[CMake] further configuration of generated projects outside of CMake?

hex hex7c3 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 20:03:24 EDT 2019

hi everyone,

There are many generators supported in CMake. A CMake build system 
allows me to generate the preferred build environment for everyone, 
visual studio, eclipse, ninja you name it.

The problem I see with this is that projects are generated output files, 
and even if that gives everyone the starting point in the way he/she is 
used to, they will probably want to further customize their project 
preferences. But every build folder, every library that is added to the 
project sources later on in CMake must be reflected in those projects as 
well. This means any customizations done outside of CMake is lost.

I cannot see how to overcome this limitation. What is the workflow for 
generated projects here?

Another question, I didn't know there is a generator for sublime text 2:


Is the source code for generators available? I think it would be fun 
adding some improvements.

best regards!

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