshua Jensen wrote:
>>> ersion of CMake are you using?   Also, I don't think CMake has 
>>> anything to do with the clean target, it is managed by Xcode itself.
> It does seems that this is currently broken in CVS, I am looking into 
> the issue.  I have to figure out some way of testing for this...  It 
> has been broken many times in the past as well....
Well, now that I know what it is, I'll just turn off the MACOSX_BUNDLE 
flag for the time being.  I'll watch CVS for a fix.
>> As a follow up question... why is that step even necessary?  The 
>> static library is a dependency of the executable target.  I know I've 
>> seen Xcode figure this stuff out on non-CMake builds.  Why not here?
> Xcode is sort of broken here.  If you have static libraries, and link 
> them into a target the "normal" Xcode way, then Xcode will figure this 
> stuff out.  However, if you need to specify a static library more than 
> once, (to say get around circular depend issues), then you have to use 
> -l flags in Xcode.  Xcode provides no way to add extra depends to a 
> target, it allows the -l flags, but there is no way to rebuild if the 
> library you link against gets changed.   So, we create a Makefile that 
> does the check for us, and removes the targets that use the libraries 
> when the libraries change.
Interesting.  What happens in cases like (sorry for the Visual C++ 
terminology...) Xcode incremental linking or Edit and Continue 
scenarios?  With my limited understanding of the Xcode issue, it seems 
they would be impossible to make work?



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