CPack Archive Generator

CPack generator for packaging files into an archive, which can have any of the following formats:

  • 7Z - 7zip - (.7z)

  • TBZ2 (.tar.bz2)

  • TGZ (.tar.gz)

  • TXZ (.tar.xz)

  • TZ (.tar.Z)

  • TZST (.tar.zst)

  • ZIP (.zip)

When this generator is called from CPackSourceConfig.cmake (or through the package_source target), then the generated archive will contain all files in the project directory, except those specified in CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES. The following is one example of packaging all source files of a project:


When this generator is called from CPackConfig.cmake (or through the package target), then the generated archive will contain all files that have been installed via CMake’s install() command (and the deprecated commands install_files(), install_programs(), and install_targets()).

Variables specific to CPack Archive generator


Package file name without extension. The extension is determined from the archive format (see list above) and automatically appended to the file name. The default is <CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME>[-<component>], with spaces replaced by ‘-‘.


Enable component packaging. If enabled (ON), then the archive generator creates multiple packages. The default is OFF, which means that a single package containing files of all components is generated.

Variables used by CPack Archive generator

These variables are used by the Archive generator, but are also available to CPack generators which are essentially archives at their core. These include:


The number of threads to use when performing the compression. If set to 0, the number of available cores on the machine will be used instead. The default is 1 which limits compression to a single thread. Note that not all compression modes support threading in all environments. Currently, only the XZ compression may support it.


Official CMake binaries available on ship with a liblzma that does not support parallel compression.