[Cmake-commits] [cmake-commits] hoffman committed About.html NONE 1.1 CMake-2.4.html 1.6 1.7 CMake-2.5.html 1.5 1.6 Documentation.html 1.3 1.4 Download.html 1.1 1.2 Examples.html NONE 1.1 MailingLists.html 1.3 1.4 News.html NONE 1.1 RunningCMake.html 1.5 1.6 Testing.html NONE 1.1 about.html 1.6 NONE blank.html 1.6 1.7 copyright.html 1.6 1.7 examples.html 1.5 NONE index.html 1.9 1.10 install.html 1.6 1.7 news.html 1.7 NONE participants.html 1.10 1.11 testing.html 1.6 NONE

cmake-commits at cmake.org cmake-commits at cmake.org
Mon Mar 10 11:33:58 EDT 2008

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In directory public:/mounts/ram/cvs-serv14755

Modified Files:
	CMake-2.4.html CMake-2.5.html Documentation.html Download.html 
	MailingLists.html RunningCMake.html blank.html copyright.html 
	index.html install.html participants.html 
Added Files:
	About.html Examples.html News.html Testing.html 
Removed Files:
	about.html examples.html news.html testing.html 
Log Message:
ENH: change case of files to match old web page, last time I hope...

Index: Download.html
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 <strong>Current news</strong> is listed in the following. Please visit the
    CMake mailing list and archives for detailed information. Kitware also publishes
    a <a href="http://www.kitware.com/products/newsletter.html">quarterly newsletter</a>.
    <li>Fourth edition of  <a href="http://www.kitware.com/products/cmakebook.html">Mastering CMake</a> available. 
    <li>Second Life chooses CMake as its build system
    <li>CMake Release 2.4.8 available in Jan 2008.  This release has many bug fixes and will most likely be the last 2.4.X release.
    <li>KDE chooses CMake as its build system
   <li>CMake Release 2.4 available in May, 2006
    This release as the following new features:
      <li> Visual Studio 2005 win64 support
      </li><li> Improved install support

</li><li> Improved support for finding/using OSX Frameworks

</li><li> Multiple output support for custom commands

</li><li> Color output in make with vt100 terminals CMAKE_COLOR_MAKFILE

</li><li> Better variables for MSVC MSVC80 

</li><li> Library path order is preserved

</li><li> Fix for text file busy in xcodebuild runs

</li><li> Better bundle support on OSX

</li><li> ctest -S scripts can run in new process with new environment

</li><li> OSX universal binary support

</li><li> Watcom support
</li><li> MinGW and MSYS support

</li><li> Visual studio 2005 manifest support

</li><li> Better handling of RPATH, no longer put rpath in install tree

</li><li> Fix OUTPUT_NAME 

</li><li> ctest captures output from vcexpress

</li><li> cmake --help-module can give help for cmake modules

</li><li> Lots of bug fixes


    </li><li>Mastering CMake 2.2 published in Feb, 2006.
    </li><li>CMake Release 2.2 available in September , 2005.
    This release as the following new features:
   <li> 2.2.1 is a new beta and was merged with CVS on 9/06/05.
   </li><li> fix infinite loop problem in enable language/try compile
   </li><li> The makefile generator was redone to create fewer files.
   </li><li> Xcode 2.1 support added.
   </li><li> better support for add custom command with relative files as arguments
   </li><li> provided default update options if none are provided to ctest
   </li><li> For file removal if the file is a symlink treat it like a file and not a directory.
   </li><li> Better install directory for windows.
   </li><li> AIX compiler flag defaults.
   </li><li> Objc++ test has the correct case.
   </li><li> Language NONE fixed.
   </li><li> Java 1.5 searched now.
   </li><li> FindCurses cleaned up.
   </li><li> FindQt/FindQt3/FindQT4 enhanced.
   </li><li> UseSwig supports CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR
   </li><li> Modules/ProjectCompatibility.cmake file supported.
   </li><li> Modules/VTKCompatibility.cmake file added for Darwin builds
   </li><li> optimized is now the default library used if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not set.
   </li><li> CTest Improved coverage code
   </li><li> Improved CTest -S scripts, new commands, and access to individual testing handlers
   </li><li> CTest test handler now supports arbitrary CMake syntax in DartTestfile.txt
   </li><li> CTest now supports both DartTestfile.txt and CTestTestfile.cmake
   </li><li> CTest now supports both DartConfiguration.tcl and CTestConfiguration.cmake
   </li><li> CTest now supports configuration from Source tree in file CTestConfig.cmake
   </li><li> CTest supports logging output into a file
   </li><li> CTest supports compressed submission files
   </li><li> Speed improvements
   </li><li> new makefile generator
   </li><li> no longer re-read cmakelist files only get parent cmakelist file
   </li><li> out of source source
   </li><li> new parser variables in variables
   </li><li> support for dart2
   </li><li> Xcode 1.5 support 
   </li><li> fortran support
   </li><li> not compatible with cmake 1.2
   </li><li> FOREACH uses variables 
   </li><li> Kdevelop3 generator
   </li><li> WHILE command
   </li><li> lower case commands now supported
   </li><li> parallel build support better, jump problem fixed
   </li><li> lots of bug fixes and new bugs


    </li><li>CMake Release 2.0 available in June, 2004.
This release as the following new features:
<li> A new platform independent install supporting pre install, post install, manifest, destdir..., and is much faster.

