[CMake] RPM CPack generator, was: How to request features?

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 12:31:32 EDT 2007

2007/8/6, Alexander Neundorf <a.neundorf-work at gmx.net>:
> Yes, it seems so. The one for the source RPM would be a full regular spec file
> as far as I understand.

I attached a example of such a generated file: cmake.spec

> The one for the binary would have to be quite special.
> How does rpmbuild do the packaging ?
> Does it compress the installed tree or does it catch the install commands and
> record this way what is installed ?

To be fully honest I wasn't aware of what rpmbuild does before you ask :))
Now I'm pretty sure it only
 compress the install tree
+ content checking
  for verifying if the files described in the spec file match the one
  he found in the install tree.
+ binary dependencies add-on

> If it compresses the installed tree, then it should be possible to create such
> a spec file, which doesn't actually build the project again and which also
> doesn't execute make install again, but which "only" compresses the install
> tree. If you have a look in ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/_CPack_Packages/, you will
> notice there are install tree for every package generator. Such an install
> tree will also be generated if we add a RPM generator. Can you tweak the spec
> file so that it just compresses this tree ?

Yes  and you were right.
Find attached cmake_fast.spec which should correspond to your needs.
As you'll see all
%prep does nothing at all

%build and %install may do nothing
I just did "simulate" the CPack behavior you described with the commented
lines. (.spec files sections are just shell scripts which may use
predefined variables)

#mkdir -p /LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake/_CPack_Packages/RPM

#cd /LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake
#make DESTDIR=/LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake/_CPack_Packages/RPM install

If cpack -G RPM did already populate the _CPack_Packages/RPM
there is nothing to do in %build and  %install steps.

> Can you try to get this working manually ?

once you have the cmake_fast.spec generated you should run:

rpmbuild -bb --define="_topdir

I leave the PATH untouched.
You may replace:
/LOCAL/ERIC/tools/CMake/build_CMake with CMAKE_BINARY_DIR

> If this or the step above works, I'd like to add this as a generator in CPack
> (for more see below).

Ok nice to have for some of us :))

> > And please don't take this question as a pure critic of
> > the work you and/or other have done.
> > I'm just trying to understand the pro/cons of the approach
> > and your point of view regarding what should be
> > implemented in CMake C++ source code and
> > what should implemented as a CMake macro.
> Since two weeks or so CPack can also execute cmake scripts, this is now partly
> used in the ZIP and Debian generators. They use it "only" to set up variables
> and find stuff. It could also be used to call execute_process() or
> file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ...) etc. You can't use ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND() or
> We could do the following: I add a CPackRPMGenerator.cxx which executes a
> cmake script (something like Modules/CPackRPM.cmake), and you can put most of
> the logic in that script file.

I find it OK, but note that you may well create a CPackGenericGenerator.cxx
and implements CPackRPM.cmake as a "simple" cmake script.
I'll propose some idea just for that afterwards.
Nevertheless you may well do it with a specific "CPackRPMGenerator.cxx"
if you want to get it fast or if you find my idea to too much for the
current needs :))
I won't be ashamed :==)

I attach my current UseRPMTools.cmake which now defines 3 targets:

<package>_srpm        --> source RPM
<package>_rpm         --> binary RPM "as before"
<package>_rpm_fast  --> binary RPM directly from current build tree as you asked

The <package>_rpm_fast part may be taken from the file to create
a CPackRPM.cmake.

> In CMake it is currently possible e.g. to add languages without modifying the
> C++ sources. CPack needs some work to get to such a stage where you can add
> package generators by just modifying some scripts.

I think we may begin with RPM packager if you want.
Let's begin with stating what should be the minimal content of a


in order to able to easily add a new packager.
here comes a draft specification:

1) the file should be named CPack<GeneratorName>Generator.cmake
   e.g. CPackRPMGenerator.cmake
   this way cpack may scan such file name in order to display them
   when running cpakc --help

2) Those files MUST define the following variables

    CPACK_GENERATOR_NAME --> the name of the GENERATOR

    CPACK_RPM_OK will be set after INCLUDing(CPackRPMGenerator.cmake)
    such that cpack will know if the generator may be used on the current
    platform or not.

    then afterwards
   CPACK_RPM_TYPE --> the type which may be source, binary, both
    e.g. SET(CPACK_RPM_TYPE "binary")
          SET(CPACK_SRPM_TYPE "source")
          SET(CPACK_ZIP_TYPE "both")
          or may be
          SET(CPACK_ZIP_TYPE "binary;source")

   then the file file should define a macro
   which may be called to build the package.
   with some arguments
      * input: DIR_TOBE_PACKAGED your _CPack_Packages/
      * output: PACKAGES the varname used to store the
        produced package(s) files.
      * error:  ERROR the varname used to store eventual packaging error.

For some cpack generator kind one may define the value of
which should be used by the generator if defined by the user.
For example I may
SET(CPACK_RPM_TEMPLATE_FILE "my_customized_spec_file.spec")

And finally it would be useful if we had access to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR
and CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR value from within the
CPack<GeneratorName>Generator.cmake file.

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