[cmake-developers] [Development] [ANNOUNCE] DaD's House! (Beta)

Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin jchris.fillionr at kitware.com
Thu Sep 10 10:59:23 EDT 2015

Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for sharing your work with the community.

Given the exhaustive list of modules provided within the installers, I
can appreciate the effort.

That said, as you may know, downloading unsigned binaries to build
applications is not an option for a lot of us.

Here are few initial suggestions to improve your platform:

  * transition the website to https
  * reference the version of each packages/modules bundled in the
respective installers
  * provide the a how to understand the different between
  * document the convention to integrate the different module in our
existing project. For example, for CMake did you write a
<Module>Config.cmake file with each project [1] ? And similar question
for qmake ?

Good luck,

[1] http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/git-next/manual/cmake-packages.7.html

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Konstantin Podsvirov
<konstantin at podsvirov.pro> wrote:
> 10.09.2015, 16:41, "Curtis Mitch" <mitch.curtis at theqtcompany.com>:
>>> From: Konstantin Podsvirov [mailto:konstantin at podsvirov.pro]
>>> By clicking on the link, you will be able to get the installer is the same
>>> as the QtSDK and a few clicks to get the binaries, libraries and linking
>>> headers of any of the participating modules.
>> But what am I even clicking the link for? What service does this thing provide?
> For example, You want to create a very large and useful application which uses a lot of dependencies.
> And you want to deploy it on the Windows.
> You go to the site:
> http://dad.podsvirov.pro
> Download appropriate to your development environment setup.
> Quickly and easily install any required dependent modules and receives a development environment, local deployment and testing.
> When you're finished designing, you can create compatible with this environment the installer to install your application on other machines.
> Main technologies:
> * Development languages: C, C++ (Qt, Qml, Quick) and other
> * Project management: CMake, but can use other
> * Creating installer based QtIFW (CMake allows you to automate the process of creating an installer).
> I answered Your question?
> Regards,
> Konstantin Podsvirov
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