[CMake] CDash calendar button no longer works?

Thompson, KT kgt at lanl.gov
Wed Jan 17 16:02:23 EST 2018


The 'calendar' button in our CDash installation (v. 2.5.0) stopped working recently (no changes to our CDash installation and only regular security patches to the web server).  Everything else works fine.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to diagnose why my calendar no longer works?

BTW - the calendar works fine for https://open.cdash.org, so I don't think this is a browser issue.  There is probably something misconfigured on my web server, but I don't know where to start looking.

Thanks for any input you can provide.

Kelly (KT) Thompson
kgt at lanl.gov<mailto:kgt at lanl.gov>

Los Alamos National Laboratory
CCS-2, MS D409, TA-3/B-422/R-101

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