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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005007CMakeModulespublic2007-05-10 03:252007-12-08 10:09
ReporterSteven Van Ingelgem 
Assigned ToMiguel Figueroa 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0005007: FindwxWidgets.cmake on universal binary @ mac

If you have compiled wxWidgets with --enable-universal-binary on a Mac (v2.8.3), the following will return when you do wx-config --libs core:
-L/opt/local/lib -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch ppc -arch i386 -framework QuickTime -framework IOKit -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework System -lwx_mac_core-2.8 -lwx_base_carbon-2.8

What the problem here is that he:
1) gives a warning on the /Developer directory
2) includes the ppc & i386 as libraries (-lppc & -li386)

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespatch file icon FindwxWidgets.cmake.patch [^] (845 bytes) 2007-10-13 04:51 [Show Content]
? file icon FindwxWidgets.cmake [^] (24,111 bytes) 2007-10-13 05:27


Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-12 21:54

Reminder sent to: Steven Van Ingelgem

Could you test a patch for this bug?
Steven Van Ingelgem (reporter)
2007-10-13 04:35

Ofcourse! Where can I find the patch file?
Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-13 04:53

Steven, you can try applying the uploaded patch to the current CVS FindwxWidgets.cmake. If it works I'll apply it to the repository.
Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-13 04:56
edited on: 2007-10-13 04:57

Reminder sent to: Steven Van Ingelgem

Hello Steven,

I'm new to this mantis thing... I just uploaded a patch and posted a note. Did you automatically get that note? Or does it go out only to people monitoring the issue?


Steven Van Ingelgem (reporter)
2007-10-13 05:15

I got the note, but not a patch... Is it in CVS as I don't see any sign of it...
Also, could you add support for the SVN trunk version of wxWidgets? (just add a '29' field everywhere where you find a '28' one).

Maybe you can just send me the updated file and I'll check it here immediately
Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-10-13 05:31


I can't send you the file, because I don't have your e-mail... I'm sending this through the mantis interface. You can contact me directly at miguelf at ieee dot org.

However, there are two files I uploaded in the "attached files" section of the bug report in mantis: [^]

The FindwxWidgets.cmake is the easiest to try out, since you only need to replace it for the current one on your installation.

I'll make the 2.9 change.

Miguel Figueroa (developer)
2007-11-12 17:02

This has been applied to CVS/HEAD (FindwxWidgets rev 1.9).

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-08-23 14:07 Alex Neundorf Category CMake => Modules
2007-10-12 11:38 Bill Hoffman Assigned To Bill Hoffman => Miguel Figueroa
2007-10-12 21:54 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009460
2007-10-13 04:35 Steven Van Ingelgem Note Added: 0009461
2007-10-13 04:51 Miguel Figueroa File Added: FindwxWidgets.cmake.patch
2007-10-13 04:53 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009462
2007-10-13 04:56 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009463
2007-10-13 04:57 Miguel Figueroa Note Edited: 0009463
2007-10-13 05:15 Steven Van Ingelgem Note Added: 0009464
2007-10-13 05:27 Miguel Figueroa File Added: FindwxWidgets.cmake
2007-10-13 05:31 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009465
2007-11-12 17:02 Miguel Figueroa Status assigned => resolved
2007-11-12 17:02 Miguel Figueroa Resolution open => fixed
2007-11-12 17:02 Miguel Figueroa Note Added: 0009670
2007-12-08 10:09 Miguel Figueroa Status resolved => closed

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