[cmake-developers] Sublime Text 2 / SublimeClang Generator

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 01:54:05 EDT 2012

2012/10/12 Morne' Chamberlain <thefreeman.za at gmail.com>:
> Hi
> My name is Morné Chamberlain and this is my first post to this list. I
> recently started using Sublime Text 2 as a text editor and light development
> environment.

Is "light development environment" a tool or is the name you use when
using Sublime Text as a kind of IDE?

> I use CMake in many of my projects and felt the need for a
> Sublime Text 2 project file generator for CMake. So a couple of days ago I
> started to implement a generator, based initially of off the CodeBlocks one.
> Current status:
> - All source and CMakeLists.txt files are included in the generated project
> file, with the directory tree structure.
> - For each target a separate build_system entry is created in the
> sublime-project file, allowing one to build everything or only a specific
> target if desired.
> - The build systems invoke the platform specific make command on the
> generated Makefiles.
> - Builds from within Sublime Text 2 with Ctrl-B.
> - The generated project file also includes a sublimeclang_options section
> where include paths and compiler definitions are defined for use by the
> SublimeClang plugin (C/C++ as you type syntax and error checking plugin for
> Sublime Text that uses llvm and clang).
> Issues:
> - Sublime Text and SublimeClang do not currently allow you to specify
> include paths and compiler definitions for SublimeClang per target (or build
> system), only for the entire project. Currently all include directories and
> compiler definitions are included for the entire project. This won't affect
> building the project with Ctrl-B in Sublime Text, but it could lead to
> incorrect behaviour by SublimeClang.
> - Currently only tested on Ubuntu 12.04 with Unix Makefiles.
> If this is something that the CMake community would be interested in then I
> would like to contribute it to CMake.

Speaking for myself I really don't know I'll try sublime text 2, even
if the license
makes me think I may not use it for a long time.

Nevertheless why don't you provide us with your patch?
That way we could at least try it?

I'm not a Sublime Text user so I don't even know how to create a
Sublime Text project in the first place.

On my first try I saw that syntax highlighting for CMake files are not included
in Sublime Text, is this part of your contribution as well?

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