</li><li> Add support for SWIG

</li><li> Optional support for relative paths


</li><li> IF command supports better expression support, like IF(A AND B AND C), and new tests EQUAL, STREQUAL.

</li><li> MACRO's now support variable arguments

</li><li> FOREACH supports a RANGE of values genertor

</li><li> CMake supports an automatic pre-load cmake file in the source tree of a project.

</li><li> New command GET_TARGET_PROPERTY can give you the build location of a target.

</li><li> Loaded commands have a crash signal handler to detect crashes not caused by cmake.

</li><li> GET/SET_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY/PROPERTIES commands so that we can change include directories and get all sorts of information. 

</li><li> VERBOSE build option for visual studio IDE generators.

</li><li> FIND_LIBRARY and FIND_PATH now look in CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH and CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH   environment variables in addition to and before the PATH environment variable.

</li><li> Each sub project in a project now creates a top level IDE project file so it can  be loaded independently.

</li><li> A saftey chech was added to make sure that files written using WRITE_FILE 
  and FILE WRITE are not used as input files which can lead to infinite loops in the build.

</li><li> Add support for adding object files and sources. This way you can use external  program such as assembler or fortran to generate object files. Also star of  fixing: Bug #757

</li><li> New REMOVE_DEFINITION command, opposite to ADD_DEFINITIONS.

</li><li> ccmake support for HOME and END keys. Also fix Bug #666, in CCMake when deleting  something, it does not stop at the beginning of line.

</li><li> Fixed externl projects for VS7 and VS6.

</li><li> New support for import of modules without specifying a path.

</li><li> New testing option to build and run an executable --build-and-test.

</li><li> Support for shared library versions on UNIX.

</li><li> SUBDIR command now supports PREORDER build option.

</li><li> Add support for file names with +-~ in them for borland compiler.

</li><li> Mac OSX bundle executable creation support with the ADD_EXECUTABLE command.

</li><li> CTest Support for in-source builds.

</li><li> CTest Skip tests that do not have defects.

</li><li> CTest new option -I that adds the ability to run a limited sub-set of the tests.

</li><li> CTest support for Valgrind and Purify.

</li><li> CTest New testing script support, that allows the nightly testing process to be automated.

</li><li> New Find modules: FindPHP4.cmake, FindPerlLibs.cmake, FindPike.cmake, FindRuby.cmake, FindSWIG.cmake, UseSWIG.cmake

</li><li> Many bug fixes and other minor changes.

     </li><li> CMake article on tools.devchannel.org in December, 2003
     <a href="http://tools.devchannel.org/devtoolschannel/03/12/15/2139255.shtml">tools.devchannel.org</a>

     </li><li> CMake article on www.linuxjournal.com in October, 2003
     <a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6700">www.linuxjornal.com</a>

      </li><li>Mastering CMake User's Developers Guide published in Aug, 2003.
There is now a CMake User's/Developer's Guide that
you can purchase at <a href="http://www.kitware.com/products/cmakebook.html"> www.kitware.com/products/cmakebook.html.</a>

      </li><li>CMake Release 1.8 available in Aug, 2003.

For this release, the custom commands have been rearchitected to use a more understandable
signature. The old signature should still work. ctest has been enhanced and can produce testing dashboards compatible with Dart in many cases. A new FILE command has been added that supports reading, writing, and globbing of files. A new help target is created for all Makefiles so you can do nmake help (or make help) Command line options (-D) for cmake no longer require the type of the argument. The on-line help for cmake has been significantly improved. Run cmake --help for more information. Support for windows paths and filenames that include &amp;. Support for files with multiple "." in them for nmake. More Modules report results to CMakeOutput.log and CMakeError.log. The performance of dependency tracing and analysis in CMake has been significantly improved. Both ccmake and CMakeSetup have some minor GUI improvements. And of course a number of minor bug fixes and enhancements.

      </li><li>CMake Release 1.6 available in Jan, 2003.

