[CMake] How do you test partial rebuilds?
Jaymie Strecker
jstrecker-cmake at kosada.com
Wed Jun 12 14:43:08 EDT 2019
The solution we arrived at was to write a https://behat.org/ <https://behat.org/> backend to perform automated tests of our incremental builds. The Behat backend copies the project's source tree to a temporary folder, then runs a scripted test suite on it, which looks like this:
Feature: Incremental builds
Check that modifying certain source files causes certain build steps to be performed (or not performed).
Scenario: Editing a core type header
Given a completed build
When I edit type/integer.h
And I build
Then it should update lib/MyFramework.framework/Headers/integer.h
And it should update lib/MyFramework.framework/MyFramework
And it should update bin/MyApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/MyFramework.framework/Headers/integer.h
And it should update bin/MyApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/MyFramework.framework/MyFramework
And it should update the compiler's cache
Scenario: …
Feature: Compiler developer mode
Check that compiler developer mode properly reduces build dependencies,
to reduce edit-compile-run cycle time when working on the compiler.
Scenario: Enabling compiler developer mode
Given a completed build
When I run CMake with arguments "-DCOMPILER_DEVELOPER=ON"
And I build
Then it shouldn't do anything
Scenario: Editing a compiler source file when in compiler developer mode
Given a completed build
When I edit compiler/compiler.cc <http://compiler.cc/>
And I build
Then it should update lib/libMyCompiler.a
And it should update bin/my-compiler
But it shouldn't update the compiler's cache
And it shouldn't update bin/something-compiled-using-my-compiler
Scenario: …
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