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Hi everyone, like you know i'm relative new the cmake and i'm
working my way through the book and the documentation but there is
something that i don't understand in the docs.
<p>I just want to write a macro that uses as first argument a list
and then iterates over it.</p>
<p>The docs show the example:</p>
<pre><span class="highlighted">macro</span>(_BAR)
foreach(arg IN LISTS ARGN)
<p>So i wrote this macro:</p>
<p>macro(bsPrintList list)</p>
<p> foreach(l IN LISTS ARGN)</p>
<p> message(STATUS "List entry: ${l})<br>
<p> endforeach()<br>
<p>I tried all sorts of combinations like foreach(l ${list}) etc.
but come to no result =(.</p>
<p>This is a really easy questin so i hope someone can explain to me
what i'm doing wrong here, next part i'm going to learn are
functions and how to handle their arguments...</p>
<p>best regards!<br>