[cmake-developers] Problem with openCV with CUDA installation using CMAKE on PASCAL Architecture

마수드 masoudafrakhteh at etri.re.kr
Mon Aug 1 20:24:43 EDT 2016


  First of all I apologize for the quality of my English as I am not a native speaker. It is not actually my first time facing this problem and I am really tired of searching for it on blogs this time.
I have had a graphic card with MAXWEll architecture (listed in CUDA enabled cards on INVidia list) and could not generate the files without errors using CMAKE. I gave up then and used an older card with KEPLER architecture.
That time, opencv with CUDA was successfully generated by CMAKE and was easily compiled with Visual C++ 2012 . I had no problem using OPENCV libraries for GPU.
Now, I am back to the same problem for some reasons and have to use a newer card (GEFORCE GTX 1070, CUDA enabled) which is a graphic card with PASCAL architecture and I cannot find it  where CUDA generation options are listed in CMAKE 3.6.1.
Once, I did not change any parameters including CUDA_ARCH_BIN 1.0 2.0 , so on and could successfully generate without errors selecting  KEPLER option, it is a PASCAL architecture though. I could even successfully re-build opencv files from generated files by CMAKE. However GPU functions were not working and I faced this error : “OpenCV Error : Gpu API call (Invalid device symbol) in unknown function”. I searched a lot online and felt that PASCAL Architecture and KEPLER are not the same that such an error shows up. FYI, I have successfully done devicequery function on my PC now which confirms the successful installation of CUDA  toolkit and required files here.
In another effort, I tried to manually change the default values listed for CUDA_ARCH_BIN and wrote only 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 and repeated them for CUDA_ARCH_PTX. I left CUDA generation empty and received many warnings ,not errors. I tried to rebuild those CMAKE generated files in Visual C and got many failures consequently.

Kindly let me know what to do so that I can get the right cmake files generated for PASCAL architecture only.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
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