July 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 04:36:59 EDT 2018
Ending: Tue Jul 31 21:46:44 EDT 2018
Messages: 187
- [CMake] [Error] While compiling as a pre requirement of a software
Innokentiy Alaytsev
- [CMake] Boost + CMake + Windows + Sanity -> Possible?
Innokentiy Alaytsev
- [CMake] Development Workflow with CMake and VS2017
Innokentiy Alaytsev
- [CMake] CMAKE_ARGS for FetchContent
Mads Andreasen
- [CMake] CMAKE_ARGS for FetchContent
Mads Andreasen
- [CMake] Do transitive interace includes propagate to compilation of Fortran sources?
Zaak Beekman
- [CMake] Do transitive interace includes propagate to compilation of Fortran sources?
Zaak Beekman
- [CMake] find_package: keyword REQUIRED ignored
Rolf Eike Beer
- [CMake] find_package: keyword REQUIRED ignored
Rolf Eike Beer
Andrew Bell
- [CMake] Babel Frage
Kornel Benko
- [CMake] Babel Frage
Kornel Benko
- [CMake] .def files since CMake 3.10 in Linux
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] .def files since CMake 3.10 in Linux
Patrick Boettcher
- [CMake] Fortran and cmake_depends
Joshua Buckner
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
Stefan Buschmann
- [CMake] Is this an intended change to cmake behavior in cmake 3.12?
Buster, James
- [CMake] structuring installation folders for relocatable multi-platform installations
John Butterfield
- [CMake] how to deprecate a target?
- [CMake] Different INSTALL target settings per project
- [CMake] Changing link flags for one target
- [CMake] Adding a target to 'all' that was previously excluded
- [CMake] How to specify library dir for imported interface?
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
- [CMake] AUTOUIC generated headers not found by lib that uses lib with headers
Jim Carroll
- [CMake] Make clean infelicity for Fortran submodules
William Clodius
- [CMake] CMAKE fortran mod directories search paths awkwardness
William Clodius
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
- [CMake] FindMPI and version
Clune, Thomas L. (GSFC-6101)
- [CMake] Beginning to compiling CMake file
- [CMake] Beginning to compiling CMake file
- [CMake] Lib prefix: Windows vs. Unix/MinGW convention
Olivier Croquette
- [CMake] Concurrency issues with copy_if_different
Olivier Croquette
- [CMake] Parallel builds and auto generated header files
Robert Dailey
- [CMake] Add Windows library dependency
J Decker
- [CMake] Beginning to compiling CMake file
Michael Ellery
- [CMake] order of includes seems wrong (or please help me understand)
Mario Emmenlauer
- [CMake] order of includes seems wrong (or please help me understand)
Mario Emmenlauer
- [CMake] ccmake command missing from 3.12.0 RC releases
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] ccmake command missing from 3.12.0 RC releases
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] include dirs from EPs not added to project for in-source builds on windows
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] include dirs from EPs not added to project for in-source builds on windows
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] include dirs from EPs not added to project for in-source builds on windows
Miklos Espak
- [CMake] Parallel builds and auto generated header files
Andrew Fuller
- [CMake] How to specify library dir for imported interface?
Francis Giraldeau
- [CMake] How to specify library dir for imported interface?
Francis Giraldeau
- [CMake] How do I use install() with targets that might not be built?
Francis Giraldeau
Nils Gladitz
- [CMake] groups of ascii nul ('\0) characters inserted into make output but this just occurs for parallel builds
Nils Gladitz
- [CMake] how to deprecate a target?
Bram de Greve
- [CMake] how to deprecate a target?
Bram de Greve
- [CMake] FindPython.cmake in older CMake version
Bram de Greve
- [CMake] CMake all_object_files target
Raphael Grimm
- [CMake] Using CMake to link C++ and CUDA Object file
Quang Ha
- [CMake] Using CMake to link C++ and CUDA Object file
Quang Ha
- [CMake] CMake tried to pass all flags from gcc into nvcc when trying to add CUDA extension to current CPP project
Quang Ha
- [CMake] CMAKE doesn't pass NVCC flags?
