[CMake] Re: escaping!

Andrew Roark andrewjroark at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 25 10:18:49 EST 2007

> On Dec 23, 2007 2:50 PM, Andrew Roark  wrote:
> >
> > But the idea of a more powerful programming language that drives
> the
 same cmake logic is pretty interesting....
> I encourage you to get beyond the "ideas" stage by seeking compelling
> exemplars in other build system communities.  

I'm not the guy with "ideas" on the language - I was just trying to help another poster achieve their goal of processing files!

> What's a major project
> in SCons or some other build system that would be really clunky to do
> in CMake?

I think the point the other poster in this thread and the posters in the Lua discussions are making is that CMake is a good meta build system, not clunky as you hint at, but that the _CMake script language_ is clunky and less powerful than a real language. What CMake can generate from a descriptive language is excellent, so pair the tool with a better language.


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