[CMake] Cmake configuration types and install targets

Sylvain PRAT sylvain.prat at laposte.net
Thu Feb 9 11:09:09 EST 2006


I have a project with default configuration types on vc8: debug, 
release, relwithdebuginfo and minsizerel. I use a debug postfix to avoid 
name clash between debug and release targets. But I have an install 
target rule, and all the 3 release configurations copy targets to the 
same filename in my install folder. So my questions are basically:
- how do you force configuration types in a CMakeLists.txt file to debug 
and release only? I seem to recall that this is not possible. Right?
- or how to avoid the duplicate copy? That is, how could i just install 
the release library and not the relwithdebuginfo nor minsizerel libraries?
- or do you know a workaround so i could copy my release and debug 
libraries out of their respective debug/ and release/ folders with 
visual c++?


Sylvain Prat

Email : sylvain.prat at laposte.net
Tel   : +33 6 78 71 51 21

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