[CMake-Promote] a ./configure shell script stub

Brandon J. Van Every bvanevery at gmail.com
Sun May 28 09:20:36 EDT 2006

William A. Hoffman wrote:
> So, it would be not too hard to create a common list of options, but the problem
> is that cmake must be run before you even know what all the options are.  Maybe it would
> be enough to do the same thing that the CMake bootstrap script does:
>  --prefix=PREFIX         install files in tree rooted at PREFIX
>                           [${cmake_default_prefix}]
>   --datadir=DIR           install data files in PREFIX/DIR
>                           [/share/CMake]
>   --docdir=DIR            install documentation files in PREFIX/DIR
>                           [/doc/CMake]
>   --mandir=DIR            install man pages files in PREFIX/DIR/manN
>                           [/man]

Before breaking it down at that fine a grain, with different data, doc, 
and man directories, I have to ask: do the ./configure people do this on 
a regular basis?  Or are those just tweaky options they have for the 
sake of completeness?  I've never once specified a data, doc, or man dir 
separately in 14 years of running ./configure scripts.  I think the vast 
majority of people just want the thing to work and be done with it.  
 From a marketing standpoint, the idea is to give the ./configure crowd 
a warm squishy feeling, that the most commonly used options are readily 
available and work as you'd expect.  It doesn't have to completely 
reimplement all ./configure options.

I will say that aesthetically speaking, the output of "./configure 
--help" is entirely too long.  The only options I ever use are:

  --with-weirdlibrary or --no-weirdlibrary (always project specific)

In the past I've sometimes screwed with environment variables to get 
things to work.  But it's all kind of futzy and error prone and results 
in repeated steps upon a rebuild.  You can define things on the 
./configure command line.  You can define things in the environment.  Or 
you can edit the Makefile; that's often the path of least resistance 
when things are fouled.  ./configure lists the relevant environment 
variables, but I'm not inclined to aid and abet a hapless user in such 
tweaking.  It will only cause him pain and suffering.  He should just 
run CMakeSetup.

> These would translate to CMake variables in the cache.   Another option, might
> be to have an options file for a project.
> CMakeCommandLineOptions.cmake
> add_cmake_option("--prefix", CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, "docs for install")
> If you ran:
> cmake --help ../source 
> It would print out the command line options for the project.

"cmake --help" should tell the user how to get project-specific help.  
People will not remember a bunch of options; they will remember to type 
--help, and then do whatever it says to do.  I also think if someone 
types "cmake --help" in a directory with CMakeLists.txt, then CMake 
should just list the project-specifc help along with the general help.  
By comparison, a ./configure script has plenty of boilerplate that's the 
same for every project.  Also if we're in an out-of-build directory, 
"cmake --help" should deduce where the source directory is so we don't 
have to specify it.

> The real problem is that cmakelist code can do anything and add any
> variables.  Until cmake is run on the project, there is no way to tell
> what the potential command line options are.   This would allow a way
> for a project to tell cmake what the options are, but the could be inconsistent
> with the project.   It would be easy to make an option like CMAKE_INSTLAL_PREFIX
> not do anything for a particular project.

True in theory.  In practice, how many CMake projects are really 
renaming the installation directory to Kalamazoo?  I'll wager that most 
CMake projects are simple.  This a marketing problem; if most projects 
do what's expected, then CMake isn't sullied by the few projects that do 
a totally custom powerjob.  Those projects are going to have READMEs and 
be big and complex with all sorts of special things you have to do anyways.

Brandon Van Every

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