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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0016077CMakeModulespublic2016-04-22 17:092016-06-10 14:31
Assigned ToKitware Robot 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version14.04
Product VersionCMake 3.5 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0016077: FindProtobuf.cmake doesn't have required flexibility to configure protoc usage for all use cases
DescriptionI have here a very simple test project which has 2 protobuf files, one of which is included in the other.

Using cmake, I will create a static library for each generated protobuf message.

##Protobuf files:


    message FooMsg
        required string s = 1;


    import "foo/message.proto";
    message BarMsg
        optional foo.FooMsg f = 1;

##CMake files:

I build `lib_foo` from generated `foo/message.proto` files.


    protobuf_generate_cpp(PROTO_SRCS PROTO_HDRS message.proto)
    add_library(lib_foo STATIC ${PROTO_SRCS})

I build `lib_bar` from the generated `bar/message.proto` files, and link in `lib_foo`:


    protobuf_generate_cpp(PROTO_SRCS PROTO_HDRS message.proto )
    add_library(lib_bar STATIC ${PROTO_SRCS})
    target_link_libraries(lib_bar lib_foo)


    cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5)
    project (cmake_proto_test CXX)
    find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
    # proto files import from the source root directory, so add the required -I flag
    # genererated proto files go into the CMake binary output dir

##Build error:

When I try to build this, I get the following error:

    $ make .. VERBOSE=1
    cd src/cmake_proto/build/bar && /usr/bin/c++
        -I src/cmake_proto/build
        -o CMakeFiles/lib_bar.dir/
        -c src/cmake_proto/build/bar/

    In file included from src/cmake_proto/build/bar/

        error: ‘foo’ in namespace ‘test’ does not name a type

           inline const ::test::foo::FooMsg& f() const;


The error is due to the header guard created by `protoc` being the same for the 2 generated files:

    #ifndef PROTOBUF_message_2eproto__INCLUDED
    #define PROTOBUF_message_2eproto__INCLUDED



The reason is that the header guard is derived from a combination of the output directory and the generated file's path.

The current command issued by `FindProtobuf.cmake` results in the header guard only using the filename:

    cd src/cmake_proto/build/foo && /usr/local/bin/protoc --cpp_out src/cmake_proto/build/foo -I src/cmake_proto/foo -I src/cmake_proto src/cmake_proto/foo/message.proto
    cd src/cmake_proto/build/bar && /usr/local/bin/protoc --cpp_out src/cmake_proto/build/bar -I src/cmake_proto/bar -I src/cmake_proto src/cmake_proto/bar/message.proto

This command, however, will result in the files being generated in the same location, but with a different header guard:

    cd src/cmake_proto/build && /usr/local/bin/protoc --cpp_out src/cmake_proto/build -I src/cmake_proto src/cmake_proto/foo/message.proto
    cd src/cmake_proto/build && /usr/local/bin/protoc --cpp_out src/cmake_proto/build -I src/cmake_proto src/cmake_proto/bar/message.proto

Header guards:


There are three key differences here:

- The `WORKING_DIRECTORY` from which `protoc` is run from is `${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}`
- The `--cpp_out` directory passed to `protoc` is `${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}`
- The `-I` include path passed to `protoc` does **not** include the folder where the proto file is found

Being able to control these 3 items would give the flexibility required to use this tool in the above setup.

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skebanga (reporter)
2016-04-25 11:11

Here is an implementation which I've come up with - may be of use?


    set(values CPP_OUT CWD)
    set(lists INCLUDE PROTO)
    cmake_parse_arguments(PROTOC "${options}" "${values}" "${lists}" "${ARGN}")




    foreach(PATH ${PROTOC_INCLUDE})
        list(FIND _protobuf_include_path ${PATH} _contains_already)
        if(${_contains_already} EQUAL -1)
                list(APPEND _protobuf_include_path -I ${PATH})

    foreach(FILE ${PROTOC_PROTO})

        get_filename_component(ABS_FILE ${FILE} ABSOLUTE)

        # convert path of input file into path of output file

        get_filename_component(FILE_DEST ${BIN_DEST} DIRECTORY)
        get_filename_component(FILE_WE ${BIN_DEST} NAME_WE)

        list(APPEND ${SRCS} "${FILE_DEST}/${FILE_WE}")
        list(APPEND ${HDRS} "${FILE_DEST}/${FILE_WE}.pb.h")

                --cpp_out ${PROTOC_CPP_OUT} ${_protobuf_include_path} ${ABS_FILE}
                "Running C++ protocol buffer compiler on ${FILE}"

    set_source_files_properties(${${SRCS}} ${${HDRS}} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE)
    set(${SRCS} ${${SRCS}} PARENT_SCOPE)
    set(${HDRS} ${${HDRS}} PARENT_SCOPE)
Brad King (manager)
2016-04-25 11:28

Re 0016077:0040927: Thanks. Rather than introducing a whole new function for this, please look at extending protobuf_generate_cpp to parse ARGN and look for options activating such behavior. The defaults can simply fall back to current behavior.
Kitware Robot (administrator)
2016-06-10 14:29

Resolving issue as `moved`.

This issue tracker is no longer used. Further discussion of this issue may take place in the current CMake Issues page linked in the banner at the top of this page.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-04-22 17:09 skebanga New Issue
2016-04-25 11:11 skebanga Note Added: 0040927
2016-04-25 11:28 Brad King Note Added: 0040928
2016-06-10 14:29 Kitware Robot Note Added: 0042988
2016-06-10 14:29 Kitware Robot Status new => resolved
2016-06-10 14:29 Kitware Robot Resolution open => moved
2016-06-10 14:29 Kitware Robot Assigned To => Kitware Robot
2016-06-10 14:31 Kitware Robot Status resolved => closed

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