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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005919CMakeModulespublic2007-10-20 17:312008-07-23 02:54
ReporterMiguel Figueroa 
Assigned ToMiguel Figueroa 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0005919: Updating FindImageMagick to find new utilities.
DescriptionI have attached a patch for the ImageMagick binaries module. This module has been rewritten for added flexibility. For example, the current module searches only for 5 utilities (i.e., mogrify, convert, import, montage, and composite), while now through the FIND_PACKAGE COMPONENTS command you can specify the other 6 binaries available and any other that still doesn't exist. For example:


Current ImageMagick tools are:


TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon FindImageMagick.cmake [^] (4,166 bytes) 2007-10-20 17:55


Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-20 17:55

I was asked by Alex Neundorf:
> > > Why do you use FIND_PATH() instead of FIND_PROGRAM() ?
> > > Then you wouldn't have to care for the different suffixes.

To which I commented:
> > Something like this should work:
> >
> > FIND_PROGRAM(ImageMagick_mogrify_EXECUTABLE mogrify ...)
> > ImageMagick_mogrify_EXECUTABLE PATH
> > )

However, I changed my mind after thinking it through... :) The two forms look like this:

  NAMES mogrify mogrify.exe
  DOC "Path to the ImageMagick binary directory."


  NAMES mogrify
  DOC "Path to the ImageMagick mogrify binary directory."
    ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR ImageMagick_mogrify_EXECUTABLE PATH)

I find that the former is cleaner than the latter since what I'm really interested is in the ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR.

Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-20 20:50

If Bug 0005920 gets applied, its use can be incorporated into this module.
Alex Neundorf (developer)
2007-10-21 17:23

Hardcoding .exe is not good, e.g. using CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX would be better.

What is the reason you're not using FIND_PROGRAM() ?

Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-21 18:17

Well, there is the extra code (GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT ...), but I'm really thinking in terms of interface design... The way it works is that if I have a:

FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick REQUIRED convert)

Then the following variables will be specified:


But ImageMagick_mogrify_EXECUTABLE will not be set, because I didn't ask for it. However, if I ran CMakeSetup, I may have had to specify the location of mogrify to get the ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR.

Of course, maybe I'm just being me (very picky ;) ) and I should just always set ImageMagick_mogrify_EXECUTABLE, but then it all just seems as too much patch work.

So, the way I'm thinking is that I need to find ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR, hence FIND_PATH is what I want. CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX would work for me.

Of course, I'm also avoiding the FIND_PROGRAM in the loop for the rest of the components. I'm using IF(EXISTS ...) there, but this is to avoid putting more variables in the CACHE (as the Modules/readme.txt suggests). In this case I think I should also use CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX.

Alex Neundorf (developer)
2007-10-22 05:20

There are two problems I see with FIND_PATH():

- the suffix (can be solved with CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)

- does FIND_PATH() also look in $PATH and the other executable directories specified in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROGRAM_PATH ?
I think it doesn't.

I would suggest searching the first executable using FIND_PROGRAM(), then use GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT() to get the dir.

Then you can use FIND_PROGRAM() with that directory and NO_DEFAULT_PATH for the other executables (or do it the way you did it).

Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2008-07-23 02:54

Applied patch:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/FindImageMagick.cmake,v <-- FindImageMagick.cmake
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4


 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-10-20 17:31 Miguel Figueroa New Issue
2007-10-20 17:31 Miguel Figueroa File Added: FindImageMagick.cmake
2007-10-20 17:32 Miguel Figueroa Status new => assigned
2007-10-20 17:32 Miguel Figueroa Assigned To => Miguel Figueroa
2007-10-20 17:55 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009518
2007-10-20 17:55 Miguel Figueroa File Deleted: FindImageMagick.cmake
2007-10-20 17:55 Miguel Figueroa File Added: FindImageMagick.cmake
2007-10-20 20:50 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009519
2007-10-21 17:23 Alex Neundorf Note Added: 0009520
2007-10-21 18:17 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009521
2007-10-22 05:20 Alex Neundorf Note Added: 0009522
2008-07-23 02:54 Miguel Figueroa Status assigned => closed
2008-07-23 02:54 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0012807
2008-07-23 02:54 Miguel Figueroa Resolution open => fixed

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