[CMake] Embedded build using ExternalProject

Torsten at Robitzki.de Torsten at Robitzki.de
Thu Jun 27 09:09:20 EDT 2019

Hi Eric,

> Am 27.06.2019 um 13:06 schrieb Eric Doenges <doenges at mvtec.com>:
> I can't help you with your other issues, but I believe the solution to this problem is to specify "BUILD_ALWAYS TRUE" in your ExternalProject_Add. From the documentation for ExternalProject_Add:
> Enabling this option forces the build step to always be run. This can be the easiest way to robustly ensure that the external project’s own build dependencies are evaluated rather than relying on the default success timestamp-based method. This option is not normally needed unless developers are expected to modify something the external project’s build depends on in a way that is not detectable via the step target dependencies (e.g. SOURCE_DIR is used without a download method and developers might modify the sources in SOURCE_DIR).

I’ve applied this option and will see if it helps.


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