Quang Ha
- [CMake] CMAKE doesn't pass NVCC flags?
Quang Ha
- [CMake] CMake for CUDA with MPICC still using gcc to link?
Quang Ha
- [CMake] CMake for CUDA with MPICC still using gcc to link?
Quang Ha
- [CMake] Add Windows library dependency
Theodore Hall
- [CMake] Cannot prevent import library from being created with VS generator
Jason Heeris
- [CMake] Cannot prevent import library from being created with VS generator
Jason Heeris
- [CMake] How do I use install() with targets that might not be built?
Jason Heeris
Michael Hennebry
Michael Hennebry
Michael Hennebry
Michael Hennebry
- [CMake] groups of ascii nul ('\0) characters inserted into make output but this just occurs for parallel builds
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] groups of ascii nul ('\0) characters inserted into make output but this just occurs for parallel builds (SOLVED)
Alan W. Irwin
- [CMake] CMake 3.12 rc2 to rc3 Regression
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMake 3.12 rc2 to rc3 Regression
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] CMake 3.12 rc2 to rc3 Regression
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] Packaging dylibs into app bundles
Michael Jackson
- [CMake] ccmake command missing from 3.12.0 RC releases
Brad King
- [CMake] Is this an intended change to cmake behavior in cmake 3.12?
Brad King
- [CMake] Is this an intended change to cmake behavior in cmake 3.12?
Brad King
- [CMake] how to deprecate a target?
Petr Kmoch
- [CMake] CMake, Visual Studio, do not generate absolute paths
Petr Kmoch
- [CMake] Adding a target to 'all' that was previously excluded
Petr Kmoch
- [CMake] issue with CPack: RPM package was not generated!
Miroslav Kubiczek
- [CMake] issue with CPack: RPM package was not generated!
Miroslav Kubiczek
Dan Liew
- [CMake] [Error] While compiling as a pre requirement of a software
Haocheng Liu
- [CMake] Development Workflow with CMake and VS2017
Mateusz Loskot
- [CMake] Packaging dylibs into app bundles
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] Packaging dylibs into app bundles
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] Packaging dylibs into app bundles
Harry Mallon
- [CMake] When is the TARGET_NAME generator expression necessary?
Razvan Maris
- [CMake] ccmake command missing from 3.12.0 RC releases
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.12.0-rc2 is ready for testing
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] Using CMake to link C++ and CUDA Object file
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] Using CMake to link C++ and CUDA Object file
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] CMake tried to pass all flags from gcc into nvcc when trying to add CUDA extension to current CPP project
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.12.0-rc3 is ready for testing
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] Lib prefix: Windows vs. Unix/MinGW convention
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] Concurrency issues with copy_if_different
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] [ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.12.0 available for download
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] CMake 3.12 rc2 to rc3 Regression
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] AUTOUIC generated headers not found by lib that uses lib with headers
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] order of includes seems wrong (or please help me understand)
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] CMake for CUDA with MPICC still using gcc to link?
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] CMake for CUDA with MPICC still using gcc to link?
Robert Maynard
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Stephen McDowell
- [CMake] Packaging dylibs into app bundles
Stephen McDowell
- [CMake] CMAKE doesn't pass NVCC flags?
Stephen McDowell
- [CMake] Transcriber AG
Dmitry Mikushin
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
Andreas Naumann
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles / Ninja Generator
Alexander Neundorf
- [CMake] CMake triggers Windows Defender
Isaiah Norton
- [CMake] Parallel builds and auto generated header files
Isaiah Norton
- [CMake] ENOEXEC exit code from ctest on FreeBSD
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] issue with CPack: RPM package was not generated!
Eric Noulard
- [CMake] CMake triggers Windows Defender
Petak, Jim
- [CMake] wix msi csharp dotnet project type
Petar Petrov
- [CMake] Who want find_package(ImGui)?
