[CMake] Using CMake with Visual Studio 2017 on Windows
Osman Zakir
osmanzakir90 at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 20 07:01:57 EDT 2018
I recently tried to build the Jinja2Cpp library on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017. I had managed to do this successfully before, but when I tried it again this time after deleting the `Jinja2Cpp` directory and cloning from the GitHub repo again, I had errors in CMake and couldn't generate files correctly.
I've attached three files to this email. One is a text file I made myself by copy-pasting the output I got from my CMake build attempt. The other two are the log files mentioned in said output.
Note: The command I had used was "cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install".
I opened an issue for this at the Jinja2Cpp GitHub repo as well; here: https://github.com/flexferrum/Jinja2Cpp/issues/75 . I want to try to edit the CMakeLists.txt file to use Clang instead if I can't get it to work with Visual Studio, but for now I want to try getting it to work with Visual Studio.
Can't Build Jinja2Cpp on Windows with Visual Studio 2017 Anymore · Issue #75 · flexferrum/Jinja2Cpp<https://github.com/flexferrum/Jinja2Cpp/issues/75>
Just now, just to check, I tried to build the library on Windows again by cloning fresh into Jinja2Cpp, updating the submodule, and then running cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install and got this...
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