
New in version 3.12.

This is a CMake Environment Variable. Its initial value is taken from the calling process environment.

Calls to find_package(<PackageName>) will search in prefixes specified by the <PackageName>_ROOT environment variable, where <PackageName> is the (case-preserved) name given to the find_package() call and _ROOT is literal. For example, find_package(Foo) will search prefixes specified in the Foo_ROOT environment variable (if set). See policy CMP0074.

This variable may hold a single prefix or a list of prefixes separated by : on UNIX or ; on Windows (the same as the PATH environment variable convention on those platforms).

See also the <PackageName>_ROOT CMake variable.


New in version 3.27.

Calls to find_package(<PackageName>) will also search in prefixes specified by the upper-case <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT environment variable. See policy CMP0144.


Note that the <PackageName>_ROOT and <PACKAGENAME>_ROOT environment variables are distinct only on platforms that have case-sensitive environments.