Konstantin Podsvirov
- [CMake] Get compiler command line (or json compilation database) for a target
Roman Popov
- [CMake] Get compiler command line (or json compilation database) for a target
Roman Popov
- [CMake] Get compiler command line (or json compilation database) for a target
Roman Popov
- [CMake] find_package: keyword REQUIRED ignored
- [CMake] Development Workflow with CMake and VS2017
- [CMake] Development Workflow with CMake and VS2017
- [CMake] ENOEXEC exit code from ctest on FreeBSD
Anoop C S
- [CMake] Using Different Computers for cmake and ctest
Brian S
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Juan E. Sanchez
- [CMake] Changes to cmake_minimum_required() for 3.12
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] Changing link flags for one target
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] specifying path for license file for commercial compiler?
Hendrik Sattler
- [CMake] New CMake book released
Alfred Sawaya
- [CMake] Changes to cmake_minimum_required() for 3.12
Craig Scott
Craig Scott
- [CMake] CMAKE_ARGS for FetchContent
Craig Scott
- [CMake] CMAKE_ARGS for FetchContent
Craig Scott
- [CMake] New CMake book released
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Cannot import a project twice when cross compiling (as host-tool and for the target arch)
Craig Scott
- [CMake] CMake 3.12 rc2 to rc3 Regression
Craig Scott
- [CMake] issue with CPack: RPM package was not generated!
Craig Scott
- [CMake] Cannot import a project twice when cross compiling (as host-tool and for the target arch)
Settenvini, Matteo
- [CMake] Cannot import a project twice when cross compiling (as host-tool and for the target arch)
Settenvini, Matteo
- [CMake] Set flags for compiler check
Richard Shaw
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
- [CMake] New CMake book released
Steven Stallion
- [CMake] CMake triggers Windows Defender
- [CMake] CMake, Visual Studio, do not generate absolute paths
Jano Svitok
- [CMake] CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH is not considered when generating iOS XCode SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH
Trillmann, Jens
- [CMake] problem in finding netcdf library with cmake
Ufuk Turuncoglu
- [CMake] CMake, Visual Studio, do not generate absolute paths
Pedro Vicente
- [CMake] CPack multiple packages
Domen Vrankar
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles / Ninja Generator
Martin Weber
- [CMake] Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles / Ninja Generator
Martin Weber
- [CMake] Help: All resources failing to load upon building SFML project with CMake
William Webster
- [CMake] Equivalent of fixup_bundle for frameworks?
James Weir
- [CMake] Boost + CMake + Windows + Sanity -> Possible?
Wheeler, Gavin
- [CMake] wix msi csharp dotnet project type
J. Caleb Wherry
- [CMake] Cannot prevent import library from being created with VS generator
J. Caleb Wherry
- [CMake] Concurrency issues with copy_if_different
J. Caleb Wherry
J. Caleb Wherry
- [CMake] Different INSTALL target settings per project
Andrew White
- [CMake] Adding a target to 'all' that was previously excluded
Andrew White
- [CMake] Changing link flags for one target
Andrew White
- [CMake] find_package: keyword REQUIRED ignored
Mark De Wit
- [CMake] CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_MATCH not working ?
Michal Wozniak
- [CMake] Boost + CMake + Windows + Sanity -> Possible?
Dvir Yitzchaki
- [CMake] Development Workflow with CMake and VS2017
Dvir Yitzchaki
- [CMake] Changes to cmake_minimum_required() for 3.12
Johannes Zarl-Zierl
- [CMake] Querying project dependencies from the UNIX command-line
Johannes Zarl-Zierl
- [CMake] Querying project dependencies from the UNIX command-line
- [CMake] Querying project dependencies from the UNIX command-line
- [CMake] CPack multiple packages
- [CMake] Add Windows library dependency
- [CMake] [Error] While compiling as a pre requirement of a software
canny georgina
- [CMake] Transcriber AG
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
spacey_01 at outlook.com
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
spacey_01 at outlook.com
- [CMake] Beginners Guide to Cmake and Modern Cmake
spacey_01 at outlook.com
- [CMake] New CMake book released
masaru tsuchiyama
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 21:46:44 EDT 2018
Archived on: Tue Jul 31 21:46:48 EDT 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).