[cmake-developers] Better Eclipse CDT support

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 03:49:21 EDT 2011

2011/4/29 Oliver Buchtala <oliver.buchtala at jku.at>:
> As described before, I added links to the (main) project's source and
> build folder.
> You enable this with -DCDT_LINK_MAIN_SOURCE_FOLDERS=ON.
> For that to work properly, I strongly recommend to use Eclipse 3.7 M6 +
> CDT 8.0.
> @Alex: is there a way to provide --help assistance concerning such
> parameters with extra-generators?

Hi guys,

Just stepping in to say that documenting generator-specifics features
is an issue
CPack has as well. Read discussion on that topic here:

Currently I tried to put generator-specific doc. in CPack<GenName>.cmake file
such that

cmake --help-module  CPack<GenName>

will display the doc.

the idea in the end would be to have

cpack --help-generator <GenName> use the same mechanism to display the doc.

may be we can design some "unified" way to documents such things for

I know there are some (huge) bits of doc burried into the C++ code too but
having a way to write some doc in separate files makes it easier to
enhance the doc.

Just throwing some ideas here.

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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