[cmake-developers] [CPackDeb][libarchive] removing use of fakeroot and supporting UID/GID/UNAME etc in libarchive

Raffi Enficiaud raffi.enficiaud at mines-paris.org
Fri Sep 11 17:25:16 EDT 2015

Le 11/09/15 21:34, Domen Vrankar a écrit :
>> I have made the following changes in order to:
>> - support the UID/GID/UNAME/GNAME and permission on tar files at creation
>> time
>> - using directly libarchive in CPackDeb
>> - removing completely the need of fakeroot
> Applied to next for testing:
> http://www.cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commit;h=2e9af45

Many thanks, Domen!

> I've fixed permission mask code in patch 2 and 3. Please confirm that
> it works OK in your environment.

Should do, I will monitor the test this week end.

> I've also removed permission mask setting for directories and files as
> I am not certain that it belongs there - it wasn't there before and
> user can always change permissions with install command. Issue with
> default permissions being 775 is system default related and occurs
> only with directories that are automatically created - directories
> created with install command get permission 755 which is acceptable
> for deb packages.
> I believe that this inconsistency should be fixed elsewhere by adding
> possibility to set global default directory permissions.

You're right, files in data.tar.xx should not have their permission 
changed from the install command, and having uid/gid root/root should 
not be any different from the behaviour we have now with fakeroot. So I 
am perfectly fine with your changes, thank you!

>> Is it on time for 3.4 freeze?
> Feature freeze was announced for Oct, 1 so it should make it in 3.4



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