[CMake] RPM CPack generator, was: How to request features?

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 12:59:28 EDT 2007

2007/8/6, Eric Noulard <eric.noulard at gmail.com>:
> rpmbuild -bb --define="_topdir
> /LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake/RPM"
> --buildroot=/LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake/_CPack_Packages/RPM
> /LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake/RPM/SPECS/cmake_fast.spec

just a precision regarding the --define arg which sets the "_topdir" variables.
This is needed because if you don't put that rpmbuild will try to build
the RPM (binary or source) in the "standard" RPM tree which
for example is: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS on redhat or FC distros.
(unless the user defined its own ~/.rpmrc)
You do not want that because you do not usually have the right to write there.
under _topdir rpm expect to find the following subtree:
|-- RPMS
|   |-- noarch
|   `-- x86_64

and may be more or differents RPMS/<subdirs> depending on which
arch you are building.


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