[Cmake-commits] [cmake-commits] hoffman committed syntax.html NONE 1.1

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Mon Mar 10 11:56:43 EDT 2008

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      <p><br class="clear" />
      <h2>Syntax Introduction</h2>
      <p>CMakeLists.txt files follow a simple syntax consisting of comments, commands, and white
space. A comment is indicated using the # character and runs from that character until the end
of the line. A command consists of the command name, opening parenthesis, white space
separated arguments and a closing parenthesis. A command can be either one of the built in 
commands like add_library, or a user defined macro or function.  The input to CMake is a CMakeLists.txt file in the source directory.  That file in turn can use the include or the add_subdirectory command to add additional input files. </p>
      <p> All white space (spaces, line feeds, tabs) are
        ignored except to separate arguments. Anything within a set of double quotes is treated as one
        argument as is typical for most languages. The backslash can be used to escape characters
        preventing the normal interpretation of them. </p>
      <p> Each command is evaluated in the order that it appears in the CMakeLists file. The commands
        have the form <br />
  <code>command (args...)</code></p>
      <p>      where command is the name of the command, macro or function, and args is a white-space separated list of
        arguments. (Arguments with embedded white-space should be double quoted.) CMake is case
        insensitive to command names. So where you see command you could use
        COMMAND or Command instead. </p>
      <p>CMake supports simple variables that can be either strings or lists of strings. Variables are
        referenced using a ${VAR} syntax. Multiple arguments can be grouped together into a list
        using the set command. All other commands expand the lists as if they had been passed into
        the command with white-space separation. For example, set(Foo a b c) will result in
        setting the variable Foo to a b c, and if Foo is passed into another command
        command(${Foo}) it would be equivalent to command(a b c). If you want to pass a list of
        arguments to a command as if it were a single argument simply double quote it. For example
        command(&quot;${Foo}&quot;) would be invoked passing only one argument equivalent to command(
  &quot;a b c&quot; ). </p>
      <h2>Lists and Strings</h2>
      The basic data type in CMake is a string. CMake also supports lists of strings. A list can be created with semi-colons as separators.  For example these two statements set the same value in to variable VAR:
  set(VAR a;b;c)
  set(VAR a b c)
      <p>Lists of strings can be iterated with the foreach command or manipulated with the list command.</p>
      <h2>Flow Control</h2>
      In many ways writing a CMakeLists file is like a writing a program in a simple language.
Like most languages CMake provides flow control structures to help you along your way.
CMake provides three flow control structures:
        <li>conditional statements: if</li>
# some_command will be called if the variable's value is not:
# empty, 0, N, NO, OFF, FALSE, NOTFOUND, or <variable>-NOTFOUND.
        <li>looping constructs: foreach and whilie</li>
set(VAR a b c)
# loop over a, b,c with the variable f
foreach(f ${VAR})
        <li>procedure definitions: macro and function (function available in 2.6 and greater). functions create a local scope for variables, and macros use the global scope.</li>
# define a macro hello
macro(hello MESSAGE)
# call the macro with the string "hello world"
hello("hello world")

# define a function hello
function(hello MESSAGE)
For more information on flow control see the documetation for the commands if, while, foreach, macro, and function.
      <h2>Regular Expressions</h2>
      A few CMake commands, such as if and string, make use of regular expressions or can
take a regular expression as an argument. In its simplest form, a regular-expression is a
sequence of characters used to search for exact character matches. However, many times the
exact sequence to be found is not known, or only a match at the beginning or end of a string is
desired. Since there are a few different conventions for specifying regular expressions,
CMake&rsquo;s standard is described below. The description is based on the open source regular
expression class from Texas Instruments that is used by CMake for parsing regular
<p> Regular expressions can be specified by using combinations of standard alphanumeric
  characters and the following regular expression meta-characters: </p>
  <li>^ Matches at beginning of a line or string</li>
  <li>$ Matches at end of a line or string</li>
  <li>. Matches any single character other than a newline</li>
  <li>[ ] Matches any character(s) inside the brackets</li>
  <li>[^ ] Matches any character(s) not inside the brackets</li>
  <li>[-] Matches any character in range on either side of a dash</li>
  <li>* Matches preceding pattern zero or more times</li>
  <li>+ Matches preceding pattern one or more times</li>
  <li>? Matches preceding pattern zero or once only</li>
  <li>() Saves a matched expression and uses it in a later replacement</li>
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