[Cmake] CMake error with execution C++
William A. Hoffman
billlist at nycap . rr . com
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 09:16:32 -0500
I am not sure, but it may be that cmake is having trouble with a directory
with directory name with $$ in it. Can you try a different named directory
and see if it works.
At 06:34 AM 11/24/2003, Nuria Paniagua Cantero wrote:
>We have a very important problem with CMake execution with C++. We write the path of source code and binaries, then we press the "configure" button. After few minutes, it appears a error windows, in which it appears the following message:
>The C compiler "cl" is not able to compile a simple tests program.
>It fails with the following output:
>..........................Configuration: cmTryCompileExec-Win32 Debug..................................
>Building Custom Rule C:\nuria\$$eje_neuro\CMakeTmp\CMakeLists.txt
>--Check for working C compiler: C:/Archivos de programa/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/BIN/cl.exe
>--Check for working C compiler: C:/Archivos de programa/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/BIN/cl.exe--broken
>The C compiler "C:/Archivos de programa/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/BIN/cl.exe" is not able to compile a simple test program.
>Can you help us to resolver this problem, please?
>Thank you.
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