This release includes a number of new features to help make project management easier. Version 1.6 include TRY_COMPILE and TRY_RUN  which can be used to test for features of the compiler or system that you are on. The MACRO command allows repeated CMakeLists code to be encapsulated into a macro. If you need to perform very complex operations the LOAD_COMMAND command allows you to write your own CMake command using a C API that can be compiled and loaded into CMake as part of the configuration process. Version 1.6 includes a wxWindows based GUI for use on MacOSX. This version includes a number of enhancements, bug fixes, and new features. The Modules directory includes a number of new tests and macros that can be used in your projects. 
      </li><li>CMake Article apears in January 2003 Dr. Dobb's Journal:
       <a href="http://www.ddj.com/articles/2003/0301/">www.ddj.com/articles/2003/0301/ </a> 

      </li><li>CMake Release 1.4 available in Jun, 2002.
      </li><li>CMake Release 1.2 available in Jan, 2002.
      </li><li>CMake Release 1.0 available in Dec, 2001.
      </li><li>CMake Release 0.2 available in July, 2001. This release is to
       include precompiled binaries and install shield for the Windows
       MSVC environment.
      </li><li>VTK 4.0 (release in late 2001) will adopt CMake as its build
       environment. A working CVS repository is currently functioning
       with CMake in preparation for the change.
      </li><li>VXL computer vision/image processing system adopts CMake as its
       build environment.
      </li><li>Insight segmentation and registration toolkit (ITK) supports
       development of the CMake environment.
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     <strong>CMake </strong> is an extensible, open-source system that
    manages the build process in an operating system and compiler independent
    manner. Unlike many cross-platform systems, CMake is designed to be used
    in conjunction with the native build environment. Simple configuration
    files placed in each source directory (called CMakeLists.txt files) are
    used to generate standard build files (e.g., makefiles on Unix and
    projects/workspaces in Windows MSVC) which are used in the usual
    way. CMake can compile source code, create libraries, generate wrappers,
    and build executables in arbitrary combinations. CMake supports in-place
    and out-of-place builds, and can therefore support multiple builds from a
    single source tree. CMake also supports static and dynamic library
    builds.  Another nice feature of CMake is that it generates a cache file
    that is designed to be used with a graphical editor. For example, when
    CMake runs, it locates include files, libraries, and executable, and may
    encounter optional build directives. This information is gathered into
    the cache, which may be changed by the user prior to the generation of
    the native build files. (The following figure is the CMake cache GUI in
    the Windows MSVC environment.)<br><br>
    <div align="center">
    <img src="../Art/CMakeGUI.gif" alt="" border="0">

    CMake is designed to support complex directory hierarchies and
    applications dependent on several libraries. For example, CMake supports
    projects consisting of multiple toolkits (i.e., libraries), where each
    toolkit might contain several directories, and the application depends on
    the toolkits plus additional code. CMake can also handle situations where
    executables must be built in order to generate code that is then compiled
    and linked into a final application. Because CMake is open source, and has
    a simple, extensible design, CMake can be extended as necessary to support
    new features.

    Using CMake is simple. The build process is controlled by creating one or
    more CMakeLists.txt files in each directory (including subdirectories)
    that make up a project. Each CMakeLists.txt consists of one or more
    commands. Each command has the form COMMAND (args...) where COMMAND is
    the name of the command, and args is a white-space separated list of
    arguments. CMake provides many pre-defined commands, but if you need to,
    you can add your own commands. In addition, the advanced user can add
    other makefile generators for a particular compiler/OS combination.
    (While Unix and MSVC++ is supported currently, other developers are
    adding other compiler/OS support.) You may wish to study the
    <a href="Examples.html">examples</a> page to see more

    </p><h4>The Origins of CMake</h4> CMake was created in response to the need
    for a powerful, cross-platform build environment for the Insight
    Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) funded by NLM as part of the
    Visible Human Project. It was influenced by an earlier system called
    <b>pcmaker</b> created by Ken Martin and other developers to support the
    <a href="http://www.vtk.org">Visualization Toolkit
    (VTK)</a> open source 3D graphics and visualization system. To create
    CMake, Bill Hoffman at Kitware incorporated some key ideas from pcmaker,
    and  added many more of his own, with the thought to adopt some of the 
    functionality of the Unix
    <b>configure</b> tool. The initial CMake implementation was mid-2000,
    with acclerated development occuring in early 2001. Many improvements
    were due to the influences of other developers incorporating CMake into
    their own systems. For example, the 
    <a href="http://vxl.sourceforge.net">VXL</a> software community
    adopted CMake as their build environment, contributing many essential
    features. Brad King added several features in order to support the
    <a href="http://public.kitware.com/Cable">CABLE</a>, and 
    automated wrapping environment and 
    <a href="http://www.gccxml.org">GCC-XML</a>, and 
    GE Corporate R&amp;D required support of their testing infrastructure 
    (<a href="http://public.kitware.com/Dart">DART</a>). 
    Other features were added to support the transition of VTK's
    build environment to CMake, and to support ParaView, a parallel
    visualization system to support the 
    <a href="http://www.acl.lanl.gov/">Advanced Computing Lab</a> at Los Alamos
    National Laboratory.

    <h4>How Do I Learn CMake?</h4> You can learn CMake form the <a href="http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake">Wiki</a>,
    the online 
    <a href="Documentation.html">Documentation</a>, and <a href="Examples.html">Examples</a>.  The <a href="http://www.cmake.org/HTML/MailingLists.html">Mailing lists </a>are also very helpful. The <a href="http://www.kitware.com/products/cmakebook.html">Mastering CMake</a> book is also a good place to learn CMake.
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     <strong>The following example </strong> demonstrates some key ideas
    of CMake. (You may wish to download this
    <a href="cmakeExample.tar.gz">example code</a> and try it
    out for yourself.) Make sure that you have CMake installed prior to
    running this example (go <a href="install.html">here</a>
    for instructions).
    There are three directories involved. The top level directory has two
    subdirectories called ./Demo and ./Hello. In the directory ./Hello, a
    library is built. In the directory ./Demo, an executable is built by
    linking to the library. A total of three CMakeList.txt files are 
    created: one for each directory.

    The first, top-level directory contains the following CMakeLists.txt file.

    </p><pre># The name of our project is "HELLO".  CMakeLists files in this project can
# refer to the root source directory of the project as ${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR} and
# to the root binary directory of the project as ${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}.
project (HELLO)

# Recurse into the "Hello" and "Demo" subdirectories.  This does not actually
# cause another cmake executable to run.  The same process will walk through
# the project's entire directory structure.
add_subdirectory (Hello)
add_subdirectory (Demo)
    Then for each subdirectory specified, CMakeLists.txt
    files are created. In the ./Hello directory, the following CMakeLists.txt
    file is created:
    <pre># Create a library called "Hello" which includes the source file "hello.cxx".
# The extension is already found.  Any number of sources could be listed here.
add_library (Hello hello.cxx)
    Finally, in the ./Demo directory, the third and final CMakeLists.txt file
    is created:
    <pre># Make sure the compiler can find include files from our Hello library.
include_directories (${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR}/Hello)

# Make sure the linker can find the Hello library once it is built.
link_directories (${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}/Hello)

# Add executable called "helloDemo" that is built from the source files
# "demo.cxx" and "demo_b.cxx".  The extensions are automatically found.
add_executable (helloDemo demo.cxx demo_b.cxx)

# Link the executable to the Hello library.
target_link_libraries (helloDemo Hello)
    CMake when executed in the top-level directory will process the 
    CMakeLists.txt file and then descend into the listed subdirectories.
    Variables, include paths, library paths, etc. are inherited. Depending
    on the system, makefiles (Unix) or workspaces/projects (MSVC) will be 
    built. These can then be used in the usual way to build the code.      
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 to the CMake project by building a
         nightly dashboard build, you can follow these instructions.
         <li>Install CMake 2.4.6 or greater
         </li><li>Checkout CMake from cvs:
         cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at www.cmake.org:/cvsroot/CMake login
         (password is cmake)
         cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at www.cmake.org:/cvsroot/CMake co CMake

         </li><li> Configure your CMake source tree with binary cmake
         </li><li> Test your setup by typing make Experimental, then check the CMake dashboard in the next hour to see if your results are available.
         Once you are able to submit experimental builds, the next step is setting up a nightly build.   The nightly build works in almost the same way, but 
needs to be run each night by crontab or some other scheduling program. 
<li>Create a ctest -S script for your machine </li>

<h3>Example ctest -S script</h3>

SET (CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "C:/Hoffman/My Builds/CMakeVSNMake71")

SET (CTEST_CVS_COMMAND "C:/cygwin/bin/cvs.exe")
SET (CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT  "${CTEST_CVS_COMMAND} -d :pserver:hoffman at www.cmake.org:/cvsroot/CMake co -d 

# which ctest command to use for running the dashboard
  "C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/ctest.exe -D Nightly"

# what cmake command to use for configuring this dashboard
  "C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe"

# The values in this section are optional you can either
# have them or leave them commented out

# should ctest wipe the binary tree before running

# this is the initial cache to use for the binary tree, be careful to escape
# any quotes inside of this string if you use it

# set any extra envionment varibles here
Once you have a ctest -S script, try running it with ctest.
<pre>/full/path/to/ctest -S /full/path/to/script.cmake</pre>
Once that is working, then add that command as a crontab entry on unix, or
to the windows scheduler program on windows.
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